GS's hot sale is unexpected, but it is reasonable.

With the popularity of GS, chuyin station, as a rare online video website, has rapidly become popular.

Even a lot of people who don't use the Internet very much know such a website.

Like Hideki Ando.

Recently, she started from her high school life.

He chose GS.

It's easy to understand.

Hideki Ando's pocket money is not a lot, it's hard for him to buy a dedicated PC computer. He had a machine before, but when he found that Hideki Ando was playing with little butter, it was more delicate.

What's worse, he's got his mother dirty.

Since then, Hideki Ando has not even touched the TV set.

However, whenever Ando thought of the perfect face of saiase, he could not help shivering.

Although the past can not bear to look back, but it is because he has no way to touch the Internet, so Hideki Ando can be admitted to university, his heart is still quite a few.

At present, lenient education is popular in Nihong. Not every school can be as strict and super strict as it is in Kano school.

After playing a game in a hospital, Ando showed no interest in other temptations and could only concentrate on learning, which is the mystery.

However, for Hideki Ando himself, that painful time is unbearable.

However, he does not have money, he can not afford to buy the current high-performance computer, the configuration of the first two years has been out of date.

But at this time, GS appeared, with desktop computer functions, and also compatible with all the Games in the dc-p era, which is really wonderful!

And the most important thing is that many games on the order of the Phoenix will have mods made by third-party Game Masters. Even ordinary games, as long as mod is played, will become very wonderful.

For example, in "MUV moonfall", although the protagonist's clothes are translucent latex combat clothes, but the key parts are hidden. However, the masters here directly replace the game map, and you can see the key part of the paper without reservation.

It is said that someone has made a patch for male characters, but because it is too mental pollution, she has not investigated this aspect.

So he bought GS.

However, embarrassed, he found that after starting GS and booking the first luxury limited edition of monster hunter, he suddenly found that he No money again!

Hideki Ando has not played games for a long time, so he began to hang out on the Internet.

As he wandered around, he found Miku Miku, the magical website.

To be more accurate, he was initially ticked off by a nurse's first tone future on the forum, and then he wandered all the way to find out that this was a human figure in MMD. And the original video of this person is the first tone of nurses' costume, and the dance of the future.

The person who made this MMD was not very good at technique, but he was very serious. He drew the design drawing by himself, and then his friend helped him to build a model and made such a nurse's first sound.

After discovering that the network can also watch videos, Hideki Ando was out of control and began to conduct various searches on the initial sound station.

The official videos of the future of chuyin can be found in this place, so Hideki Ando showed the official MV of thousand Sakura and so on.

At this time, Hideki Ando was watching a video.

This is a video made by a few idle guys. These products are directly in my world, and restore the whole scene of thousand Sakura.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to patch the video..." Ando murmured.

Of course, the game can modify the map data or something, but the video has been done for a long time, and the contents above are basically impossible to be modified.

Of course, if Ando can render and model something, he can do it by himself. Anyway, the official tools are also provided.

But it's a pity that he Not really.

But watching these videos, he actually had an idea in his heart.

"Why are these girls' paper in clothes more provocative than those who take off their clothes?"

It's not just the video, but also the game that I play. When she wears the nurse's clothes, she has the greatest charm. But after taking off her clothes, the appeal seems to be a little bit worse.

It's a delicate feeling.

"PV2 of black rock shooter?"

After watching this amazing MC version of "thousand Sakura", in the video page, began to appear a recommendation form.

This is the mechanism of the website. After a work is finished, it will recommend the content related to the video.However, in addition to this, the official sometimes quietly recommends a wave of low-key advertising here, which can be easily implanted.

Kuriyama shooter, Hideki Ando of course knows.

As a project announced in the early days of the station, the first PV of black rock shooter has always been one of the official publicity Projects - but recently it was toppled by the propaganda video of monster hunter.

After a few months, the second segment of PV, at this moment, has also begun to be officially released.

Then he turned on the PV and was ready to see what was in it.

But just after the jump, a system prompt appears.

"Bullet screen function test..."


What is that?

Oh, oh, and pictures.

People at this time are very pure when they surf the Internet. This kind of pop-up window has been watched by Xiuyi Ando.

He didn't know what the barrage was at first, but after reading the introduction and pictures, he probably understood.

This function, in fact, is to float your own words across the screen.

It's interesting.

This is a pop-up window in the webpage. As long as it is turned off, it will not appear again. However, Hideki Ando's eyes are completely attracted by it.

This function is a temporary unique function of GS, which may be open to PC platform in the future. Any message from players can be left on the screen, which is very interesting.

“…… I see. That's what happened

In a word, there seems to be nothing special about it.

But it's really interesting to think that you have so many words and illustrations floating through your head.

"Try it."

Internal test qualification to be selected is very simple, just need to have enough bandwidth GS host, can send and watch the barrage.

After finishing all this, the official interface has changed, the layout of the page has been fine tuned, and there is a "back to the screen free version" button in the upper right corner of the page.

