"I don't want to write any more essays." OTA also sighed, in qicq issued their own feelings.

Kota is also a co novelist. He cooperates with painters and is responsible for publishing co authorship on cm.

Don't say, what he wrote is very popular.

However No more.

"What's the situation?"

"Nani? OTA, don't give up treatment

"Wake up, Ota. You can save it!"

Just after he had sent a chat message, his friends sent messages one after another.

But it was a sigh from ODA.

"There's no money. There's no way." Said the other.

"Then go to work!" It was immediately said.

"It's impossible to work as a part-time worker. Only by writing can we make a living." That's what Ota said.

"What on earth do you want to say?"

"I mean, I'm going to create new works!"

OTA Chuo also originally with the humanities, probably is to barely maintain the appearance of life.

But the reason why the same person is the same person lies in its "non-commercial" characteristics.

What's more, OTA also wrote about his colleagues.

OTA also recently wrote, is a magic girl Naiye with a humanities, in last year's winter cm sales still passable.

Originally, he was going to do more this year.

However, the weather is unpredictable. Some time ago, ODA had a serious illness, although cured, but his savings have been very little.

Koda, who began to be in debt, could no longer maintain his own otaku life with his co creative career.

In fact, it could have been, but last month, after playing the game of boundless, he sacrificed his last living expenses.

And then No, then.

OTA chuiya's imperial house life was thus fragmented.

It's a sad story.

"I'm going to write the original." That's what Ota said.

"Oh, ooh, oho, Kota, do you want to transform to be a real novelist?"

"General direction or 18x content?"

Is OTA going to go ashore?

A group of people asked one after another.

"It's not like that." He said, "actually, it's an invitation from DW. Gentlemen, I want to go to my favorite club and write original works. Ha ha ha ha ha

Well, the feeling guy is here to show off!

"No way! How can OTA be favored by society D! "

"No way! impossible! How can this happen? "

"False! Absolutely false! This is a fake

however, make complaints about netizens' Tucao, Xiaotian laughed: "remnants, but this is true!"

"No, is it because of Naier's novel

"Last year's content is about the fall of midzelda's new magician during the alien exploration..."

"Before that, it was the prayer of the crown of evil, captured by the monster in the sewer, and then sank..."

Group friends began to dig step by step.

"That's why!" Ota is very happy to admit, "my talent, has been recognized!"

Although Ota is a stink, in fact, what he said is really right.

In fact, senxia and Qianjia started to put into action after the discussion was clear.

According to the second generation of Mu teacher's suggestion, they need a lot of creation as the guidance of the game.

In other words It's guantuo.

In the game, the so-called "development" of some players must be guided by the official, and such stories also need official help to make templates.

Then, through this mode, it can help players shape characters and stories.

Such a thing is hard to imagine in a big eastern country.

Although PVE sounds very good, there are few people who really have the spirit of role-playing among some big Eastern countries.

- for example, in another line, the so-called PVE server in world of Warcraft of a big eastern country has only one server on the golden plain, which explains everything.

This kind of "role play" and "story building" are carried out from the root. Players need to start from the naming of characters. The naming of characters should be in line with the background of the story. They can't take strange names like "call me God Lord".

But in mud boom, it's different - players in this country are basically the most role-playing players.

But such a group of players also needs some guidance and leadership.

The reason why Sen Xia asked DW society to recruit such scripts was to create "models" that could be played by players themselves.That is to teach others how to do it.

One of the reasons why OTA was selected is that his book is good in the small circle, and the other reason is that the theme of his article is unexpectedly in line with the world outlook of the land of no owner.

In fact, the book he wrote last time can be transplanted into the game by slightly modifying the background.

However, Xiaotian doesn't know this.

After stinking on the Internet for a period of time, ODA turned back and looked at his own text again.

This text is some content that DW sent him to see.

"This new game is mass creation..."

Noda touched his chin and thought.

His situation, far from his own in the network fart so good. In fact, when they were found by DW, many people had already been selected.

The official news to him is that "our new game is a new game developed by players and creators together".

In addition to OTA chuiya, there are many people in the industry who have been selected.

So at this moment, OTA chuiya is thinking about how he should be able to stand out among a group of people.

How could I possibly lose to you guys!

He thought, then looked at the official information.

This is a science fiction background story, content Content is almost nothing.

The whole story, only a lone background board.

The content of the background board is that the Empire has entered an era of prosperity, and they have started the exploration of the universe. At this time, a rare and livable planet on the border has been discovered.

Then the pioneers from the Empire came to this place.

And then And then there was none.







Basically, it's completely a new edition.

Although it is a science fiction background, the story, by accident, has so-called "super power elements", and in the given very few backgrounds, it seems that there are "evil spirits" on the planet.

And then there was none.

And this background, let alone science fiction, magic can also be written.

In other words, it's an environment with everything but nothing.

Kazuo OTA has a headache


Today's second shift.

There is no such thing as HEIDAI Sad story

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