We need to do big games and small games.

Senxia thinks it's good for him to do such a high-quality game once in a while - this is called not forgetting the original intention.

And it would be better if we could train a few good developers.

"Well What do you think about the content of the game? " Senxia asked again.

"Well, although I have thought about the story of the magic girl fighting ksulu, but I haven't decided yet. " Qian Jia shook her head.

"What did you do last time?" Senxia asked again.

"We just determined the way of the game, which is probably the structure of the map exploration similar to the story of the wasteland, so we just built this structure before. As for the specific content No padding. " Qian Jia shrugged.

"Ha..."? Isn't it that I started to play games without thinking about everything well? "

Sen Xia was shocked by Qianjia's action.

But it's too bold.

"To be precise, there was a version of the story before, but I tore it up." Qian Jia looks over her head.

"Well All right

Sonia probably got it.

Although Qianjia feels OK here, she writes a story I'm still a little sorry.

It's similar to the small book written by Qianjia that Mori saw at that time. She is really delicate in making up stories.

"But now it's only ninety-one About three months, less than four months. Is that enough? " Senxia felt that there was something wrong with the time.

"If it's not too big, it's all right." Qian Jia thumbs up at Sen Xia.

Well, peer games have very low requirements for debug.

In general, it may take a month or two to debug a game.

But the demand for peer games, especially Word Games, is relatively low.

It's not that there are fewer loopholes in such games, but that the players are generally more tolerant.

It can be said that only the game does not appear any evil game loopholes, players can greatly forgive, or even find their own solutions.

Mori Xia's "the house of the enchantress" was basically made by stepping on the line to press the plate. The debug and other things were nihilistic. All the loopholes in the game were solved after the RPGmaker was developed later.

Well, these are the two different requirements for players to treat business games and peer games.

But this is not to blame, the former can be said to have to have compensation, the latter basically uses love to generate electricity.

"Well." Senxia thought of a way, "since we have determined the type of game, playing method and the general background, it's better for everyone to come up with an idea."

Sen xiadun: "now it is basically certain that the story will take place in the context of the near future. The place is the city of ark on the sea Well, the city built above laayre. In terms of elements, it's probably a little bit of a Crusoe style. Of course, it's just a simple style and tone. We don't have to really use the elements. "

The myth of kesulu is open source, but the board game of kesulu has copyright. It's better to clarify this point.

If we can change the myth of ksulu by magic, it will be more comfortable than simply applying it.

Senxia looked around.

Tong Gu Xiao over there seems to want to speak, but Sen Xia quickly said to Mr. Aso, "Mr. Aso, what's your opinion?"

You're kidding. The magic girl kesulu or something. No way!

"Me?" Being named by idols, Ma Shengxian's whole person immediately became spirited.

"Well, master Aso, do you have any good methods?" Mori looked at Kenichi ASO with encouraging eyes.

"That What do you think of the magic girl who can summon arms? Our protagonist uses arms as weapons. "

Asao Kenichi is a military residence - although he has recently been addicted to krypton gold games and GS, he is indeed a military residence. There are a large number of models of ships, guns and tanks in his family. However, even if he has no money for krypton gold, he has not sold these models!

"Weapons don't seem to have much power?" Tong Gu Xiao seems to think that awesome ammunition is not enough.

"Mr. Tong Gu, do you have any misunderstanding about arms? Bullet or three-phase bullet, these are all big killers that can destroy an entire city Aso Kenichi said that his hidden attribute is actually a big fried beep!

"I don't think there's something wrong with the weapons and the magic girl." Next to Mori Xia, she muttered.

Although she was the initiator of maid cafe, she was surprised that among several people, the house property was the lightest.

"Yes, at least add a little magic, super powers, and other things, such as pause time?" Tong guxiao seems to find the time pause interesting.

"Shout the_ World, get out of the way, Tommy! And then take out Gatling and shoot straight ahead? " Qian Jia's eyes suddenly brightened.The concept of time pause is very popular now.

