After finishing the GGO business, GS will also be on sale.

But senxia at this moment, but still at home salted fish lying.

In fact, there is another reason why senxia salted fish because she missed this year's Comiket.

It's a sad story.

Without the supplement of gentleman's energy, senxia became a salted fish - until Qianjia dragged him to the GS sales meeting.

"There are so many people." When Sega spun off the home machine business, senxia got a lot of exclusive stores from it. These stores later became the channel of senxia. Now GS is selling here.

Senxia and Qianjia are in a cafe in Shinjuku at this time, looking at the people waiting in line.

In fact, they were in the crowd at the beginning, but the summer sun was so poisonous that senxia and Qianjia had to run to the coffee shop in a gray way.

They ordered a pineapple sorbet and a watermelon sorbet.

"Wait a minute."

After sitting down there, Qian Jia seemed to look around, and then put his hands on both sides of his clothes.

Senxia had been looking at the crowd over there, but because of Qianjia's movements, his eyes were attracted.

My eyes are fixed on my sister.

"What are you looking at me for?" Qian Jia asked strangely.

"Watch the wind for my sister."

"Then you should look behind me."

"But my eyes have been attracted by your posture."

Thousand good white Sen Xia one eye: "do you think your recent rubbish words become more?"

"This is force majeure, because your charm is far beyond my self-control." Senxia waved.

At this time, the range of action of Qianjia over there is even greater.

"Hands out." Qian Jia suddenly said.

"Oh." Senxia held out her hand.

"I said, under the table."


Senxia put her hand under the table again.

Then, he found out that Qianjia had handed out something to himself.

"From my years of experience

These are silk stockings.

Silk stockings with Qianjia Xuejie's body and taste.

"Thank you for your hospitality." He stuffed the stockings into his big purse.

Mori was a little lucky that she wore a pair of loose jeans with big pockets today.

"Oh, much more comfortable. It's really hot."

After taking off the silk stockings, compared with just now, Qianjia is obviously much more relaxed.

Under the skirt were the bare thighs.

Senxia was stunned.

"Why are you still looking at me?"

"I just think that if you don't take a second look at this kind of scenery once in a thousand years, there will be few opportunities in the future."

Qianjia, who wears silk stockings almost all the time, is rarely seen without pantyhose, and this opportunity to see the legs under the skirt is absolutely rare.

Qianjia is silent. She forks a spoon on the top of the pineapple sand ice of senxia, and then takes all the pineapple sand ice on the top, leaving only a layer of tasteless broken ice below. Senxia is stunned.

Then she turned her head and looked out.

"What do you think of the future of GS?"

After calling another grand slam of colorful fruits, Sen Xia said to Qian Jia: "if mud blows here, I now feel that, at least in the civil field, it is likely to have an impact on the super hard."

Senxia has done a survey in the field of home computers.

On the other hand, Sen Xia also carried out a considerable amount of research work.

"Nai Hong's home computers before this were basically based on the pc-98 architecture, which is different from today's PCs. The market of mud boom is very independent. "

The mud boom market is very strange.

Pc-98 is a wonderful product in this market. Even giant hardware has developed a special version of pc-98 operating system for them.

The reason for all this is the independence of the mud boom market.

"Very hard systems have been used before, but in the final analysis, they don't have more options. In the past two years, pc-98 has been gradually withdrawing from the market. The whole market is in a state of "green and yellow". Juqiang has not continued to develop the XP version of pc-98

If GS had not been born, Mori knew that those PC machines installed with XP system would have become mud boom's choice, gradually replacing the old pc-98 architecture.

This is also driven by history.

However, the goddess of fate, at this time, accidentally fell a somersault and pouted her buttocks directly.Sen Xia himself did not expect, GS good coincidence, just stuck in this key point.

"Our GS is in mud boom. It can be said that the weather is favorable, the place is favorable and the people are harmonious. This is really unexpected."

Sonia took a look at the crowd outside.

Many people came out of the store with GS in their arms, their faces full of joy.

"But the professional market is still not ours." Qian Jia shook her head.

Lack of productivity is always a hard injury.

Senxia's side has reached the limit.

"To be a man, the most important thing is to be happy." Mori's colorful fruit Grand Slam came at this time, "now I'm very satisfied."

"Put this way -" Qian Jia waved to the waiter and put Mori's Grand Slam in front of him.

“…… Well, the most important thing is to be happy. " Qianjia is very happy now.

"Er..." Senxia opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

"We give some wild hope." Qianjia said, "in the current mode, machines can't make a lot of money, and commercial users are the biggest earners."

"How could you think that?" Senxia is a little strange.

"I learned from my father's channel that if we can improve the performance of our machines, a lot of people don't mind abandoning the giant hard and PC completely."

Hearing Qianjia's inside information, Sen Xia is really excited.

But he also realized that people's hearts are not enough to swallow the elephant. If such a thing is forced to do on his own side It's not impossible to do it, but when it comes to eggs, it's for sure.

"Calm down, sister. We are now making a platform, a home entertainment platform. For more professional needs, we can wait for a big eastern country. "

A big eastern country is really determined to get rid of the huge hard place - in addition to the place where it is really necessary to use the hard place, in this case, the senxia side also has a move.

"In terms of the volume over there, if they do development, our work will be very easy."

