More than 3000 yuan, old Liu was also moved.

Even with the network, peripherals and other equipment, the top day is more than 4000.

Old Liu's family is OK, after no girlfriend, he wants to squeeze out so much money, still have no problem.

"It's on the other side of the computer city. Oh, by the way, when I bought a computer, the shopkeeper said, "if I take someone over, I can give you a discount." Zhang Xingyue said.

"Oh, it's a good feeling." Old Liu has come to the spirit.

Discount! There is a discount!

"I'll show you when you're free." Zhang Xingyue said.

"I'm free now! Let's choose a better day. How about going today? "

Zhang Xingyue looked at the content he was downloading.

It will take several hours to complete all these contents. However, the machine itself supports the function of automatic shutdown and breakpoint continuous transmission after downloading. It is OK to download here.

"No problem. You can get ready. We'll go now."


After changing their clothes, they left the room and took the bus to the computer city in the city.

Zhang Xingyue took Lao Liu for a long time and then came to Qilin computer store.

"Lying trough, this place looks very tall and high..."

After Lao Liu came, he was bluffing by the decoration.

The decoration mode of Qilin computer's franchised stores in a big oriental country is unified. Well, it is designed according to the store of a fruit company in the future.

Due to the issue of the ban, there are not many so-called "game machines" in a big eastern country.

But there are quite a few similar machines in Kirin computer's exclusive stores.

There are not only ordinary Kirin computers, but also many electronic products including x-reader, and a lot of peripherals.

On one side of the wall, there is a white bookshelf, and on the bookshelf are software boxes of software. These software boxes are placed neatly, but they are very compelling.

Not only that.

On these walls, there are many books, some are e-books, some are e-books with physical books.

This is what the X reader uses.

"I've seen a lot of people have this reader before. Didn't you buy one?" Asked Lao Liu.

"There are e-books over there. Although there are some games, they are mainly word adventure games. Most of these games have native versions on dc-p. this one is too small to like."

The price of this reader is very cheap, and Zhang Xingyue is also attracted. But he thought about it later. He felt that he was not particularly attracted to those word adventure games, and the screen of the handheld computer was not as good as that of the desktop computer.

So he still didn't start.

"In fact, this machine also has a lot of fun games, but it can't be played in China." Zhang Xingyue said, "even if I buy it, I can only do Japanese. I can't read it without Chinese, and I don't have a handle. I have to change it myself. It's too troublesome."

X reader and Xbox handheld are also two sides of the same body, but the former is more castrated.

But if players can change it, they can still play Xbox games. In particular, the "pro" version, which imitates Wenqu star, even has buttons.

Of course, the operating comfort of Xbox is absolutely 18 streets.

"Oh, my classmates are here again!" The boss was a middle-aged man. Seeing Zhang Xingyue coming, he came over. His eyes were sharp and he noticed Lao Liu beside him. "You come to see the computer. Come on. Our Kirin computer here is very suitable for your college students."

"Boss, business is good." Lao Liu noticed that many people had been buying computers for a while.

"Well, Kirin computers are better looking than other computers. They are cheap and can play good games. They are also the best for learning."

In fact, many people use computers to play games. One of the most important reasons is that they don't know what computers can do.

Buying professional software and doing professional work are rare things for ordinary people and even for college students.

As for the computer city to buy games - we all go to the pirate dealers to buy a game disc for three yuan a game. In this way, there are many people who are distressed. It is impossible for them to buy a set of learning or office software.

However, in Kirin computer, it provides a lot of functions, and more importantly, these functions are free!

"We also have genuine software package here. It's five yuan a piece, and it's genuine." The boss said, "this is guaranteed. If you have a network, you can also upgrade it directly."

Well, in fact, it's a shared and free software. It's true that the genuine software is genuine, but in fact, the software itself is free"Boss, I brought my classmates to buy computers." Zhang Xingyue said, "can you give me a discount?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" As soon as the boss heard about this topic, he became more enthusiastic. The whole face was full of smiles. "Kirin computer has two models, the home version and the business version. You can buy the mainframe alone. But if you buy a monitor and a keyboard and mouse suit, I can give you a 20% discount on these accessories."

"What's the difference between home and business?" Lao Liu began to ask himself.

"The basic function is not bad, but the business edition can do fax printing, and can connect multiple monitors..."

The boss talked a lot, and after listening for a long time, Lao Liu understood: in other words, the business version has many more functions that are useless.

He doesn't print, he doesn't have to do conference presentations. These functions are useless.

"This handle is good." He noticed the handle next to the player.

"This is an external handle. If you want to play games with a computer, it's more comfortable to use the handle." The boss said, "if you want, I can make it cheaper for you."

"This is the legendary x handle..."

Although Lao Liu has not seen it, he has heard the so-called "the best handle in the world".

Anyway, the order of Phoenix said that its handle is the best in the world, and neither Sony nor Ren can refute it.

Because this is the best handle in the world now. This one can be.

"What is this?" He found a ball on the desktop, some like the small ball inside the mechanical mouse, but it was placed in the middle, and the size was also large.

"It's a trackball. It's ergonomically made. It's good for wrists. If you don't play fierce games, you can use it better." The boss graciously introduced, "you look at the selection, I will give you a discount."

Thank you very much

Lao Liu nodded.

Good for the wrist

Speaking of it, he played games a few days ago and took the mouse for a long time. It's really hard. It seems good to have this

Well, I'll take this one, too

This is just the beginning of Lao Liu's journey of chopping hands


Glass texture is not completely transparent, just texture, otherwise the performance hold will not hold, the article has never said about transparency.

The author has checked the spectrum of CRT / CCFL / LED and found that the spectrum of CRT is the best.

Meow of the first watch

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