In JOJO, Dior's double is called "the_ And then its ability is to pause time.

Of course, if magic maidens, weapons and time are suspended What Sen xiadun thought of was actually Er Xiaomei flame in the magic girl's little circle.

As the female No. 2 of the healing system, Xiaomei's flame level ability is to stop time. Moreover, the magic girl likes to use hot weapons very much.

But If we have this concept now, if we launch "magic girl's little round face" in the future, then the sense of surprise will be weakened?!

No, no, no!

"Well, this concept is a little inappropriate, too mixed." Senxia said, "it's not that mixing and matching is not allowed, but there is no connection between the two, and the unfolding of the story is more subtle. Let's use a more appropriate method. What do you think, senior Jiusheng? "

Jiusheng Meili is thinking.

“…… What if we integrate the fairy tale elements with the current story? Although it is a story of the near future, in fact, the inside is a modern adaptation and reconstruction of such stories as Alice in Wonderland, little red riding hood, etc

In fact, there are many such "black fairy tales" and "reconstituted assimilation" in the future.

Nine Sheng Mei Li's view, Sen Xia side think it's very good.

"Well, we use fairy tale elements directly, I think so." Qianjia also agreed, writing the word "fairy tale" on the whiteboard.

Jiusheng Meili is finished here, and Tonggu Xiaoyue wants to have a try.

Well, I still can't avoid it.

"A Xiao, what's your opinion? First of all, the magic girl kesulu or something. No

Mrs. Mori took a vaccination first.

Tonggu Xiaoxian Leng for a moment, and then think of what, the eye son a turn, but also open mouth.

But at this time, senxia quickly added: "the magic girl asatos and other things are forbidden! All in all, nothing like that can do

"I think it's great that evil spirits become magic maidens." Tongguxiao protested.

"If it's a funny story, I think it's OK, but since we're exploring puzzles, and there's a lot of weird painting styles, if players know the truth about magic girls They may have to go through a round of sanity in the real world

Sen Xia said that this is for the spiritual health of the broad masses of the people.

Nayazi or something, of course, is OK, because it is basically a mythical story of Niang ksulu.

But it's not a story that fits the current tone.

The current tone, if the evil god Niang, will be more similar to the type of Shaye's song.

The times are constantly advancing. In the future, senxia thinks that future people can accept it, but now, this taste may be a little big.

"Well, I think it's not impossible to use this point properly."

Qian Jia thinks that Tonggu Xiao's words are not entirely without merit.

So she wrote the word "evil incarnation" on the whiteboard.

"Hulixiang, what's your opinion?" After Qian Jia finished writing this sentence, she directly asked her neighbor, hulixiang.

"Ah? I don't think this background is too terrible? " Erika felt that these ideas seemed a little scary.

"It's nothing. It's just how we interpret it. Maybe it's a story of pure love Mori quickly comforts hulixiang.

Although he thought it was a delicate story.

"Well I think the school is good. This kind of school with near future background should also be very interesting. " Erixiang thought for a moment, "well, by the way, one of the former predecessors of the kuono school was the nun school. If all the schools were lovely nuns' schools, they should Will it be better? "

"Well, the girls' school is very suitable for the classic scene of the birth of magic girls. I think so. " Qian Jia nodded and wrote the words "noble nun College" on the whiteboard.

After finishing this point, Qianjia will focus on what body.

"Me too?" Senxia asked.

"Whatever you want, but I hope you can put these elements together and string them together into a story."


(⊙ o ⊙) ← at this moment, Sen Xia's expression is like this.

These elements, you let me string together?


All right.

In fact, it doesn't seem to be very difficult

Senxia thought about it for a while. He thought it was almost the same as making modules.

"I have a preliminary idea." Senxia said, "the base of our story is in a nun school in Fangzhou city. The school is called the private school of Santa Maria kilisto Saint.Maria_ Christos_ Academy (MC for short)"Wait a minute!" Before the end of senxia's side, Qianjia stopped Mori Xia, "it's Maria again, and it's the Savior. Is that ok?"

