"Here is the menu, sir."

There was an awkward and polite smile on the waiter's face.

On the other side, senxia turned her head too far.

This is a very ordinary family restaurant in Musashino. Mori Xia and Xue are two people at home. They have been busy because of something, but they find that they forget to prepare the ingredients.

So senxia simply took Wang Qiwen out for dinner.

"Lao Wang, has anyone told you that you are acting obscene now?" Sen Xia is a little lucky that snow did not follow.

"Yes? I just think it's fun. "

Wang Qiwen holds a piece of glass in his hand. He reaches out his right middle finger and slides on the glass.

It's just that this action is very Very The feeling of indecency.

"It's a good handle." He exclaimed.

“……” Mori chose not to comment.

"Glass can be made, but capacitive screen is the future. But there are not many people who can do it now. "

There are still some people who can do it.

But if it's combined with the screen, it's almost impossible for anyone to try.

"Senxia, do you think our Kirin computer can have such a screen?" Wang Qiwen suddenly came to the idea, "if we add a touch screen, I think it will be very interesting."

"Big screen..." Moriha thought, "infrared screen is a solution. But it's also under study. "

The so-called infrared screen is a layer of infrared light in front of the screen.

This layer of light is invisible. On one side of the screen, there is a light-emitting unit, and on the other side is a receiving unit. Through the light blocked by the XY axis, you can determine where the touch is. But it's not very effective to use infrared devices, because they can't be used to control many things.

Infrared touch screen will be subject to strong infrared interference, remote control, high-temperature objects, sunlight, incandescent lamps and other infrared sources will have problems, but also will be subject to strong electromagnetic interference, there is a transformer nearby, will also directly stop vegetables.

"We have several sets of touch screen solutions, but we all agree that capacitive screen is the best solution. Among the large screen solutions, infrared screen is such a solution, but it is not suitable to be installed in a room with incandescent lamps, nor to be placed in a window with direct sunlight." Senxia said the internal conclusion.

"It's all cutting-edge technology..." Wang Qiwen frowned.

Don't underestimate touch screen technology.

If this thing is not done well, the strategy of the touch screen game machine will not be realized at all.

"The order of Phoenix has some hard power, but it's difficult to develop this technology. We haven't done screens before, but now we're also increasing investment and cooperating with others." That's how Sonia sees the screen.

The technology of the order of Phoenix originates from SEGA, so the industrial design ability is still there, and it is not weak, but if you want to say that you have not touched the field, let's say something else.

"So..." Wang Qiwen thought, "but the screen, hard disk and chip are not good, this machine is not easy to do ah."

"Bullshit, do you want us?" Senxia rolled her eyes.

At this time, the dishes were already served, and Wang Qiwen put the glass aside.

He thought for a moment and said, "I remember you said before that one of the functions of this machine is to watch video?"

"Yes, although the size of the handheld is small, it is integrated with one of our decoding chips, which is specially used to watch videos." "The effect is still good," she said

"I think of those portable video players."

Portable video player is a kind of machine with CD below and screen on top. It's a special product now. But because of its high price, it won't be used by the public.

"So it's certainly not convenient for us." Senxia said, "our positioning here is the video experience and game effect anytime and anywhere. So the most troublesome thing here is actually another thing. "

"Another one?"

"Do you know how much our previous palms weighed?"

"Well About a kilo? A bottle of mineral water feels almost the same. "

"Well, you're right. The lightest touch-screen machine is 450 grams. It's too heavy. "

The weight of PSP is 250g, which inherits Sony's fine tradition of "half a kilogram".

But senxia's prototype is even heavier than others.

