Zhao Kai is a new student.

But at the same time, he is also a Star chaser.

It may not be accurate to say that, because Zhao Kai is not a fanatical fan. He just likes teacher Jie's songs.

But star chasers are fashionable words these days, so Zhao Kai is happy to say that he is a Star chaser.

If you have the same hobby as sister paper, it is the best.

Well, at the beginning, he claimed that, in order to pretend, he would really buy some master Jie's tapes or CDs to show his identity.

But somehow, he felt like he was really stuck.

The reason is nothing else, because of teacher Jie stick's song It's really nice to hear him meow.

The master of this world line has been helped by the noble people. Compared with the other world line, he has made a lot earlier. Moreover, all the resources of the noble people are inclined.

Well, you are senxia.

Although Sen Xia also works as an artist, she is only a women's group in Nihong, and all the others are network anchors. In fact, Sen Xia's office is mainly prepared for network anchors. If artists want to make a debut in the future, they must follow the internet route.

But in a big eastern country next door, senxia has a teacher named Jie stick, which is a resource Of course, it's just a full tilt.

In fact, this incident was only a temporary initiative of Sen Xia at that time. If Mr. Jie Gung didn't sing any more, the business of the office in a big eastern country would all turn to the Internet and e-sports, and there would be no more resources to cultivate a star like Mr. Jie.

Senxia's office is not large in size, but it can't bear all the resources falling on one person.

Moreover, for some unspeakable reasons, auditing is a green light all the way. For the development of master Jie Gung, many people are envious of it, but there are fewer people who openly challenge and obstruct them.

So far, master Jie has produced two albums and several single songs, which is really popular in the whole country.

At the end of June, when the University was on holiday, Zhao Kai did not go home, but stayed in the magic capital where he went to school. As a young man from the third tier city to the metropolis, he liked the city very much.

In order to listen to master Jie's song, Zhao Kai bought Qilin computer.


It's very simple, because Kirin computer and Yamaha have cooperated to develop special audio peripherals, including the selected earphones of master Jie Gung.

Well, buy headphones from albums, conscience!

Thousands of earphones are frightening, but Zhao Kai knows it specially. It is said that the 1000 yuan earphone can even achieve the sound quality of many 2000 price earphones.

So Buy it, buy it!

Moving around and working, he finally managed to scrape up enough money.

Listen to "love before A.D." -- this world line, Jackie stick, made its debut earlier, and its album was released earlier.

"Oh, really It's scary

Just after entering the Internet, he found a message: Mr. Jie Gung's office reported some gossip magazines in Daiwan and some Hong Kong.

Zhao Kai has been following up this matter from the beginning.

The cause of the matter is like this. Mr. Jie Gung's development from Daiwan to the mainland has triggered a lot of news. Moreover, as a new pop star with his first album, this topic is obviously quite a lot.

Seeing the situation in the mainland, the paparazzi from a certain port came together.

To be exact, they found a good topic after seeing their colleagues in Daiwan, so they followed the hype together.

At this time, the official said directly: we master jieku is the only artist under his banner. We don't engage in gossip marketing or negative marketing. You talk nonsense.

This is what senxia did.

Nowadays, even after that, it is impossible for artists not to engage in gossip.

But as a big company with style, senxia can't fix these things, because these are the things that smaller companies will do.

History has proved that the hard power of master Jie's songs is absolute. If they engage in gossip, they will affect the "human setup".

So even if it's propaganda here, it's also about teacher Jie's "absolute sense of voice", or let him play "hero's track", or let him go to the university to communicate with other students and other grounded activities, so as to establish the image of master Jie as a red and expert Cough.

That's about it.

Of course, if Mr. Jie stick really wants to fall in love with some girls, the office will not stop it in principle, but if someone maliciously hypes it, don't blame us for being rude.

In a sense, in addition to being a human being, the office has a high degree of freedom in many cases.

Well, compare Buddhism.

Even, many things in the office are contrary to the common hype in this era. Many of the operations of the firm, for other entertainment companies, are "silly beeps" - operations, which will not only not improve the popularity, but even reduce the popularity.But Still can't beat!

People's appearance and popularity are very good, and the official strength is strong. After Qilin computers began to sell, Mr. Jie Gung's album appeared on every computer as the default listening music and watching MV.

The promotion of this kind of violence makes people kneel directly.

How angry, but I can't beat it! But there is no way!

What's more, the office belongs to the "outsider" who has money in hand, has people on his head, and doesn't rely on this business. Your hidden rules don't work.

In theory, it's true that people can drive people away, but they have 10000 ways to make it difficult for you.

What's more, you can find the artist's black material directly, and then blow the wind to some big oriental country, and you will be completely banned.

What's more, when people say hello to Nihong, they can give you a hundred ways to get rough. The market of mud boom is famous. It's not easy to develop there.

We all know the truth.

But for gossip magazine, such a new "white lotus" wants to dig out the black material, which must be an interesting news!

So all kinds of rumors began to fly.

The firm issued a statement, but it didn't work.

Zhao Kai and a series of fans are also watching the news step by step.

However, the firm is also the first iron firm to send a direct letter of warning.

Zhao Kai is reading all kinds of news at this time.

However, as far as the current news is concerned, it seems that these magazines have not made any response, and even some people are laughing at the office. It is obviously developing in the Asia Pacific region, but the lawyers are from the lighthouse country next door. It is really funny. This is not a rat problem, but invited the next door country dog to dog and mouse!

