When Scoville went to make animated films from the game cross-border, they never thought that they would lose so miserably.

After the movie "will's soul" was released, it was in the deep end of "the stock market".

But what they will never think of is that, at this time, their shares are being absorbed in a small amount.

Through Alice, a local villain, Sen Xia made many vests in lighthouse country. These waistcoats at this moment have become the water pipes for absorbing skwell shares.

This is a plan that has already been scheduled.

And now it looks good.

Senxia doesn't worry about what will happen to skwell, because when Sony realizes that Sonia has started to buy shares of skwell, they will surely jump out to protect skwell. At this time, Sonia will have the props to negotiate with the other party.

Recently, senxia's energy has been on the hard body. He doesn't want to fight Sonny at this time.

If Sony doesn't sell, it doesn't matter, because it means that on Sony's platform, "Final Fantasy" will be abandoned.

Relatively speaking, this is the most terrible thing.

Although the box office is also poor, but the voice of the air as a "literary film", in the lighthouse country is a good reputation.

Well, at least people are telling a good story. Whether it's a split shot or a plot, it's clear and clear. And this "song and dance blockbuster", in the works, the creation of music is also above the standard.

Besides, the fact that the popularity of group n has doubled in mud boom is a clear proof. Moreover, the sales of other people's records have witnessed a nearly ten fold increase.

In theory, even if the "voice of the air" didn't make a dollar, it just sold the N group, which actually made money.

Tens of millions of soft younger sister coins, to create a well-known idol group, this wave is not a loss.

Of course, it's just the film industry.

In fact, senxia's focus is still on the game industry.

"Hoo Sure enough, it's still interesting. "

After watching the voice of the air, Perry suddenly found that he seemed to have a little bit of literary temperament.

The picture of the voice of the sky has almost reached the limit of this era. Moreover, the painting style of other people is totally different from that of the past, and they pay great attention to the post photography, which is commonly known as the flying saucer table light pollution, so it is impressive.

The film is excellent. Girls from five countries and the concept of five values make Perry linger. In such a moment, he incarnates as a poet and Wenqing, immersed in the story compiled by senxia Until the server maintenance of "sword God domain" is completed.

The first batch of sealed tests are being carried out for the book.

At E3 exhibition, Perry was lucky to try this game, but unfortunately, his time game can only experience some cool fights, but there are very few of them.

In fact, there is also a special media test of "sword God domain", which is a complete display of up to three hours. But unfortunately, the show was limited to the media.

But it is the so-called mountain heavy water complex doubt no road, willow hidden flowers another village.

At this time, Perry unexpectedly got the qualification of "sword God field".

-- God, he got the prize when he was watching the voice of the sky!

…… Well, yes, although the voice of the sky is a minority, they are not kind enough to link up with the sword Kingdom and directly give 100 qualification qualification.

Then Perry said goodbye to the name of "skwell fans" and officially transferred to senbingwei.

If anyone dares to spray the works of Mr. shawson, don't blame me for being rude!

Of course, the world is big and the game is the biggest. Since you have the qualification of closed test, then Play games first!

The closed test is a file deletion test, but the game will provide a variety of convenient content for players to conduct a deeper test.

It happened that the day Perry watched the film was the day the test began.

When he won the prize, he also got a game software. After returning home, he installed it at the first time.

And by this time, he's already playing.

It's an action RPG, but It's also RPG, isn't it?

Since it's RPG, it's within Perry's hunting range.

There are not many people in the closed beta test, so the game doesn't need to queue up. When the players of a big eastern country next door are queuing up in the first tone ol, Perry here has entered the game in seconds.

Just entered the game, the first natural is to pinch the face.

Perry wanted to make a handsome man, but at this moment, the German sister in the voice of the air appeared in his mind. This sister paper is a proud and charming character, very impressive.So Perry, in a strange way, sets the gender of the character as "female".

But there is no psychological burden. In order to play some special mod plots, Perry used many strange patches when playing the game, and most of these patches require the protagonist to be sister paper.

So Perry has no psychological burden to play with a girl.

Compared with stand-alone games, there are fewer character parameters that can be adjusted in sword realm.

After all, there is no mod.

"Big or small..."

Perry was most dissatisfied with the chest.

Although the chest part of the sword God domain can be very large, it is not enough to see compared with "endure the devil".

The face pinching scale of the game is very large. The chest part of the sister paper can hold two basketballs at most. However, if it is placed in the sword realm, the basketball will be reduced to football - and it's children's version.

It's a small pity for Perry, who likes to see giant objects sloshing around.

But he didn't say anything, because in many games, the kneading system didn't say nothing, and even the character itself could not be modified.

"But these preset looks are good..."

Although the game provides fewer options, pinch the number of limited, but the game will still have a lot of default appearance.

This default appearance has a large number and supports network publishing, downloading and sharing. In this regard, it has advantages over a single machine.

According to my impression of the German sister began to pinch the face, the role has become.