There are a lot of design specifications for vista system on senxia side. If the software is produced according to the design specifications, there is no problem at all.

At that time, senxia will be able to feed back to other markets.

WPS is one of them.

don't look at WPS after more than 10 years. Make complaints about a lot of hooligan advertisements, but in fact, in 90s, they were still very powerful.

At that time, WPS really firmly occupied the market of a big eastern country, and Juqiang was also in a headache at that time. Because of the goods, the office suite of Juqiang was totally uncertain.

But at this time, giant hard gave WPS a set.

They want to be compatible with WPS format, and they open their own document systems to each other.

And then No, then, I thought I got a cheap WPS. Because the unique document system was eaten by the giant hard, WPS has been on the street since the DOS era.

It's a sad story.

But it is undeniable that people's technology is still very good.

Especially in this era.

Although in the future is not kind, but in the present, the software is still quite conscience.

Naturally, there is no strong support for the structure of senxia.

The Linux system itself is not mature, and senxia did not use this system kernel. Many of the immature open-source office software above, naturally, it is impossible for senxia to choose.

At this time, WPS came into being.

It's not just WPS.

In a big eastern country, many software originally intended to be the best song began the second spring because of the appearance of Kirin computer.

"It's a pity, but if you can only give up, you have to give up." Qianjia did not continue to tangle in this matter.

"But it doesn't have to be so tangled." "If we can really occupy a large enough market, it is that the software manufacturers take the initiative to adapt to our products. Isn't it higher?" senxia said

Rely on their own killer software to live, can do in fact few. And Lao Ren is one of them.

It's just that I don't know what kind of idea Lao Ren is now. NGC is on the street, but Lao Ren doesn't seem to admit defeat. Instead, he still wants to continue to struggle, indicating that he can rescue himself.

…… In fact, Lao Ren was able to rescue him, because although NGC was on the street, Lao Ren It's not a big loss.

The first strong is to be able to do whatever you want. Jpg.

However, when it comes to senxia, in fact, most of the dc-p of senxia was the same before.

Although senxia's products are not exclusive, dc-p skills are relatively good, so generally only dc-p players can have the best game experience. Many people play club a games and basically choose dc-p.It's a delicate thing.

Many players even pointed out that although senxia is not exclusive, it is similar to monopoly. Moreover, the version on other platforms is obviously mocking others.

What about you, the PS2 of mod can't be installed next door!

"Among the users of GS, I remember that 60% of the users think that they need to buy this machine for surfing the Internet or playing online games, while the remaining 30% of users think that they may use the network function, and only regard it as a stand-alone game console. The number of users is very small." Qian Jia thought of the investigation when she made the reservation.

"Thank you for the e-Japan project." Ni Bang's decision to build the best Internet system in the world really helped mori.

But in fact, on the other world line, the high-speed broadband network built up is actually very delicate - because neon gold is rarely used

However, after the live broadcast of Miku Miku, the demand for the network has increased sharply in this world line, which is something that Sen Xia did not expect.

Of course, although I didn't expect it, it was not unexpected, because Mori likes to watch such interesting things.

"I remember someone used" my world "to restore a thousand Sakura, which is quite interesting." Senxia suddenly thought of the two days in mikumiku saw a popular network video.

It's done by the players themselves, but it's very interesting.

"Ah, I remember that, too." Qian Jia nodded, "but I care more about the barrage function."

"GS exclusive But there's no way. "

With the dual core CPU, the senxia side can finally be on the barrage website.

Compared with another world line, the bullet screen website of this world line has been ahead of schedule for several years. It's exciting to think about it.

Mori says it's very interesting.

"But from now on, there will be more interesting videos." Qianjia still cares.

"Barrage function is still in the internal test, these GS users, probably can see some interesting content."

The bullet screen function is not so easy to do, but the difficulty is not so high. The initial sound station starts to test, in fact, it is completely no problem.

"From just now on, the number of people outside has not decreased at all." After chatting for a long time, Qianjia looked outside. After half a day's work, she didn't find that the number of people outside had decreased by half.

"Yeah, it reminds me of the show we missed..."

After all, there is no way to hold a press conference


And at this moment, senxia suddenly stopped.

He seemed to think of something.

"What's the matter with you?" Qian Jia asked.

"If the mountain doesn't come, I'll take the mountain." Senxia said without a clue.

Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia with a strange look.

"In this long life, I have found that human beings have limits. The more we read and collect books, the more we will find that there are so many and dazzling books. "

"What do you want to say?"

"I'm not a man, JOJO Cough, I'm sorry. I've crossed the lines. "

After playing "I'm not a human" Terrier, senxia's own side is a little crazy.

But he adjusted immediately.

Then senxia said to Qianjia: "I think we can set up a website like this, so that these co authors can put their works on our website. If it is their peer magazine, after it has been sold, it can continue to sell in this channel There can even be a dedicated electronic version. "

"It's interesting..."

Qianjia thinks that senxia's idea is really good.

"Yes, yes, it is such a thing. And it's not just about peer magazines, but even other pictures, novels, essays and so on

Well, senxia thought of the legendary P station, but it was more than that

A deeper purpose of moriha Another one.

"If we have such a website, then all the books We're all in one shot


Station p In memory of

Two in one meow

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