At E3, the show was just over.

There was a carnival atmosphere throughout the conference.

No one expected that order a and order of Phoenix would make such a big surprise at the meeting.

This lively atmosphere, all of a sudden, pushed up the atmosphere of the venue.

The whole venue, as if experiencing a carnival, rather than a press conference.

However, when the first picture of the game appeared on the big screen, all the people on the scene realized that it was actually the game launch today.

The first video of the conference was a red dragon with open eyes.

When the Dragon opens his eyes, the picture gradually draws away. The shock of the Dragon pupil is almost suffocating.

From the nest awake dragon, waving its wings, flying in the sky.

With the wings of the dragon, the camera switches naturally, and more magical creatures appear on the screen.

At first, the audience was shocked by the image of the dragon, but they didn't find out what the game was.

However, with the appearance of the Velociraptor on the screen, some people began to think about it. Isn't this the magic game demonstrated last year?!

At the E3 exhibition last year, senxia demonstrated a lot of games here, and after this year, either released more news, or it has been listed for sale.

But in this, there is not a short video game demo, but there is no sound at all.

No, it's not just that there's no sound. Players have no news except the shocking pictures and the shock of hunting giant monsters.

However, because of its high quality, the video itself has always been hot. Many players in the mud boom have given this game that no one has ever known about as "fantasy game".

Then, at this year's E3 show, fantasy games finally appeared.

As an opening drama, it was shown in front of everyone like a raging wave. After discovering that it was a fantasy game, there were screams and shouts, as well as countless applause.

The picture follows the Velociraptor, and suddenly, a bow and arrow penetrates one of the speed dragons.

The hunter, dressed in heavy clothes, appears on the screen.

But then, the picture turns again, and a warrior holding a giant sword confronts with a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Behind him is a cliff.

Then, the picture turns again. In the deep valley, soldiers holding blade swords and female soldiers holding Taidao stand back to back, and dark shadow spiders flit across the darkness.

After that, the thunderstorm flashed, and a girl in white armor and quite cool, holding an amazing long gun, head-on to the shadow of light.

The music gradually excited up, and this time, the picture began to change, the battle began.

The group of speed dragons began to gallop. The soldier waved the bow and arrow on his hand to fight with it. Facing the approaching speed dragon, he directly pulled out the long arrow and penetrated it.

Thunderstorm dragon began to charge at the soldiers of the giant sword. The giant sword soldier who stepped into the desperate situation took up the huge sword and slapped it on the head of thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex. The thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex stepped back two steps, gave out a terrible roar, and then continued to move forward.

In the abyss, the two soldiers support each other and fight with the shadow spider. The two men relay with each other, and fight with the monster with the advantage of terrain.

The young Spearman rushed to the beast of light, riding the thunder and lightning, and tangled with the monster.

The camera zooms away, and finally, all of this comes into the eyes of the fire dragon. The red dragon leaps over forests, grasslands and mountains, and finally reaches a volcano.

Four heavily armed hunters are in front of him.

The Dragon roared.

In this, the opening CG, finally ended.

"Monster hunter --"

finally appeared in the title.

I don't know when the scene started, but there was no sound. Everyone was attracted by the CG.

In fact, in this CG paragraph, moriha did not refer to monster hunter, another world line, but to the beginning of world of Warcraft.

Well Yes, he is so shameless.

What's more, I'm afraid that wunaomang in CG will die miserably in the game

"This is my first new work, monster hunter."

Senxia is now on the stage again.

At the bottom of the quiet stage, I didn't seem to realize that CG had been played until I heard senxia's voice.

Cheers resounded through the venue again.

"Monster hunter is an action hunting game." Senxia began to introduce the game of monster hunter, "this is a game with the theme of hunting monsters."

When senxia talks, the screen behind her is showing the pictures in the game.This game is not completely finished, but the overall framework has been made. At this moment, it appears on the screen, which are several characters in the screen.

Although the monster hunters on the other world line, both men and women, are very strong, they are on the other world line.

Senxia is the monster hunter on the world line, and senxia's role reference and painting style reference Well, it's actually created by a comic book of monster hunter ecology by a teacher named ghost moon who can't be named.

At least, when Sen Xia made the setting, the painting style of the characters and costumes, on the premise of conforming to the world outlook, was leaning towards this side as much as possible.

Of course, not many people know the cartoon.

Because this cartoon, in fact Well, it's something gentlemen appreciate.

It is also because of the gentleman's appreciation of the content, so Sen Xia to keep this series in mind.

So when making the monster hunter of this world line, Mori did the human design according to the cartoon of that world line.

Well, the most direct result of this is that the most famous Kirin suit in the game, which shows the most flesh, has become more visible in the story, and Meizhi's figure has also become better.

In the CG just now, the scene of this sister paper rushing to Kirin with a gun has already fascinated countless audiences.

I have to say that this scene is really shocking.

It's so cool and unfriendly.

However, considering the sense of shock, senxia left the last shot to Xiong Huolong.

However, the male fire dragon is not the most shocking monster in the story. Some dragons can become "Scene" by themselves.

Such as mountain dragon, old mountain dragon and so on.

But the meal to eat a mouthful, at the beginning of the shocking news are released, the follow-up can not play.

After senxia explained it, a video of the demonstration was played on the machine.