Then, it's the beginning of the game.

The beginning of the game is a CG, which is somewhat unexpected.

Because of the live version, most of the cut scenes are castrated.

"That's cool." The first time really calm down, after logging into the game, Perry felt the real charm of this game.

Sure, the fight in the game is cool, but in fact, what attracts Perry most is the way the game is played.

Again, Perry is a RPG enthusiast.

After immersing himself in the experience, he realized how charming the design of the game itself is.

In the sword realm, the growth of characters is very free. The skills in the game are classified according to the weapons selected by players. In this world, the whole world can be said to have a very high degree of freedom.

Perry entered the game, then chose Taidao as a weapon.

- Taidao is also a weapon in monster hunter, and Perry is lucky to have played with it, and the weapon with a length of several meters in this game is really cool.

In particular, the clothes wearing sailor's clothes appeared

therefore, after Perry entered the game, he first made such a weapon as his first choice.

After choosing the weapon, the story begins.

"Sword realm" is a copy of the game, but the game itself is not that kind of linear narrative.

At the beginning, players can take risks in different instances according to their chosen routes. Each copy and each area has its own story.

If you like stories, you can read these stories and clean them up one by one. But if you want to rush to the level, you can also choose the high difficulty version and kill them all the way to make the level as high as possible.

Perry is an experiential, and he loves stories - and that's one reason he's attracted to final fantasy.

If it wasn't for kengda's "the depths of the soul", he would have been powdered all the time

Oh, don't think about that pit goods, now is the game world, game time!

Perry decided to play the game.

After all, it's a closed test, and all of them are deleted, so Perry is not in a hurry. He can experience the story now.

And after that, when the game is officially launched, Perry will be able to preempt those ordinary players and develop one step ahead of others.

Perry in this kind of test, the game is not the same as others.

He wants to have a good experience of the game in the closed beta, so that he can take the most suitable "perfect route" when the game officially begins.

Of course, now, it's still half a year before the game's official public test and service opening. Everything is still early.

"It's cool, so much equipment to build..."

There are a lot of equipment and props in the game.

But Perry found that the equipment in the game is not the same as those in other games.

This game equipment, the effect is very special, each equipment has its own special effect, these effects, let a lot of low-level equipment are very useful.For example, Perry just got an orange ring in the copy.

This ring is one of the artifacts that players can get at lower levels.

The ring effect is to provide 38% increase in physical attack power when the combo exceeds 30 in the game.

With this special effect, the white value of the whole equipment can be said to be completely unnecessary, because the promotion alone is enough to crush a large number of props from the white value.

In the sword realm, combo is a very important system. In this game, except for the characters who need to accumulate strength, all other characters need to eat with combo, especially the thin sword weapon. There is a core skill in this weapon. This skill will provide a critical hit and blast damage bonus when the number of combos reaches a certain level, If the player uses the finishing technique at this time, it will also cause multiple damage.

With this ring, the game started very cool.

This ring, which is called "wind storm Sanxian Qin", can be said to be very powerful.

But Perry doesn't need it.

Perry is playing Taidao.

There are many schools of Taidao. Some are strong, some are smart, and some are able to attack.

Perry is playing with the Juhe school which needs to build up strength.

Juhezhan is his core.

However, this thing can't fight a series of attacks. Juhe is a single high injury.

So Perry is going to sell the equipment.

Then he opened the auction house of the game and entered it.

-- the auction house is a feat in the land of sword and sword.

In the previous online games, there is almost no such convenient system.

However, with the appearance of "sword God domain", everything changed.

This system is very cool, players can hang their own equipment in the game for sale.

For the future online game players, this is almost a common sense function, in fact, it does not exist at the beginning!

Yes, it doesn't exist!

The system itself, in fact, is to be years later, slowly in the game began to improve. For players, auction houses are also something that can greatly improve the game experience.

It can be imagined that when senxia took out the auction house system, how many players cheered on it - this is a revolution in the online game industry!

Perry himself is a gamer of cybergenesis.

But after playing the sword God domain, he found the network creation this game This is the game of the last century!

Er Well, it's really the game of the last century.

The system of the game itself is more than that.

Players can not only use auction houses in the game, but also trade through other means, such as setting up stalls, such as face-to-face.

It's all OK.

This bit by bit, directly enhance the playability of the whole sword realm to the extreme.

If it wasn't for the current closed beta test, Perry would not sell the props, because the game also provides the operation of multiple characters, which leads to the surplus props of players in the game, which can be used by themselves

If it's a public test, Perry will leave the props and transfer them to new characters at a certain cost - which will greatly reduce the cost of cultivating game characters.

"This is the online game, this is the MMORPG..." At this moment, he had such a sudden feeling


The wind storm Sanxian Qin is the stem from Dragon Valley. Only ancient people can use it. However, players can't choose ancient people, so they can only decompose

There are so many games for liver activity recently, so the author decided None of them!

Today's two in one, author Jun's meow

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