After doing all this, Hideki Ando opened the barrage.

And then

The whole picture exploded.

"Barrage! What a barrage! I can finally tell everyone that I like black rock best

"Wwwwwwwww, a very interesting mode!"

"What's the relationship between the black rock shooter and the first tone in the future?"

(right arrow) the first tone is the original song in the future

"There is no original singing in the first tone. It's all lip synching! (laughter) "

" so handsome! Brawling is great www

After a minute of muddling, Hideki Ando here completely understood what the barrage was.

It's much more interesting than the example picture and my brain tonic.

At the beginning of PV, a group of people were brushing the bullet screen very much, or saying "the black rock is super cute" and so on. When entering the battle part, it was only the part where the audience cheered.

"Black rock shooter" will be broadcast as the first online animation, but BlackRock will never compromise on quality.

The cheers of the audience are easy to understand at this time.

Then, Hideki Ando discovered that Watching the barrage is addictive.

It can't stop at all!

"By the way, in addition to this video, other videos..."

Hideki Ando jumps to the MC version of the video that she went to before.

Oddly enough, Hideki Ando knows that there are comment areas at the bottom of the video, but he has no interest in commenting at all.

However, after changing to the contents of the barrage, Hideki Ando found that he just wanted to see what kind of barrage these people sent out.

"How wonderful!"

"This is the real God!"


"Super strong Super strong Real technology experts... "

"Can my world even do such things?"

"Did I not play a fake game?"

"We're not playing the same game wwwww"

it has to be said that after the barrage, the whole video has become much more lively.

When Ando saw the barrage, she found that she couldn't stop at all.

"Well By the way, "leap to the top."

After seeing these contents, Xiuyi Ando naturally thought of the work "leap to the top".

"Leap to the top" is one of Ando's enlightening animations, and this animation has a cooperative relationship with the initial sound station. The entire animation video can be seen on the network.

Hideki Ando has a complete set of "leap to the top" at home, so she didn't care much about it.But after learning that there was a barrage, he immediately thought of how these netizens would evaluate his masterpiece.

Jump to the fan opera page, a list of fan opera appeared in his eyes.

Miku Miku has bought many old works from the past, from animated dramas to animated films.

Of course, for people of another world line, this website, whether it is the number of pages or works, is quite shabby. But for people of this era, it is a very exciting thing to be able to relive their childhood on the Internet.

However, for the moment, there are not many fan operas in the season.

It's not that Mori is conservative, but the animation company and the production committee have concerns. They probably think that the network broadcast will affect the CD sales of the works themselves.

This is especially true of late night animation, which is mainly sold.

On the contrary, daytime animation and prime time animation such as Pokemon and Doraemon are easy to talk about. However, we are still in the process of negotiation, and there is no new film landing. Therefore, the dramas on the initial sound station are mainly nostalgic.

It is easy to understand that animation in daytime is not relying on animation itself to make money, but a means to pull audience ratings. The main way to make profits is to rely on various products around it.

As for the old opera, it is better to understand that the old opera itself can no longer generate profits, and its influence is limited. The initial sound station has given a high price for buyout. It is strange that they are not moved. Moreover, this action of revisiting the old opera is also good for the publicity of the sequel.

Ando also did not know the way inside, but at this time, he was feeling at the bottom of his heart.

With this website, we can see the animation and go online directly. It's really convenient. After all, some old things are hard to find offline.


Leap peak's ranking is very high, so he jumped to the fan drama column, watched for two seconds and found the content he wanted.

Don't say, after coming in, he found that there were quite a lot of people here.

"The clarity is so high!"

"The clarity is so high!"

It's not that Ando is dazzled, but because a lot of people are brushing this sentence.

"The clarity is better than what you see on TV..." Hideki Ando also found that the quality of the work was good.

"Well, there's HD quality? What, big members? "

What are big members?!

He looked it up and remembered that it was a system of works that could provide better video quality and better results.

Of course, big members only support the website more.

In addition, big members get five coins a month, which is actually equivalent to tokens. Coins are only allowed to vote for original production groups and troupes, and the original author can get a share.

But in addition, if there is a new drama, big members can also experience it a week in advance.

Hideki Ando is now penniless, and he wants to see what the big member is for, but he is just powerless at the moment.

But it is undeniable that the quality of other people's paintings is really good.

"If you want to support it, you can buy animation (right arrow)"


After the opening song, Hideki Ando saw a barrage of bullets passing by.

He looked at it and found that on the right side of the page, there was a word "buy original DVD".

He looked at it and found that it was an ordering interface that could support the direct purchase of video CDs on the Internet.

"That's pretty good."

He nodded and continued to look Barrage.

Well, although he is watching the animation, in fact, Hideki Ando is basically watching the bullet screen, or in other words, he is aiming at the bullet screen


Barrage is really poisonous a lot of time

Mi Huyou is the animation company delayed by the game, the real hammer.

Today's two in one, meow meow.

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