Kiristus is Christ.

"Ah, it's OK. It's OK to invent a religion if it's disconnected from the real world. Then change it. " Senxia thought for a moment, he said casually, "then call it St. Catherine's school."

"Those who study in this school are all noble ladies who will be cultivated into elegant ladies in this school. However, this is only the appearance. And our protagonist Let me see what it's called... "

“…… Alice Qian Jia speaks.

"Alice?" Senxia picked her eyebrows.

Alice makes you the lead?

How do I think you are full of malice, sister!

The stories from the female perspective are basically the type of "no tragedy".

Qian Jia's attitude, of course, Sen Xia had to have a subtle Association.

"It's Alice in Wonderland." Qianjia's righteousness is awe inspiring.

Believe you have a ghost!

But Sen Xia thinks, this kind of story that blends black fairy tale element, seem to be good too.

"That lady will be called Alice, or Charlotte green if she is number two."

"Charlotte green?"

"Little Red Riding Hood. Charlotte is derived from Charles Perot, the father of French fairy tales and the person who carries forward the story of little red riding hood. According to the French translation, his name is Charlotte Perot, and feminization is Charlotte. Green's words, better understood, are taken from the brothers

Little red riding hood has no name in the original fairy tale, but this does not prevent Sen Xia from studying history and arranging for Little Red Riding Hood.

"Alice, the heroine, is a freshman from nuns school No, wait, just a member of the school. "

According to the law of Nihong, the names of primary school, middle school and high school can not appear in the content of 18x.

However, the use of "College" and "School Park" can be bypassed.

It's the same with senxia.

"Alice is a transfer student, ostensibly a transfer student, but in fact she is a nun in the Fawang Hall..."

“STOP! It's too close to our tolerance for evil. Change it. " Qian Jia waved her hand.

"Er Angel of love? What about the name? " Senxia thought of the book she had seen.

"Well, that's good." Qian Jia nods.

"Our St. Catherine's school, though seemingly normal, is in fact a completely distorted place - because the upper echelon of the school has been secretly dominated by some evil god."

On the surface, it is a normal school, but in fact, the high-level has been corrupted.

This kind of design is quite Ke Sulu.

"I'm going to use yidhra, the Witch of dreams, as the archetype for his words."

Yideheira, the Witch of dreams, is a character in the story created by kesulu. It was published in 1976 "where"_ Yidhra_ The author of "walks" is Jr.Walter_ C. Debill, this guy was also involved in the creation of the_ BLACK_ Sutra and a_ Mountain_ A story like "walked".

Of course, because there are few translations of his works, there are not many people who know about it.

"The Witch of dreams?" Qianjia was not surprised, but the others looked at each other.

They all know the story of kesulu, but they don't know this one.

"The dream witch usually appears in the image of a young and charming human woman, but her appearance can vary, and she is polycentric and has admirers all over the world. She is immortal, and her believers can merge with her and live forever, but they will be assimilated. Moreover, her image is often hidden under the illusion, only the core members can see it Senxia summed up, "she has an incarnation called Miss Yi. The image is a human woman in a black and white dress, with long black hair, and looks as beautiful as a porcelain doll That's probably how it feels

Since it is to do the game of craftsmanship, in addition to tentacles, nature is to cute sister paper!

Among these evil gods, senxia just remembered some good settings.

"Well, the design is OK, but I feel like this character Well, how to say Yes, it's not enough! " Qian Jia thought of Sen Xia's words, "so yo, senxia Jun, you should at least have a little more elegant identity."


Do you want me to use Athos?

That's too big.

The next level, Naya?

This is too much.

…… Well, fog of the unknown?

Ah, mix it up and change it Maybe?

……The two in one meow ~

collapse, collapse and attack will be transformed, but The author is only A-class Down the street

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