With the second girl's long-distance joining, the design of world outlook and story framework is surprisingly smooth.

Senxia also started to paddle here. Let's see how we organize the story.

Although everyone was a little shy when they discussed the work, in fact, no one left. Although some were shy, no one wanted to be absent.

Under the discussion of you and me, the framework of the whole story is completed.

The background is the story of the middle of the 21st century in the maritime city of ark.

Fangzhou city is a huge marine city in the South Pacific Ocean. It is independent of other countries and has advanced science and technology. Ten thousand square kilometers of land are scattered around the sea, and the main buildings are located on the giant island of heyll.

Well, the English of Heller is lalaier in turn, but it is pseudonymized here, so ordinary people really can't recognize it.

Of course, it's all for fun.

In the beginning, the "Ark" was just an ordinary ark city.

But later, after senxia's brain hole came out of the tower of Babel, Jiusheng Meili suddenly proposed whether the Bible could be partially used.

"In this part, I think it's OK. The polar sky is the heaven and the distant sky. It can also be the scene that occupies the vast majority of the sky. The day of the polar sky refers to something very far away from human beings but very close to human beings, in other words, the creator of human beings. This part can be transformed into the role of "God."

Although in the water, but in the key places, senxia is very reliable.

"Well This is good. In terms of the ark, we will basically think of Noah's Ark and God's punishment of mankind, and the tower of Babel has the same relationship. But if you put the tower of Babel on Noah's Ark That's interesting. "

Qian Jia thinks this brain hole is quite good.

Philosophy, metaphysics, magic, science fiction, these elements are mixed together, even with a special sense.

"I thought of the story called Angel's egg in the 1980s." Hulixiang thought of a film he had seen when he was "Bufan." although the content is very obscure, the story tells seems to be that after landing on Noah's ark, human beings have gradually forgotten the earth. The whole story takes place on a small board of Noah's Ark It's like that. "

This work is the work of Oshima, because he had worked with Sen Xia before, so she went to see it. Although she could understand the story in general, she still felt that the content was very subtle.

But now that we also talk about "Ark", hulixiang naturally associate with that thing.

"Well, it's of great reference value For example, in fact, the world outside Fangzhou city has completely destroyed something... " Senxia feels that this setting It's going to be fun.

"I don't think it's too dark. Mr. shawson. " Kenichi Aso is a little scared.

Didn't you say that we're going to do the game of craft?!

Why such a terrible background!

Do you want players to be dominated by this terrible story when they play games?!

This world is too sad!

“…… It's reasonable. It's too much of senxia Jun's personal style. I don't think it's suitable for us to play it now. "

"Ha!" Sen Xia was startled, "what about literati, can you call Zhi Yu?"

Mr. Tianhai Yiji strongly protested against this.

The protest was invalid.

"It doesn't have to be too profound."

"I agree."

"I think so..."

"What are you talking about..." This is Tong Gu Xiao who doesn't quite understand the situation.

"Well, that's it." Senxia shook her head.

After this little episode, the story was decided.

The city of ark is a place to connect the Sleeping land of the ural and the sky land of kadas, and the place used to connect the two places is the tower of Babel.

KADS used the secret of Su Lu's myth in this place. This is a place where art is written by itself. It's a story of kad's quest for secrets, and some people make complaints about the "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Su Lu's version" or "love the craft Wonderland".

What, why don't you spell kadas the other way around?

Well Because kadas, in turn, saw that strange English I don't know how to read.

Moreover, when kadas appeared, it was already the late stage of the story, so there was no need.

In the story, the heroine Alice used the story of Alice in Wonderland. She was also set to be a resident of kadas and a "Heavenly Man".

Of course, because it's the story of kesulu, it's not bad to set it as a fairyland like fairy tale."Alice's full name is Alice Ludwig Liddell Mary." After little red riding hood, senxia began to name Alice again.

Because he has read many famous works recently, senxia likes this kind of name which needs textual research.

"Why is it so long? What's more, Mary doesn't seem to be her last name? " Qianjia is strange.

"Ludwig is derived from the author Lewis Carroll's original name, Charles Ludwig Dodgson, and Alice's family name is in the story. Liddell is taken from Alice's prototype, Alice Liddell, who is the author's prototype - but this one is not blonde. And Mary's words are "Ann Mary", the maid of Alice's rabbit in Wonderland. Here, it refers to Alice herself

Senxia is good at this kind of muzzle.

Before yuzao, senxia could muzzle the great God of Tianzhao and Pangu. Now Alice and senxia are simple, but they can also produce a plot that seems to have depth.

Although others are still in a state of confusion.

"It seems that this setting is really interesting." Qianjia thought that the setting was not bad.

Other people also nodded, a "although I don't quite understand, but it seems like a very powerful look ah.".

"But fairy tales and the elements of kesulu are concentrated together, and I always feel very subtle." Mr. ASO felt that although these elements were some powerful, they always felt strange.

"But the character is really interesting. Just from the name, you can feel a sense of story." He thought it was very good.

"In fact, I prefer to customize the protagonist..." Aso murmured.

"If we can have more than a year, we can build a more open model, but I think we can do our best within the predetermined range."

High degree of freedom is a model that Sen Xia highly values, but let's see when.

Right now, this tripod Senxia thinks it's OK.