And after that, senxia added, "and we haven't made batteries yet. If we really want to make a machine, we will reduce the size of the screen and add batteries. The shell will also choose light plastic or aluminum alloy. I hope that the overall weight can be controlled below 350g. If it can reach about 250g, it will be the best. "

"Don't worry about the weight, do you?" Wang Qiwen thinks it is not a problem.But senxia shook her head: "it's a lot worse. If it's too heavy, fewer people want to use it. The weight of the machine before us is not big, so everyone is willing to stay on the body, but it is more difficult to carry an iron pimple with us. "

My goal in Mori's mind is to benchmark with Sony's PSP, at least to achieve a close audio-visual experience, and try to control the weight at 250-350g, which is already the limit.

In fact, senxia wants to control it at about 200g, but in that case, the compromise between battery life and the convenience of fuselage structure will be too big, and the order of Phoenix does not recommend this.

"What about storage? I think the micro hard disk is very good. " Wang Qiwen said.

"They sell for 499 dollars, but we can't sell them more than 199 dollars, which is about 25000 yen."

"Er..." Wang Qiwen stopped talking.

Soft money can also be used to calculate the results.

"Let's say, if we control the price at around 80000 yen, we can now produce products with high degree of completion."

Wang Qiwen converted a piece of interest, 499 US dollars, and it would be almost 4000 yuan to convert soft currency. If we follow Sen Xia's requirements, we basically lock it under 2000 yuan. If we spare no effort to make the finished product, it will cost more than 5000 soft coins.

Now it is not 20 years later, the purchasing power of soft money in China is still very amazing. The down payment of houses in many places may be 50 million.

Five thousand soft coins, directly put an end to the civilian market of this device, and if it is forced to do so, the effect will not be very good.

Because the current technology has not yet broken through, this is a hard condition, and even not money can be piled up.

Of course, hard stacking is OK, but the cost is more power consumption. If you want to maintain the battery life, you need to increase the battery, and then increase the weight.

But that would be more troublesome.

"How can we cooperate?" Wang Qiwen is very interested in this product. Since Sen Xia showed it to himself, naturally, he didn't just look at it. He must have his own plan, so Wang Qiwen asked directly.

Senxia did not immediately answer, but took out a design draft, and then said: "this is my painting."

"Oh." Wang Qiwen opened it and found that it was the design of the touch screen machine.

If you change to a future person, you will probably have a sense of both seeing, because this thing is very close to the future mobile phone.

Well, as usual, senxia draws on the design of the future. In this appearance, senxia refers to the three bar S7 mobile phone.

Of course, it's a tablet model.

Of course, because of the times, the machines on senxia's side are bigger.

"Design is the least valuable, because everyone can draw concept maps. But design is also the most valuable, because a good appearance can satisfy everyone. This is the design I want. What do you think? "

“…… I don't feel like a handheld anymore. Well, it's kind of like a computer in a science fiction movie. "

He said so.

"Well It doesn't matter if you say that. I didn't plan to do it because it was pure palm. Games are a part of it, but other functions should also be taken into account. "

Senxia didn't plan to build a smart phone, because the maximum battery life of the handset is only three or five hours, which is acceptable for the handset or audio-visual equipment. However, for the smartphone, this kind of endurance ability will make people lift the table.

So his positioning is personal portable entertainment equipment.

"There are a lot of technologies that need to be solved in terms of hardware. I hope you can help with public relations." "There are also ways to go to Europe and the United States, but the research and development costs are too high. You see, this glass can be made by ordinary game manufacturers, but it's not easy to make. It's expensive. It would be great if we could have a R & D center in a big eastern country specializing in these accessories. "

"It's not about suppliers." Wang Qiwen has some questions.

"That's why I asked you to coordinate." Senxia said.

"Yes, I'll help you ask, but it's not necessarily available in China. It's very difficult to make such a screen. This kind of ultra-thin glass also has strength and scratch resistance..." Wang Qiwen took a look, Sen Xia side of the screen requirements are quite high.

However, the stripping in front of the screen is not so easy to do.

However, before senxia comes here, we must first coordinate with the suppliers. If the product is made, but no one can That's funny. But the problem is that the technology used by the machines in senxia is relatively high-end, so we must find someone to coordinate in advance.

