“…… Brother, get up


Senxia slowly opened her eyes.

It's still very cold in January, but in a room with air conditioning and floor heating, you don't have to worry about the climate.

Wake up in the morning, open your eyes, is some miss the ceiling.

Senxia looks to the left.

Xuenai had already opened the curtain when she asked senxia to get up.

Outside the curtains, there was some cold weather and cold streets.

It's snowing today.

But it was sleet.

It's not a good thing to go out in this weather.

Fortunately, today is a rest day, so Mori can stay here a little longer.

He turned his head and looked to the right.

Xuenai has just changed her clothes and is finishing her hair in front of the dressing table.

"Well, what's the matter?" She noticed Sonia's eyes.

"I was thinking about how you spent your time in school."

This is senxia's home in the Musashino area.

Although it is not as luxurious as the apartment in the evening, and not as huge as daishida village, it has a kind of warm feeling.

Especially when there's only me and my sister here.

"School? Well, it's about the same as at home. " Snow is a crooked head, "the student union's business handling, probably and before the work of the same. But it's not easy to maintain the prestige of the president. Sometimes I feel tired

At this time, xuenai has tied up her hair and made a ponytail for home.

"What do you think of that, brother?" Snow put the horse's tail on his side.

"Well Is it a little too mature? "

On the side of the horse's tail, actually quite good-looking. However, this feeling is too subtle - because the hairstyle in many acgn works is often the so-called "death hairstyle".

Well, basically, the protagonist's mother or sister has this hairstyle, and they are all killed

Although it's very beautiful, senxia has some weakness.


Xuenai thought about it for a while. She let go of her hair, and then she grabbed her hair to both sides with her hands. She became a double horsetail: "brother likes double horsetail very much. How about me?"

"Double horsetail, it's beautiful Ah, I think of your junior high school days. " Snow is junior high school, also had a period of time used double horsetail hair.

"Indeed, I am no longer a child." Xuenai pursed her mouth and put her hair down again. In the end, she did not continue to erect her hair. Instead, she knitted a braid at the back of her head and tied it to the back of her head.

Don't say, it feels good.

"Well, brother, you should get up quickly. I'll make breakfast first." After xuenai finished speaking, she stood up.


Senxia continued to lie down.

Although it was warm in the room, it was nice to lie down.

Senxia gazed out of the window.

It's really a pleasure to lie in a warm quilt at this time.

"It's a pity that the sunset is not here..."

Xiyan is borrowed by Qianjia and Lihua.

They said they wanted to go to Tianhai village, and Sen Xia agreed.

Although Tianhai village is a so-called "village", it is not an open settlement.

Therefore, if there is no Tianhai housemaid to lead the way, Qianjia and Lihua, but there is no way to go.

"Ah, this kind of salted fish life is really cool indeed..."

In spite of this, but after five minutes, senxia still struggled to get up.

Because He is hungry.

Can't help, senxia these two nights of physical consumption are very big, although lying very comfortable, but sometimes physical strength can not keep up.

There is no way.

Who makes the score of "sword God domain" so good? Sen Xia should pay attention to this aspect every day.

Fortunately, Sen Xia is a big boss, so he doesn't have to go to the company in person. He only needs a computer and remote command.

Snow is around to take care of his daily life, Sen Xia these days of life, he feels very comfortable.

After washing and gargling, senxia came to the restaurant.

Xuenai was putting a glass of fresh milk on senxia's table at this time.


Senxia first went to the living room, took a notebook that had been forgotten there yesterday afternoon and went to the dining room side, and then put it on the table.

"Don't eat while watching the computer. It's not good for your health. " Snow is served with delicious toast.

This piece of toast has just been fried in butter, and it has a delicious smell, which makes people have a big appetite."I can't help it. If you want to know the feedback in time, it's the only way." It's a pity that there is no smart phone in this era. Otherwise, it will be more convenient to access the Internet by mobile phone.

He was eager to eat this toast, but xuenai slapped the back of his hand: "it's very hot just now! And everything else is not ready yet. "

"Oh, oh." Sen Xia angrily put down his hand, and then picked up the milk to drink.

"Really, you have to say 'I'm moving' before eating. Your eating habits are getting worse and worse, just like primary school students."

"It's snow, but you're too broad." Sen Xia chuckled, "where are you from, wife and little mother?"

"What, what a little mother!" When Xue Nai heard this name, he seemed to be confused.

But senxia laughed.

"Ignore you!" Xuenai turned her head and went back to the kitchen to continue her busy work. While senxia was drinking fresh milk, she entered the website again and looked at the new news that had not been paid attention to for nearly 12 hours.

"Well, it's not bad."

Most of the news on the Internet is positive news. There are few water soldiers on the Internet these years, and some comments are quite good.

Xuenai over there cooks very quickly. She has just finished reading several recent posts, and she has made breakfast together.

"I'm going."

"I started ~"

two people sat down together and began to eat.

"Snow, how do you eat at school?" Senxia asked.

"Most of the time I go to the restaurant. But dormitories also have their own kitchens, so sometimes they make their own kitchens. Occasionally, when I go out to play with my classmates, or when I have dinner with my students, I will go outside the school. " Xuenai said, "the most interesting time was when we went camping and barbecue last year. It was so interesting."

Xuenai's life is quite rich.

"Does brother have a good meal every day?" Xue Nai also asked.

"Ah, of course. However, I eat Xiyan's food. Sometimes, Qianjia will start some fast food... "

I don't know if it's an illusion. When senxia finds out that she is telling, xuenai's face is changing.

So he stopped, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Snow is some kind of piquancy, put aside the face.

But Such snow is also very lovely.

"But what I like best is to eat with xuenai." He was smiling.

This sentence is very quiet.

But xuenai seemed to hear it. She didn't say anything, but the curly hair on her head moved.

She's probably happy.

That's enough.

Senxia took another sip of milk.


Meow of the second watch

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