This is a video that shows players hunting the king of Velociraptor. The protagonist of the story is a hunter with a big sword and wearing a Velociraptor suit.

"But I don't think this kind of hunting can make everyone enjoy it. I don't think it's convincing enough. " However, after the video was played, Mori, who stepped onto the stage, spoke again.

"However, our game supports multiplayer mode, allowing players to hunt with other players via LAN or Internet. I think maybe this kind of hunting is more interesting, such as So. "

The second demonstration begins.

This time, the opponent, turned into a boom dragon, four players around the dragon, in a difficult confrontation.

The level of shock of the battle between giant objects and human beings is obviously greater than that of the hunting of the Dragon King just now.

The volume of the dragon is obviously different from the speed Dragon King of the "new boss".

I have to say, "Monster Hunter" is a good game.

In the original world line, monster hunters were first launched on the PS2, but PS2's network support for the pit father led to this generation of monster hunters is not as well-known as the follow-up works.

After landing on the PSP platform, monster hunters began to shine.

The reason is that PSP allows players to conduct convenient online operations.

In fact, whether it is a home computer or a handheld platform is not a problem for the game itself. The future of monster hunter world has proved that.

But senxia this time, just directly in the early generation to the future of successful experience to learn from, so that players are familiar with such a set of operations.

Don't say, this effect is really very smooth, to see the scene in front of the players, eyes are straight.

"But I think we need something special in our hunting. For example, partner - "

a little cat appears in the picture. The cat with a small equipment is more behind the player step by step, which is really cute.

"For example, food --"

the screen switches to the kitchen, and a group of cats start to cook. Finally, a delicious barbecue is served for the hunter.

"For example, relax --"

the screen switches to the hot spring, and the younger sister in the swimsuit is enjoying the hot spring with her eyes closed

When the hot spring appeared on the screen, there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

Obviously, this kind of "killing must die" has aroused the resonance of players.

So why do you make people so ugly when you play games that look good?

As the president of Yan Kong Association, Sen Xia said that such things as sacrificing selfie for the sake of the so-called "truth" must be stopped most resolutely from the source.

"Accompanying cats are hunters' assistants and pets in the game. They can help hunters hunt and collect, manage their homes, or make delicious food for hunters." Senxia introduced, "of course, there is the biggest effect, that is, if the player is accidentally defeated by the prey, they will take the player back to the starting place and help the player to carry out treatment..."At this moment, there is a player in the screen. Under the Dragon chariot, the player has made a glorious sacrifice.

Then the cat will appear, drag the hunter back to the beginning of the map, and push the hunter from the cat cart.

Seeing the hunter with his buttocks falling to the sky, the audience all gave out a kind smile.

Senxia struck while the iron was hot: "the follower cat, like the hunter, also has various equipment and skills. The hunter can cultivate his followers well, which will be the help of the hunters. Of course, we also allow players to customize their own accompanying cats, such as this - or this - "

the accompanying cats of moxigan head and aircraft head appear on the screen, and the audience is laughing again.

After this piece of content broadcast finished, Sen Xia continued to speak.

"I'd like to introduce more features and interesting content to you, but we need to release a lot of content today, so let's start the next game."

It stopped abruptly.

The sudden end of "Monster Hunter" makes the audience feel a little itchy.

But this introduction is long enough.

Although players are still looking forward to it, senxia will not disclose more content to players.

At the end of the introduction of the game, many players have a feeling of eating.

No way, the beginning is such an impact of the game, the follow-up content, probably will not love it again.

And watch the network video players, this time simply opened the search interface, began to search and monster hunters related information.

Obviously, this super powerful hunting game, let them deeply fascinated.

Then they were attracted by the second opening animation.

"What is this?"

It's different from the cheers in the first paragraph of monster hunter.

When seeing the second animation, many people's first question is: what is this?

Ink style of the screen, so that players can not feel the head.

Then, the picture began to change, and a sound of swordsmanship sounded. A swordsman, a swordsman, walked in the water and ink landscape.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

The knowledgeable audience, when they see the animation, their eyes are straight, and many people make a more exaggerated voice than before.

Those ordinary players and viewers, although they do not know why they are so shocked, but this picture, still let them surprise.

"Oriental theme?" Many Western audiences immediately thought of this.

Because just last year, "Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon" appeared and won an Oscar.

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon, as a film with a box office of more than 200 million US dollars, has a high popularity and is also a window for many people to understand the so-called oriental culture.

Because of this, many people connect it.

The difference between the two sides is subtle, but it does not prevent them from taking their seats.

What's more, the beginning of the story is really good.

The whole picture is ink and wash, but the story is about a swordsman fighting with a group of people in the heavy rain after entering the city.

Although it is the style of Oriental City, but this kind of inexplicable Western Cowboy feel content, or let them surprise.

And in the eyes of those who know how to do it, they are even more surprised at the animation itself - darling, this is ink animation?!

There's also a great fight?!

Group A, how rich are you!


The author went into the pit because of the Druid night elf sister who opened CG in world of Warcraft. However, after seeing the night elf in the game, the author directly vomited three liters of blood

The author Jun went into the pit at that time, which was the strange hunting 3 of Wii. He also wrote a novel based on the elements, but it was harmonious. At that time, there was a reader who wanted me to finish the original, sad story

Two in one meow.

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