Senxia didian to find his sister, but in the network, a group of people began to howl.

"Monster Hunter" at the beginning, the players are just a small game.

But at the end of the day, things are going wrong.

"Ah Dead again... "

An Teng Xiu one by one looks at his role with pain.

Just now, he was sent back to his hometown by the boar King's cart.

Obviously, it is low difficulty or abusive, but now it has become so?

Here's the thing.

After learning the information about poisonous spiders and shadow spiders, Hideki Ando began to use these two sets of clothes as her driving force.

He first challenged the guild's bounty mission.

This type of task is slightly different from the mainline task.

In fact, the strength of the monsters in the main task is not very high, but in the reward task, these monsters are "superior difficulty".

Isn't it just a little bit more difficult? I've made all the speed dragon sets. I'm afraid you're a boar king?

Then, he tasted the monster hunter's characteristic - x car.

Well, dragon car, pig car, cat car.

He's a little suspicious of life.

Not only the boar king, but also the Dragon King's difficulty has been improved under the reward mode.

Speed Dragon King is not difficult to fight, but in the reward mode This goods can recruit younger brother! What's more, it's a big move!

And then No, then.

He was sent back to his hometown several times in succession, and the mission failed directly.

"Is it really so difficult?"

He wondered if there was something wrong with the way he opened it.

Monster Hunter is different from the previous games of group A. the difficulty of this game is not divided at the beginning. The difficulty is based on the mission of the guild.

The main line is the simplest, and sometimes NPC support, or the monster itself is weakened.

For example, the boar king in the main line is the boar king who escapes from the hunter's hand, and the protagonist wants to pursue and capture.

But among the bounty tasks, boar king is in the breeding season, extremely aggressive and irritable.

And then Hideki Ando was dumbfounded.

But Can't stop!

Sure enough, it can't stop at all!

After the monster hunter played, Hideki Ando became addicted.

At first, he was just experiencing the fun of the game, and by the way, he wanted to create the equipment he wanted and develop his role.

But after that, the sense of accomplishment of hunting monsters overtook that feeling.

At this time, he seems to have really become a hunter hunting in the monster world.

This reward task, although very difficult, but this challenge, but unexpectedly let him feel the game itself contains the kind of "hunting" feeling.

It's really fun.


After killing the boar king of "superior" difficulty, he finally felt much more relaxed.

But The difficulty of the game is said to be more than that.

"There are rumors that the game will introduce new difficulties in the form of DLC."

After killing the boar king, Hideki Ando came to the guild, and then heard that someone was communicating here.

"Nani Nani?" He had heard of similar rumors, but the informant seemed to have inside information, so he went over.

"My uncle works in group A. It's said that the game will develop a 'real difficulty' option in the future."

The other side was joking.

"What is real difficulty?"

The onlookers asked curiously.

"In short, under real difficulty, players are similar to real humans. If they are hit, they will lose a lot of HP. If they are trampled by monsters, they will even die directly, and their blood volume can't be recovered at a high speed. It's a superhard core mode to simulate the real environment!"

"Oh, oh, oh, how wonderful!"

Hideki Ando is not aware of the difficulty.

"What's more, it's said that under this difficulty, people's endurance is also limited, so it will be more difficult to attack. Long distance movement with weapons will consume a lot of endurance..."

It is worthy of being the uncle party. I know a lot about it!

"Why didn't I know there was such a setting?"

On the other side, Ichiro kurima is in a muddle at this time.

Today is Sunday. He is also interested in his own "Monster Hunter". Although he is not in charge of the project team later, he still knows a lot about the relevant information.


Why haven't I heard of such a thing!

Boy, who is your uncle?

"But the idea of this difficulty is quite creative. You can write it down first..." Although Ichiro kurima has not heard of this difficulty in the project team, it seems that the difficulty mode is quite interesting. He plans to have a chat with Miyazaki when he has dinner with him in the evening."Well, I just made a pig knife, ready to go to the dark area, and want to hunt shadow spiders. Is there anyone with me?"

After hearing the pressure, Ando felt that he had to hurry up.

So, he decided to explore the shadow spider in the dark.

I just hit the boar king, and after collecting enough materials, I made a pig knife. Then I strengthened it with the materials I had saved. I can go to "open up the wasteland" shadow spider.

"You want a shadow spider cover, too! Together? "

At this moment, another player appeared nearby.

Ando took a look at the man's equipment and found that he was using a big strange bird's fireknife. Fire properties work well in dark areas.


That's the deal.

In the stand-alone version, the monster "shadow spider" does not have a separate task. This monster will only mix with other hunting activities. However, if you want to hunt shadow spider, it will conflict with the task itself, so it is very difficult to capture it.

However, in monster hunter, there are not only single task, but also online reward task in multiplayer mode.

These tasks appear in the guild hall of multiplayer mode.

The guild mission is updated once a week. The rewards are very rich, and there will be a string of text stories, and the tasks are various.

Shadow spider's hunting task is on the guild hunting taskbar this week.

"Queen of the shadow kingdom"

that's the name of this mission.

"Hunt quest Raid: Queen of shadow Kingdom

hunt shadow spider

that guy! It's that guy. Every time I go to the dark place, I encounter it. It's terrible, it's so troublesome! My spider phobia is on the way!

And now it's said that it's the breeding season of that guy. Whoa, whoa, go get rid of that terrible guy!

Remuneration: 5400z, limited time: 50 points. "

"When I was in the dark, I met a stray shadow spider, but hunting two guys at the same time is really troublesome. Let's go together?"

Here comes another hunter. This is a hunter with insect stick.

"Ha ha ha, I've met three shadow spiders. I've prepared a lot of materials. I'm preparing to take on this team task."

Another one with a big sword.

