Journey is a positive energy game in a sense.

Because in this game, you only need krypton gold to get stronger.

Is there anything more energy correcting than this?

In the real world, hard work may not be able to get stronger; in the card drawing game, krypton gold may have nothing; but in journey, money can be stronger, which is very significant.

So To say that the game is positive energy, there is no violation.

Senxia had to admit it.

After finishing this matter, the news came from Sony.

They are also very interested in the UMD solution from senxia, but they said that if there is a real need for production in senxia, the UMD production line and other contents need to be controlled by Sony.

In other words, the output of UMD depends on Sony's mood.

In fact, on the other world line, one of the reasons why UMD can't work is because Sony refuses to open up. The only UMD production line in the world is Sony's own.

Senxia, of course, refused.

Nonsense, even if you ask for help from others on your side, this kind of thing also means giving the lifeline to the other party.

If the game gets stuck when it's on sale, it's fun.

But apart from Sony, senxia has no choice.

There are also small discs on the market, but there are few that can achieve low power consumption, high stability and high capacity just like Sony.

So I'm still pulling.

But just because of the other party's request, Sen Xia has confidence on the contrary - not afraid you ask for it, but afraid you don't ask for it.

No demand is the most terrible, no desire is just, if firewood does not enter, even if senxia wants to pry the corner, there is no way. As long as they still have a stake in skwell, they will not give up.

But on the other hand, if Sony really doesn't care about skwell, Sonia will be rude and bring the opposite side directly Although Sen Xia doesn't like to bury her family

The negotiation is a very long process. There is no rush for a month, so this matter can only be stopped for the time being.

But the process of the handheld still needs to be considered.

After the concept machine comes out, we need to consider the situation of mass production machine.

The first is the screen. The screen size of the mass production machine will be 640 × 360 resolution screen, which is smaller than the original specification.

There are two main problems, one is the limited CPU performance, the other is the cost limit.

Especially the latter.

At the beginning, people even considered using 854 × 480 screen to achieve 480p high resolution. However, after the phoenix order inquired, it was found that there were not many manufacturers who could make this small screen, and the quotation was very high, and the yield of the screen was not high. Considering that the machine will be on the market from 2003 to 2004, the price of the screen should drop a little, so a 6.4-inch 640 × 360 resolution screen is selected.

In fact, we still consider to continue to reduce the resolution, but if you reduce the resolution below this size, the image quality will become very bad, so the resolution can't be reduced any more.

Not only has the screen shrunk, but the settings of the machine itself have shrunk. At first, you wanted to use 64MB of memory, but later, the memory was directly reduced to 24MB. As a result, the effect was not good. There were many problems when running DC games. Finally, it was determined that the memory capacity was 32MB. However, this is only the current design. Considering Moore's law, it is possible to use a higher standard of memory in two years.

The CPU side has not yet been determined, but Phoenix has cooperated with giant blue to develop a dual core low-power processor based on 90nm technology.

"Why IBM?"

During the research and development plan of senxia, Wang Qiwen also followed senxia to the order of the Phoenix. In fact, Zhisen Xia was introduced to Wang Qiwen.

But Wang Qiwen didn't understand why senxia wanted to cooperate with the blue giant.

It's not because they're cheap.

On the contrary, giant blue's offer is high.

"There are many reasons. This part is mainly the R & D expenses, which we will absorb by ourselves. But this cooperation will continue. " "Although it's a secret, it's OK to tell you. We're looking at some of the other's achievements in machine learning," senxia said

"That thing has nothing to do with the game? Wang Qiwen is very strange. Why do you do this? "

"Pre training and neural networks The effect is still great. "

Although this matter is confidential, in fact, Sen Xia is still quite helpless, because these studies are not new in the industry, but they are not very popular. Sen Xia's cooperation in this field is only an addition.

This technology is very common in the future.

, for example, what the principle of GPU-Turbo is in the future chrysanthemum company is to train the game, and then when the game requires resources, the system is allocated ahead of schedule, so that the picture keeps flowing smoothly. This is one of the applications of machine learning.In addition, the DLSS technology developed by an NVIDIA company in the future is similar. In essence, this technology is to analyze and train the game with ultra-high resolution pictures. Then, when the game is carried out with low resolution, the training results will be used to process the pictures to achieve the so-called 4K ultra-high-definition resolution, but the actual picture quality is very high It's better not to open anti aliasing "true 4K" resolution game.

"Give me a lot of money." Wang Qiwen has some heartache.

"In fact, WiFi is the most expensive one now. Wireless really costs a lot of money."

Yes, WiFi.

Although this function is very common in the future, at present, adding functions to the palm computer, the full set of WiFi is actually the highest cost, which is more exaggerated than the CPU. Can you believe it?

But a full range of wireless solutions is just that scary.

"What's the use of this function?" Wang Qiwen doesn't understand.

"That's the essence. Get rid of a ghost!" Sen Xia rolled her eyes, "the network is the driving force of the future. In addition, the high price is because there is no corresponding portable low-power solution on the market. After the finished product is available, the cost will come down. " In this regard, Sen Xia is optimistic.

"Well..." Wang Qiwen thought, "it's reasonable. In this way, online games can also be moved to this area Ah, by the way, how about making a handheld version of journey on your game

As soon as Wang Qiwen finished speaking, he found that Sen Xia looked at himself with an extremely strange look.

"Er When I didn't say it. " Wang Qiwen did not speak.

"Let's not talk about it. I brought you here. In fact, it's also for WiFi. You can help in China..."

At the beginning, a big eastern country did not have WiFi, but had its own standard WAPI, but it has not yet. This matter is related to the national interests and the right to speak. Sen Xia doesn't say much about it.

But since Sen Xia knows the future events, she must plan ahead of time

He told Wang Qiwen so many secrets, not to let him enjoy himself, but to let him help himself out


If you are interested, you can check the dispute between WAPI and WiFi. It's not easy to elaborate. You can only say that this is not a pure industry problem, just like the mobile 3g network, about deeper issues.

Meow meow ~

of the first watch

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