Again, yo, it's still for Disney's former lawyers who make children's products. This is even more funny.

Zhao Kai looked at him and held his breath. He was really upset.

But at this moment, he saw another game.

"By the way, initial sound!"

Today is the first tone public test day.

The opening activities of this music game is the theme of teacher Jie stick.

Master Jie is a big card player in this game. There are three activities in the early stage of the game. Master Jie is the first one to go on, and the one behind him is the old four day king of a port.

As a fan of master Jie stick, Zhao Kai is certainly the first one to play!

Besides, this kind of music game is also very interesting, isn't it!

The only artist, that's what they do.

The first sound of this game provides Kirin computer version and PC version, are free.

Zhao Kai has a Kirin computer, so he naturally chooses the Kirin version - and it is known by comparison that Qilin computer has the best image quality in the current "computer world".

That's of course, because people's comparison object is originally the host. If this can lose to the PC of this era, the technicians of the order of Phoenix can really eat the dirt.

The game was pre downloaded, so he logged in immediately after the server started.

The game provides several sets of servers, but at the beginning, the game still needs to wait for a long time.

Well, line up.

Because there are too many people logging into the game, they can only queue up.

But fortunately, because he was in a hurry to land, so a total of five minutes to enter the game.

After entering the game, the first is character creation.

The role of the game, you can adjust the basic body and appearance and so on.

However, because of the online game, the role adjustment range of the initial tone is not as powerful as that of the stand-alone game. After all, this is a music game. If the kneading system is too powerful, it will cause problems in the performance of the game.

Zhao Kai chooses a man - he has a clear goal. After entering the game, he starts with the whole set of clothes of master Jiegu, and then creates his own master Jie.

Well, he even had the recharge card ready in advance.

"Lao Zhao, you also play this game." Zhao Kai heard the voice and turned his head to have a look. "Can the school get online?"

"Lao Zhang? Well, the education network, built not long ago, has all the dormitories. The Internet speed is limited, but it is cheaper than outside. By the way, aren't you renting out? How did you come back? " Zhao Kai asked.

"Take things, I'm going to work in summer vacation Why did you pinch a man? " Standing behind him is Zhang Xingyue. He also bought a Kirin computer, but he has a rental house outside.

"Man? What's wrong with the men? " Zhao Kai was puzzled.

At this time, he noticed Zhang Xingyue's pitiful look at himself.

What's the situation? Why look at me like this?

What am I doing wrong now?

“…… Nonsense, if you want to play, of course you play with women Zhang Xingyue said naturally."You are a pervert Zhao Kai make complaints about it.

"What abnormal ah, you think, in this game, what do you see most?" Zhang Xingyue didn't care.

"The most?" Zhao Kai is a little strange, but he seems to have responded, "my role?"

"Yes, when you dance, you just see your character swing. Don't you feel flustered when you make a man on the screen! At this time, we should be determined to pinch an eye-catching girl! "


It seems that Maybe Maybe Maybe Is it really reasonable?

although Zhao Kai wanted to make complaints about the jump, he thought it over carefully.

Mr. Jie stick, I want my sister's paper, but I can't have both Those who give up their teachers and pick up younger sister's paper also

"I'm leaving first. I'm going to work. Have a good time."


After Zhang Xingyue leaves, Zhao Kai here is lost in thought.

Although it seems good to build a man with habitual thinking, he can't bear the temptation of sister paper.

So, he fell into a tangle.

However, at this time, Zhao Kai saw the cover of his CD-ROM - although it was an online game, he would also sell the game CD-ROM, so that players did not have to download the full set of games.

The cover of the CD is very simple, just a green double ponytail paper.

This is the protagonist in the game, the real protagonist - the future of the first sound.

Looking at the future of Chu Yin, Zhao Kai is lost in thought.

Then he I chose sister paper.

Well, the future of the first tone is also an idol, no problem!

Moreover, the game itself is not only able to create a character.

Free players, in the game, is allowed to create three characters.

If players feel that the three characters are not enough, they can also choose krypton gold and buy more roles.

Now that you can create multiple roles, you don't need to create a male now, but you can create it later.

However, unfortunately, the game pinch options, there is no initial sound of the future of the kind of long double horse tail, only the ordinary short double horse tail.

It seems that it is not easy to get the initial tone in this pinching system.

If you want to restore the initial sound completely, you need to enter the game to buy the theme gift bag of the initial sound.

"The hair is good too. Don't buy it."

Zhao Kai chose a lively black one horse tail sister paper, which is her favorite character image.

After the character is set up, he enters the game Well, keep in line.

After waiting for another ten minutes, he finally entered the novice course.

Don't mention, this kind of music game is really interesting. Although the tutorial is a simple operation of adding spaces up and down, he felt a sense of accomplishment when he saw the correct command input and the dancing girls on the screen.

"Oh, that's all right."

After the novice tutorial, he started the normal game.

The role of the novice tutorial is the initial sound of the future, but after entering the game, the role becomes the person who pinches himself.

Can just see the initial sound, now see the black horsetail, he felt Is it a little crude?

Sure enough, sister paper still needs decoration

"By the way, I still have a few top up cards here. It seems that I can buy a hairstyle."

He decided to buy a double ponytail hairstyle.

Well, just one. The rest, wait a minute, with the skin of the teacher.

"Eh 50% off the package


Derrida, who goes through time and space, is one of those who have great supervision and ambition, but whose narration is in a mess. Some places can be wonderful, but the whole story is playing with eggs. It's a pity.

Two in one meow.

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