There are two sets of comparison in the early game Keke, it's a gentleman's dress. These are two sets of poisonous spider and shadow spider.

Two sets of clothing are compared to see the character, but the latter now has a weekly task, it is good.

Although these tasks are once a week, it is also possible to brush them repeatedly. Therefore, many people, including Hideki Ando, want to "graduate" the equipment in one breath.

Well Although this special property of the equipment in the early stage, the practical value is not high.

Soon, the four formed a team and entered the dark.

And then

They were taught to be human.

Shadow spider itself can't "drive", so it's very convenient to walk.

But the shadow spider is not so easy to play, because the goods will keep small spiders, but also spin silk.

Once the spinning speed is slowed down, the spiders will flock to it, and Get rid of them.

After being killed by the cat car group three times, Hideki Ando realized that this was not possible.

"That There may be some problems with our cooperation. " The fireknife soldier suddenly opened his mouth.

"It makes sense!" Ando nodded.

"Otherwise, we will finish another team task first? It's easier to have rewards anyway. "

"Oh, good idea!"

The other task, relative to this one, is slightly less difficult to hunt.

"Hunting mission Raid: nightmare of spreading wings

hunting pterosaur

A: ah, ah, ah, Qi! Every time I sleep this guy when I hit the corpse cover dragon, the goods will wake it up!

Anonymous task Hunter: Crazy interrupted! My dragon killing skills are interrupted! Corpse cover dragon, you go to the next area!

The guild receptionist with friendly hint: these pterosaurs are in a violent state. Please pay attention to your safety - it's not really a mixed soldier who cuts your edge!

Reward: 2520z, hunting time: 50 minutes. "

Fangpterosaurus is a kind of iron head monster. It will be interrupted by crazy back stab at various times, and then forced to connect with the Dragon chariot three companies on the opposite side.

The so-called cutting edge is the setting in the game. If you hit the air blade to a certain extent, you can open the edge. For Taidao players who can't cut the edge, no one wants to form a team.

This hunting task is to hunt small monsters, which should not be difficult. Several people are ready to practice

Big monsters can't beat them, but bullying them is OK?——Not really.

"How can you repair it? Why are there lava dragons in this map?"

Why do high-level monsters mix into low-level tasks!

After entering the map, several people were dumbfounded.

Because there is not only pterosaur but also a lava dragon that appears in the map.

Moreover, the lava dragon is still in a rage. The frequency and range of fireballs are very large. If they are not careful to avoid them, they will be killed.

The guild mission is not for fun.

At this time, they realized that this "guild mission" did not seem to be a simple thing

It's also strange that these four Meng Xin didn't pay attention, because they received "raid" copies, that is, large copies. In the monster world, there are at most four people online. Therefore, this task represents that the task is very difficult, and the monsters and data in them are completely different from those when they are on a single machine.

Although the mission is to hunt pterosaurs, in this map, there are some of the most disgusting lava dragons among the non ancient dragon species in the pioneer period.

The lava dragon spits out phlegm, and the four new sprouts are just muddled.

This thing has its own routine, but in the "nightmare of spreading wings", the hardness and attack frequency of this product are much higher than that of ordinary lava dragons, and there is no formula at all.

This is of course. The original intention of the official design is to let players stare at the attack of big monsters and kill small monsters. How can they turn away from the guests at will?

"We opened it in the wrong way. Let's fight black horned dragons... "

Finally, it was Hideki Ando who found something wrong.

The "raid" replica task is a specialized task in itself Can't fight!

So they decided to change to a less difficult copy.

To fight black horned dragons in the desert is their choice.

The desert is the second open area in the game.

At this time, players' thinking has not been separated from the idea of "region = difficulty".

Change to this guy, there should be no problem?

Well, four people have a good idea.

But unfortunately, they didn't know that another identity of this product was an enhanced version of "dissuade dragon" of Monster Hunter





After being sent back by the dragon car again, the four men were silent in the guild.

"Why is the black Horned Dragon so powerful?"

Some people think it's unscientific.

"Are you fighting black horned dragons?" A high-level Hunter nearby noticed the conversation.

Instead of using the team channel, the four people typed directly on the public screen, so they were directly seen by this person.

"Hi, but it's so good that I can't beat it."

"Horned Dragon is very simple. Oh, you don't have a shield. You can win a round fight with a shield

Master said casually.

Thank you very much Hideki Ando was very moved.

"But I don't think you should fight black point at first. It's very difficult to fight without shield in black point. Moreover, the guild mission itself has strengthened these monsters. You can play horny dragons with sonic bombs. You can play with black horns after you have the equipment. The fault tolerance rate will be higher! "

Worthy of being a master!

Ando Xiuyi this time quickly asked: "dare to ask the elder, do you know how to hit shadow spider?"

After Ando Xiuyi finished asking this sentence, there was no sound on the other side.

“…… Elder? "

He waited for a while, and the people around him did not dare to speak.

Then, the master said, "I also want to know..."

“……” ×4。

Obviously, the answer from the master made four people look confused.

"The Queen's mission is too difficult," said the man. "I've given up. I'm trying to kill all the dragons."

Destroy the dragon!

Ancient dragon species!

The difficulty of the guild mission is terrible, so it's out of round. But if it's a normal task, you can kill the dragon. This master is really powerful!

"Did you succeed?" Suddenly a small partner asked.

"No, I just broke the handle. I can't use the keyboard."

"Ah, the last thought."

"Yes, it's a pity."

So did the friends.

"It's not a pity that I can't do it myself."

Hideki Ando and his partner:???

"I've been in a cat cart for countless times, so it's just a handle. It's nothing to be sorry about."

OK, I see.Probably because I was dissuaded to quit, so I fell


Don't hook up with real world monster hunters.

In addition, when interrupted, sometimes I really want to drop the keyboard

Two in one meow.

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