In the early years, people's mind was quite pure.

In a big eastern country, when people see these pre installed software, what they think of at the first moment is not the so-called "rogue software", but "surprise".

This kind of feeling is like buying a double CD game for a large game, and then discovering that there are many games attached to the second CD.

It's a great surprise.

After discovering that qicq was pre installed on the machine, he wanted to see what was left in the system.

There is no mine sweeping and other win games in the game - because the giant hardware is not authorized - but there are more games.

The most conspicuous is the snake.

This game Zhang Xingyue knows, because his father's Nokia mobile phone, there is this game.

The second game is a game called fighting landlords, and the third game is 3D pinball.

Well, the third game is senxia jiehu's 3D pinball. Although it is not the same as WinXP, but this game represents the evil taste of senxia.

And the last game is gem puzzle, which Zhang Xingyue has never played.

However, after he opened the game and tried it, he knew what the so-called "gem maze" was.

"Why, WPS of Jinshan?"

After that, he found that there were not only games, but also a three piece office set.

It was a surprise.

What's more, this three piece office set is still made in China!

He opened the word and the form curiously.

"Why? It opened in the same window? "

He clearly opened two software, but found that these two software, there is only one window!

"This tag is the same as that of a web page..."

The official browser is a multi label browser. This concept has also been introduced by senxia to the official resource manager and word processing tool, which is customized by senxia from Jinshan.

The power of multi label is absolutely clear to everyone who changes to another world line - this is a function that can't be returned when used.

Plus the super taskbar, the interactive logic of Mori has reached the best state Kirin can do.

Zhang Xingyue soon became familiar with this set of multi label logic, which was very comfortable.

Let's see what other uses Eh, this taskbar

Compared with Win9x, the interactive logic of the super taskbar with only one big icon is completely different from other systems.

Moreover, when his mouse moves to the screen, a window "Preview" screen appears below.

"Can it be like this?! It's so cool

After Zhang Xingyue saw this function, the whole person was shocked.

He casually click, the screen will switch to his just opened snake interface.

The interface is gray, but after switching, it turns to color and starts running again.

In most cases, the multitasking of dc-p and Kirin computers is "pseudo multitasking".

In fact, this is moriha's rotten "tombstone mechanism" referring to IOS.

The so-called tombstone mechanism is to suspend the software after the program is switched to the background. The software itself will not run in the background, so it gives people a very smooth feeling - because there is no multitasking and backstage drag, it will naturally be very smooth.

Moreover, Kirin has learned from the experience of IOS. The installation and push of software go directly through the official application channel, rather than letting the software play tricks, so it is very smooth to use.

Of course, if it's multitasking, Kirin's computer will be almost wasted by the PC. after all, Juqiang and I's are not vegetarians, which is one reason why Juqiang doesn't think Kirin computer is a threat.

"Real backstage" can not do the computer, is still a computer?

Professionals are basically of this view.

"Horizontal slot, this display desktop is super cool!"

At this time, Zhang Xingyue found another super easy to use function of Qilin computer.

That's "show desktop.".

Under win, the display desktop function is in a menu called "shortcut menu" on the left side of the start menu. It is not convenient to click it. However, under Kirin computer, as long as the mouse moves to the lower right corner without brain, the desktop can be displayed. It is very cool!


"The start menu is also very powerful Win's can't compare... "

Win7 logic start menu, and win below is not the same, but this feeling is very good.

In fact, Mori prefers the start menu logic under win10. The left side is the start menu, and the right side is the optional application. This is the best.However, the interaction logic of the function itself is slightly different from the current system style, so the function is still in debugging.

It doesn't matter. After the style and logic are adjusted, we can develop a new generation of iterative upgrade version! Ha ha ha ha!

Upgrade, that's what we play.

"Is this the app store?"

After opening the task menu, he found that the top of the task menu was an "app store" icon.

He opened the app store.

Then, he found that the software is similar to the game management software he saw in the Internet bar.

In some Internet cafes, after opening the computer, the computer will automatically open a game list menu, which is similar to the app store.

"This is Games Office software Lying trough, can it still be like this? "

This download system was made by Sen Xia referring to the future mobile phone application market. Zhang Xingyue saw this interface, as if grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, dazzled.

Plants vs. Zombies, calendars, input methods, players, from games to software, can be said to have everything.

"This is the theme store It turns out that not only can we change the background Is this dynamic? "

It's big enough for Kirin's eyes.

So many functions, so strong ability, Kirin computer, really great!

"This is live? Webcast? Can you watch TV online? E3 live? There's still a week to go. Can I have a look? Oh, live broadcasting requires a minimum of 2m network Oh, just right. "

These two years are the era of network development in a big eastern country. 2M and 4m broadband have also been installed. Zhang Xingyue's rental house happens to have one installed. Although it is shared by several people, most of the time, those people are engaged in dating or staying in hotels. Basically, he is the only one who can use the Internet!

Well, isn't that a great thing?

But thinking of this, Zhang Xingyue's heart, do not know how, a little delicate sadness


The author Jun can spend 100 ocean a month in University, 40 cents of meat bag, 30 cents of vegetable bag, 10 times a day, a month, that's still the matter of 09-13 years

Meow of the first watch

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