In business affairs, there are few so-called who is right and who is wrong.

If you want to develop, you will inevitably have friction with others.

"The giant hard me system has failed, and I don't know whether this new system will be accepted by the market - in case it fails again?" While Alice was talking, the lid was on.

Probably because of the aesthetic influence brought by Sen Xia, PPT of giant hard press conference is a little more fashionable than that of another world line.

Unfortunately, senxia didn't see Juqiang's press conference. He just knew that the advertising words of Juqiang had changed, so he couldn't see anything.

"But this generation of systems is different. XP machine you have used, it is really excellent. And there's no other choice in the market, they can always try and error - until they succeed. "

“…… I have to say, darling, what you said is reasonable. " Although she didn't want to admit it, Alice thought that Sonia was right.

"But perhaps darling can try it in the mud boom market and the market of a big eastern country."

Ni bang and two pieces of cakes from a big eastern country are both hard cakes that have not been eaten yet.

The latter is a developing country and the market is in the future, while the former has always been a helpless choice.

"If we only consider the civilian market, it may be a bit of a drama - and what I want to say is that I am engaged in cultural industry, not hardware."

We are a good cultural industry. How can we PK with Juqiang now

Sen Xia can't read two poems. He's very delicate about it.

Well, if you can, senxia would rather develop shiplady or other interesting things, rather than PK with others here.

"I remember you still invest in LCD industry?" But Alice said something else.

"That! That's a must! " Sen Xia is adamant, "the game can lose, three sticks must die!"

Senxia does invest in the LCD industry, but that's a must.

Because in the future, there will be tens of thousands of young girls who are damaged by the so-called "eye protection screen".

So, I will punish you!

The three sticks used liquid crystal to get rid of the mud bombarded plasma directly. Later, the memory module was harvested in a big eastern country. It took each other's path and left the other party with no way to go. Sen Xia thought it was excellent.

Big hard can live, fruit can be cattle, but three sticks must die.

Mori has a serious face.

"Well..." Alice tilted her head and didn't seem to understand exactly what senxia meant.

But senxia's justice is awe inspiring at this time, and the reliable appearance really makes people want to trust.

So why do three sticks have to die?

Alice never understood.

But Sen Xia has made the decision, and Alice has nothing to say. Anyway, her family and the company of three sticks have nothing to say. On the contrary, her opponent on Wall Street seems to have a lot of shares of three sticks

At this moment, the giant hardware at the press conference is showing the computers installed with WinXP, from HP to Dell to IBM.

"It's a huge influence." Alice looked at the picture in front of the TV set and couldn't help worrying about senxia.

"It's tough, after all." "But if they really develop a game console, our Kirin computer can almost appear here. Although it's not very useful, it can be more convenient."

Kirin computer and dc-p are in fact the same thing.

It's like the three stick S-Series mobile phones and the note series mobile phones. When they are of the same series, the internal structure is similar.

It's just that in senxia, KC (Kirin computer) is mainly aimed at some big eastern country and Nihong market, and other regions will not consider selling it.

In fact, it doesn't make much difference Because some strong people have already considered using dc-p to transplant the system. The architecture and design are the same, and the brushing is not a big problem

However, this is only a small number of people, and this is the reason why Sen Xia doesn't care. Although this machine has a certain market, the consumer group is low-level, which means that the goal of this machine is family entertainment, and it can't carry out too professional production field.

The cover in front of the TV is showing a video at this moment.

Mr. Gai came to Starbucks and bought double coffee. Then he sat in the Starbucks shop and chatted with other people on his laptop.

"The mobile world..." Senxia muttered.

"You want to do it?" Alice asked.

"I prefer smartphones." Senxia shook her head. "The market is good, but we don't have the manager to do it Well, maybe you can try it? "

Senxia muttered.At this moment, the press conference changes again.

Microsoft's top management is showing XP's image system on the spot.

"I think the library on your side of darling is more interesting than this preview, and it is more convenient to manage and apply." Alice was staring at the picture.

"The logic of management is different." Senxia didn't care much about it.

This can not be compared to senxia. There are a lot of peripherals on the giant hard press conference, which is the confidence of others.

"This conference is too fancy..." Alice muttered.

What did she say about the rehearsal Well, it's totally two styles.

At this moment, the press conference has finished talking about the multimedia system. Two people on the screen have picked up a PDA to show things about mobile devices. But soon, the picture was given to the cover of the outfield students.

However, when she saw the PDA with a resistance screen and a stylus, Mori's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Well I wonder if we can do it... "

"Capacitive screen?"

"Yes, it's the kind of screen that you can touch with your fingers, similar to the touch pad of a laptop..."

According to mori, this technology seems to have already existed, and the capacitor device supporting multiple points seems to be Sony

No, it's not just Sony. It seems that there is a manufacturer who has developed multi touch - but the company's capital soon dried up and then closed down - which is a sad story.

"Well Add this feature to the next generation of handheld It seems good! "

He thinks there's something wrong

On the screen, the cover has returned to the field from the outfield, and then conveniently displayed officexp and MSN. After that, he continued to introduce the XP system, and talked about the upgrade and price of the system.

At this time, senxia was immersed in the imagination of the handheld.

And then Alice gave Sonia a little shake.


"The press conference is coming to an end. It will be our turn tomorrow. Darling should also be ready to"


Cover children's shoes this "exam" can be said to be very perfect, and after this, it's Mori's turn


Cover children's shoes release conference, from the world line's XP press conference.

The last version of win system on pc-98 was 2000 series, and then pc-98 almost exited the market

In addition, glucomannan is really terrible sometimes Orz

meow of the second watch

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