Mori had to make an appointment to see the second generation teacher. Because the teacher said that when he meets others, he should dress up.

Teachers live in high-end apartments. In Tokyo, an indoor apartment is definitely more advanced than a single family with "one family building". It is a place where rich people can live.

"Second generation Mu teacher!"

Senxia came with a melon.

Melon in the mud is a luxury, used to give gifts to ensure the heart, is absolutely no problem.

The second generation of Mu teachers are wearing wonderful clothes as usual today.


The other person wears a strange mask on his face, some of which are like breathing masks, but there are some special designs.

It is also because of this mask that makes the voice of the second generation teacher a little stuffy.

After senxia sat down, she looked at the dress of the second generation of Mu teachers.

-- I don't know why, when teachers of the second generation meet people, they are basically "dressed up" and leave the country.

It's the same when you sign for a sale, or when you meet in private.

At this moment, senxia is looking at each other.

The other side was wearing a black full-length latex coat with a bright red leather corset on the outside, a horseshoe boot and the same bright red accessories.

"You are wearing the battle clothes of the dimensional empire Senxia saw through it at a glance.

"Oh, yes, this book has just come out. I'm glad you can see it."

The Empire of the second generation is one of the rare stories in series.

This story is about the invasion of the earth by the dimensional empire.

The story just came out is about the heroine with spiritual strength sneaking into the dimensional Empire, pretending to be captured and trying to save her captured companions, only to find out that the Empire actually wrapped the captured compatriots in combat uniforms and then converted them into fighters.

The heroine was deliberately selected because of her spiritual ability, but she did not know that the edification of the dimensional empire was not the invasion of the spiritual level, but the transformation from the physical aspect to the fighter's own spiritual transformation. The heroine was imperceptibly influenced and thus gradually degenerated.

"Ah, since it is the work of the second generation of Mu teachers, of course, I started at the first time. Your present dress up is the story of the heroine being chosen as a "war horse" after she was first educated. " Senxia said, "then she will wake up to her original heart after meeting her companion, but her mind has changed, so she has fallen into an endless circle of thought logic. Because of this, she is forced to accept punishment and be cunning for a second time. But at this time, the dimensional empire was invaded by strange forces, and the heroine fell to the different dimension... "

This is probably what the latest work is about. However, due to the limited space, the following content can only wait for the content of the next book.

"There are a lot of contents in the dimensional Empire, and there are many interesting developments. Besides the war horses, I think the touch suits made by human beings to fight against the dimensional empire are also very interesting."

"You really know it." The voice of the second generation is a little stuffy because of the mask on his face, but the other side seems not to agree with it. Instead, he is really happy for Sen Xia to see the plot of the book so seriously.

"Because I'm a fan of the second generation of teachers!" Mori laughs.

Unfortunately, every time he meets Sen Xia, he is wrapped up in a solid package. Although Sen Xia has been here many times, he has never seen the real face of the other party.

And the other party's clothes, it seems that they never show their skin, even if they wear more bold clothes, she will certainly put on a layer of tight clothes or gloves on one side to hide herself.

Although it's a quirk, senxia doesn't care. On the contrary, he thinks his idol has a little different hobby from ordinary people. In fact, it's quite cute.

Moreover, idols can only be viewed from a distance, and can't be obscene. It's good to look at them from a distance.

Anyway, Sen Xia knows a lot of girls and won't get angry.

"I'm here to ask you some questions." Senxia spoke.

"Go ahead, please?"

"Well, I'm going to write a new novel, but there's a question about the route of the novel..."

Sen Xia told each other one of the problems she encountered in writing the etiquette of a girl in the near month.

"So, are you thinking, is it all or just with the heroine?"

"Hey, that's what it feels like." Mori said, "I haven't encountered this kind of trouble before, but when I write this novel, I always feel better."

Children only do multiple choice questions, adults choose all to!

But It's so easy to write a story, that's good.

"If you follow the plot, the outburst of emotion from the hero to the heroine is the strongest one." The second generation of Mu teacher considered it.

"Indeed."Senxia nodded.

But how to say, if the whole story only takes the heroine's route, the other characters are quite subtle.

"But I can see from your feelings that my sister seems to be an accessory."


After hearing the second generation of Mu teacher's words, Sen Xia felt as if there was a flash of lightning from the sky and fell on his head.

It was this moment that Sen Xia suddenly realized.

He finally understood what he was wrong about.

"I see. I am worthy of being the second generation teacher. My idea is still too naive."

After all, he is the one who wrote "the sky of fate". Mori understood the emotional difference between Li xiangnai and Qiong in an instant.

As the second generation teacher said, it's not impossible to write like this, but Other characters, will become Luna's foil.

"Sister, such a role, if you become a supporting role, then it is dispensable!" Second generation Mu teacher's righteous words.

"I see!"

Indeed, if you accept it all, it will reduce the charm of my sister!

Unless my sister is big!

But in the etiquette of the girl in the near month, Luna is the absolute female master.

Senxia realized.

If you want your sister to be taken away together, it's a waste of sister's role.

"If line or cartoon can be used for sister's words..."

Senxia has already developed the idea of multiple routes for animation, comics, novels and even games.

Since it is to let the "love warrior" make a reputation, it is natural to attack in all directions.

Moreover, moriha is also a multi world supporter. He likes to watch different world lines.

At this time, the second generation of Mu teacher said: "if you don't dislike it, can I be the script of the cartoon?"


The second generation of teacher Mu wants to fight in person?!

"Hi, of course, no problem!"

Senxia promised, patting her chest.


In recent months, if all the papers are collected, all the sister papers will be the foil for Luna, so it is difficult to collect them all.

But we can have different world lines. Jpg.

Meow of the first watch

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