Now the story is mainly divided into three parts. At first, it is aimed at the dark red enemy of the school, but now, it can only be so.

Anyway, it's the same person game of the community, and senxia doesn't hold much expectation about it.

What, the game is on fire?!

It doesn't matter. If it's really popular, we'll split and expand the current chapters, and then sort out a more perfect world view, and then take the opportunity to launch a "reset version."! Make complaints about game player

and Sen Xia dare, the players will not be tucking away. If they see Sanger doing this, they will surely be grateful for it.

-- let's not say anything else. Take a few games of their current comrades as examples. Whether it's the biochemical crisis series of Daxiong or the story of the waste capital series, many players expect these works to be commercially produced.

After the background of the story is set, it is the story.

"The main axis of the story, of course, is that Alice has broken through three main lines," senxia said. "But there are also different ways to go about it."

In moriha's mind, the situation of ark city is similar to that of cyberpunk 2077, but different from the dirty feeling of European style, Sen Xia appreciates the bright and bright feeling of Japanese style.

"But I want to see what you think. You can think about how to design Alice's story. I'll start with St. Catherine's school

"From the beginning of our story, it happened in St. Catherine's school, the leading church school in ark City, with the goal of cultivating devout ladies. Of course, we all know the actual situation. "

"The gate of the school is a big square, and after entering, the first thing you see should be a Versaille garden..."

Bai Sen began to paint on the board.

But mori, who hasn't touched a pen for some time, also feels a little rusty. But Sen Xia didn't know, so he drew what he said on the whiteboard.

"To the front of the big garden is the square in the school. On the right side, there are dormitories, canteens and churches; on the left are the large library, experimental building and office building; in the middle, of course, it is the teaching building, and behind the teaching building are gymnasiums and swimming pools." Senxia also refers to some of the conditions of the kauno School Park to produce. It seems that the creation really comes from life. "If we go on, it will be the back mountain garden. And our exploration, I think, can be in this "exterior School Park" at the beginning, but at the bottom of the School Park, or on the other side of the mountain, there can be some "Li Xue Yuan" world. And that world is a world polluted by evil... "

Mori drew the school uniform.

In his mind, he thought of a sister paper named Kalian in the collapse 3, which had been worn by nuns It's pretty.

Therefore, he made some designs for his school uniform according to that style. The skirt is similar to the Qipao, which is also designed for the skirt."Eh?" Qian Jia has a subtle expression.

"What's the matter?" Senxia didn't expect that Qianjia would suddenly happen here.

"I think I've seen nuns like this improved style..."

"Eh So, me too... " She also felt that she had seen it somewhere.

"-- ah! It's a clothing club! " Erika responded immediately.

"Clothing club? Do you mean the kauno School Park Senxia seems to understand.

"Yes, there used to be school uniforms over the years. It seems that someone in the monastery over there had done similar design before the merger of the schools. Although it was not officially selected as the school uniform, it is said that this is the opportunity for the merger of the three schools." Qianjia used to be familiar with the people in the clothing club. Although she had been away from school for a long time, she still remembered what she had seen and heard there.

"You go on. I'll get in touch with Jingzi. She knows something."

"Jingzi? Who is it? " Moriha is strange.

"Keiko Shibata, former Vice Minister of the clothing department." Qian Jia said, "she is very interested in things before the merger. We can ask."

Listen to Qian Jia say so, Sen Xia also thought of that vice minister.

"As for it?" Senxia was puzzled.

"Just be interesting. That's my rule. I think this school uniform is good, so I think it is our prototype No problem

"What you said is reasonable..."

Qianjia also has her own circle of friends. Of course, she has many friends.

Before throwing the pot to Sen Xia, Qianjia contacted her old friends.

And senxia at this time, also continued.

"Well Well, do you have any good ideas about the outline of the story? "

Sen Xia has given Alice's basic setting, but it is difficult to have a good idea in a short time.

"Well The Magic Princess Alice or something, I think it's very romantic It seems that the design is very good.

"I think it's good, too." Jiusheng Meili nodded and agreed, "the Magic Princess Alice or something, such a setting is very romantic. If it's crafty, Alice and several princes will take risks together or something Isn't it great? "

Although it is a science fiction background, Jiusheng Meili has successfully built a crooked building to the age of feudal Fantasy Well, there are princes in science fiction There is no denying it.

"I think we can set the place where Alice once fell from Wonderland to the earth in ark City, but she lost all her memories. But this time, Alice is looking for some supernatural events that happened to her, so she came here..." Mr. ASO also put forward his own views.

"And you, filial?" Sen Xia asked Tong Gu Xiao again. But to be honest, he didn't expect much.

"Ah? I think it's too much trouble. Isn't it great that we just let Alice punch her to the flesh, and step by step, step by step

It's not just Mori Xia, but other people who are also xiaojiong by Tonggu.

"Let's decrypt the role-playing game..." Ma Sheng Xian said.

"Who said you can't fight if you solve the riddle?" Tong guxiao said he couldn't understand.

"Well I think it's very good! Magic girl with fist to flesh It's very touching


The others were shocked.

Because the person who said this It's moriha.


Information that can be made public:

the author is not a secondary 2 student, so the name of the last chapter is Lily's idea, not the author Jun.

Desu ~

the boundary line on the horizon is finished, and then the completion ova This Is the third season hopeless???

Two in one meow

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