This is the best.

Wang Qiwen's family has an official background, which is naturally the best choice.

Official background. Sometimes it's very useful in a big eastern country.

"In addition, I also hope to increase investment in LCD screens, and I need your help. If you can coordinate a little bit with the above, it will be even better. " This is another, more important thing.

"Do you think LCD is good?"

"I think it is the direction of future development. There is no hard threshold for this technology, so it is more convenient to transfer it."The hard threshold, of course, refers to those that cannot be explained.

"This..." Wang Qiwen recollected, and suddenly he understood senxia's meaning.

"You are Non national

Wang Qiwen can see that the action of senxia is actually similar to that of the ancestors of Tianhai family - when Wuzai.

"I have the country in my heart." Senxia's pattern making.

Although said so, but senxia heart and mirror the same.

Because he has already got the news, sanshuang, a company next door to sanbang, has increased its investment and research and development on LCD.

The news made Sen Xia think about it.

This action of sanshuang will directly kill the liquid crystal industry of mud boom in the future, and senxia may also be affected by this action.

Although senxia has foresight, the problem is that sanshuang is a giant, and this enterprise is simply an integral part of the three stick country.

Because of this, senxia can't fight against the other side.

Unless senxia can rely on the power of Tianhai family, it means that senxia will say goodbye to the great gentleman soul he pursues.

But in addition, there is another way - a big eastern country.

Good technology is good, but senxia can hook up with some big eastern country first, and then increase the right to speak!

"LCD certification standards?"

"Yes, the technology can be given, but I hope there is a standard threshold for technical certification." Senxia had a kind smile on her face.

"I can inquire for you. In fact, the domestic LCD is not very well understood, what is this standard identified? "

"Color and health."

More precisely, it's the latter.

In the future, sanshuang company will occupy the market by a pile of low-quality LED backlight displays, and bad money will drive out good money.

This kind of screen is generally blue. At first glance, it seems that the screen is very bright and good, but if you look closely, you will find that it is actually pale. The backlight of this kind of screen is made by mixing the blue LED light which is very harmful to the eyes and the Yellow spectrum. This is another reason why many people's eyesight generally declines in the LED era.

Another drawback of this screen is the use of low-frequency PWM dimming. This principle is very complicated, probably to understand that the screen will flash blind.

Sanshuang's inferior screen has directly damaged the atmosphere of the whole industry, which is also a reason why senxia looks down on each other.

But senxia can't fight the other side directly.

So He chose to dig.

If sanshuang once again uses inferior screen to occupy the market, it is impossible, because senxia will block it out with a very delicate rule.

Dig the hole quietly, not the shooter.

The reason why Sen Xia secretly discussed with Wang Qiwen was to see if he could master the discourse power of this part through Wang Qiwen's way.

Industry standards - at least the standards of some big eastern country - are better than anything in their own hands.

Wang Qiwen seems unable to understand.

But Sen Xia said in a righteous way: "we have a profound research on LCD screen, because the order of Phoenix attaches great importance to the strength of players. LCD is the trend of the future, but what we need is a liquid crystal that can meet the human health standards, which is more important than anything else

Well, it's not a complete lie.

"Good!" Wang Qiwen heard Sen Xia's words, but also Sen Xia was moved, "I think of a way to communicate with my uncle, must live up to expectations."

"It's up to you!"

The problem with the handheld and the screen went on, and senxia also showed a smile.


The Japanese panel was very good at that time, including the AVX screen used by PSP, which was the top quality screen, while the l885 and l887 produced by Eizo are still considered to be the most eye-catching screens today. However, after sanshuang began to struggle, the lower limit of the market was getting lower and lower. The blue light problem did not exist in the previous CCFL era. The Japanese panel era also paid attention to eye moistening, but after sanshuang joined in, the single moth came

In addition, to raise the bar students to add, the yellow lamp is called aging, not the lamp tube nausea

Two in one meow.

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