The destination of Ono College's study tour is London, England. This is really aristocratic. Can other Japanese schools do it?

"Anyway, my sister has been busy with her study trip recently, and she hasn't come here to urge contributions and chat. I'm not used to it..."

Senxia looked out of the window. If there was no accident, their plane would soon leave for England.

The second year students of the drama troupe are the main force of the drama, so after they get the script, they will read the lines and script first.

The hardest part is to connect Mizuho, or the president of Jixiang yuan Lihua.

"It's more than an hour long. Is this one month really enough for recitation and rehearsal?" Senxia suddenly felt a little uneasy.

He turned on the computer and looked at the electronic manuscript Well, forget it. It's just a matter of fate.

Senxia decided not to think about it again.

At this time, the phone ring suddenly rang, senxia stood up, and then went to the activity room of the phone.

"Mosimossi?" Sonia got through.

"Ah, senxia Jun, you are indeed in the Ministry!" There came the voice of Qianjia.

"Did you not get on the plane yet?"

It's not that the goods wilfully dally and then deliberately miss the plane?

Don't say, senxia thinks that Xuejie really can do such things

"There is still more than an hour to go. How can you be more anxious than me?" Qianjia's voice is discontented.

"Er It's nothing. It's just that I'm worried that my sister won't be able to catch the plane. " Senxia said, "sister, how do you know I'm in the Department?"

"It's time for community activities. I'm just guessing. If I can't get through, I'll continue to call your mobile phone." Qian Jia replied.

"What's the matter, sister?"

"I have nothing on my side. I just want to ask you something before I leave." She said, "didn't you say that your light has already signed the contract?"

Because Xuejie has been busy studying, traveling and talking about the drama club. So this matter, senxia just mentioned it with Xuejie. I didn't expect that Xuejie called at this time to say this.

"What's wrong with mine?" Senxia was a little curious.

"In fact, it's just the news. In a word, I consulted Fuji Jian's study. If your book wants to be published, there should be no problem. I think you also know about it."

"Wait!" Senxia interrupted her, "can I consult you about this kind of thing?"

"It's not official!" She didn't care at all, "it's difficult to find out other places, but I still understand the channels under Jiaochuan. Even though your job hopping came before. I'm not familiar with it, but there is more than one channel. "

So, sister, what kind of ghost are you?

Sen Xia's face was embarrassed and nervous: "so, sister, do you know people in Jiaochuan?"

"Well, let's just say that, but I'll help you check the information here for senxia. I don't want to use my home channel."

Maybe this is called that there are people who are good at handling affairs. Japan and the opposite Dynasty Or in most parts of the world, this criterion is universal.

Senxia now seems to be stained with light. Although my sister just helped me to understand things.

"Senxia Jun, do you know some other famous writers or other things?" The student over there suddenly asked.

"I should know my situation. How can I know it?"

Nai Su mushroom is really famous, but wait for each other to become famous. At least another seven or eight years.

Senxia some inexplicable: "why do you want to ask this question?"

"No, maybe my source is wrong. You don't have to worry." The elder sister obscured the topic.

"But then again, you are really amazing. You can use your family's resources, but you have the guts to go your own way. " Senxia sighed.

"Ha? I told you about this last time, resources. When you can use it, try to use it well. Except for the resources of the meeting club itself, all the resources that can be used should be used! " The elder sister over there broke Sen Xia's fantasy without mercy, "the real successful person, these resources must be indispensable, right? Only a person with a hole in his head will want to start from scratch with his own resources. "

Well, the meaning of the student sister is very simple, that is to drill holes when you can, and to do whatever you can.

"That just..."

"It's not good to be known by too many people because it is done too much. Therefore, when there is no influence, we should make less use of it. This is common sense."

Sorry, sister, I don't know what kind of expression to face you."In a word, in terms of publishing articles, you don't have to worry at all. When our club is established, this fund will provide us with game operation." The elder sister talks in a lively way.

"Why do I have to pay my contribution fee?" Make complaints about the summer.

Is this a coolie?

"I'm responsible for the company's external negotiations, contacts and distribution, etc. mori, you just need to concentrate on writing articles. Do you have any dissatisfaction?" "Besides, my money is your money, and your money is mine. What's more, what do you care about?"

If it's xuenai who said this, senxia doesn't think it's a big deal, but sister, is there really any relationship between us?

But I have to say that although there are many points in her words, Sen Xia finds that there is no sense of violation

"In a word, for the normal operation of the club in the future, Sen Xiajun, your contribution fee must be asked." My sister summed up a sentence.

"But you are too optimistic about my contribution fee. If this book is not read, it will be meaningless for us to do so?" Senxia sighed. It's still the end of the 20th century, and Mori is not sure whether the Japanese in this era like their own articles.

"There is still a big reward. As long as you can get a big reward, the temporary fund is enough. If you say that plants vs. Zombies are really so powerful, then it will be good for us to have the sales funds provided by this game? "


Plants vs. Zombies is now to do the back level, and then check the bug. At this time, there is no skill at all. Senxia has provided all the things they can provide. The music material, character material and level design are just the accumulation of programs. This kind of thing can only be seen when Wang Qiwen can get things done. When they do the game, it is when senxia and Xuejie club open.

"Fuji see the other side of the study, there should be no matter recently?" She asked again.

"Well, but my editor asked me to write a few short stories and serialize them." "I just handed her the manuscript before you called," she said

"Short story?" What she wanted to say had already been finished, but after hearing what senxia said now, she was interested again, "what is the specific content? Is it the kind of story script that can warm people's hearts? "

"Well, I'm afraid this will disappoint my elder sister. My new book is probably a very serious kind of war records. If the title of the book is, it's called the young girl's War record."

"The battle of the young girl? What a serious story Learning sister uses strong voice to make complaints about her.

"Don't you think it's interesting to say such a mess in a serious way? What's more, this is the experimental text itself. "

Just like the death of the villains who cried "poor milk and glory" before their death, this article is to do this to be interesting.

"That's right, and because it's a short story, even if it's a mess, it won't take too much risk..." Xuejie nodded at the other end of the phone, "but your short story seems to be very touching. Just a name attracts me. I can't wait to see you now!"

Well, in fact, the title of this book is very attractive. In fact, many people went into the pit because of the title of this book in my previous life.

I can't help it. The words "young girl" and "war record" are put together. It's really devastating!

Sen Xia shook her head: "forget it, I'll tell you the general content..."

"Stop!" Xuejie interrupted Sen Xia's words, "with such an interesting title, I must go to see it for myself. It's really annoying to have a look at it myself."

At this time, Xuejie said one of the most disgusting words from the audience. Sometimes it really lowers the sense of expectation

"Oh, by the way, is there no problem with the script of the drama club?" At this time, senxia thought about what she had been thinking about before.

"Talk about the drama club's script? What can be the problem? Before I arrived at the airport, I had already copied them all. Now everyone has a copy. " She said.

"It's not the problem. I mean the lines. Our plays have a long time. For such a long time, the main character's lines have a lot of weight? Is there really no problem? " Senxia expressed her worries.

"You have a hundred hearts, I can't guarantee others, but since it's Jixiang hospital, there's no problem at all!" She said confidently, "the auspicious academy is such a person. In any case, she will do what she says, so you don't have to worry."

"Oh..." It turns out that she is so confident in the president. Although she is a little nervous, Sen Xia can only hope that what she says is true


My head is in a daze. I sleep almost at nightWrite another chapter, go to bed early today, adjust the biological clock, and update it at 12:00 tomorrow.

Well, if you don't update, you can criticize me on Q, but don't worry, it will only be early, not late. (to be continued.).. )u

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