the park itself is a combination of three schools, and this school is now a famous school, which is rich in money. Therefore, in this school, we can say that there is no lack of facilities, such as baseball and basketball courts. In schools, theatres also exist. A kind of A kind of As a matter of fact, the facilities of the school are not only for the students, but also open to the public sometimes, such as concerts and competitions. It is also very powerful to match the tall name of the school. Schools are not idiots. If these facilities are only used by students, it is a waste.

However, these facilities will not be open to the public near the Cultural Festival, which is a good thing for the drama club to come to rehearse.

The theater in Kano School Park is very large, and the stage is very spacious. The floor is made of exquisite wood. The whole theater is well maintained. Although it has been for some years, at first glance, it looks like a newly decorated theater. The stage without setting seems to be a bit empty, but this kind of emptiness can't stop everyone's enthusiasm. The people in the drama club seem to be looking forward to their performance. At this time, everyone is in high spirits.

At this time, as the only boy present, Sen Xia felt very uncomfortable. Although it was a kind of enjoyment to be surrounded by sister paper, this feeling was not enjoyed by everyone. At this time, Sen Xia seemed to understand why only a few male members of the drama club had to withdraw from the drama club, because this was not true Yes!

However, Sen Xia was not a member of the drama club, and he was also the screenwriter of the play. So at this time, Sen Xia had to follow the drama society to the theater.

"It's still a little early, but let's rehearse from the beginning to the end." Keiko Sato said hello to everyone.

"Now do a rehearsal from the beginning, didn't you practice before?" Sen Xia was a little surprised, "and directed what? What about the instructor? "

"The director is the teacher, but the teacher had a car accident when he was in England, so he is recuperating in England now. We can only do it ourselves now. " Sato said.


Hearing Sato Huizi's words, Mori is very close to not be scared to urinate.

The fate of Huaju Opera Society is too sad. It seems that such a thing happened at the critical moment. It seems that the drama society has developed into a pure female society just because of the continuous situation?

At this time, Qian Jia came up: "don't worry. Although it is the first formal rehearsal, we sophomores have actually read and rehearsed the script when we were in England. The teacher was still at that time and knew about us. So everyone's drill is not a problem. "

"But the teacher is still in England now?" Sen Xia expressed concern about this situation, "although you have rehearsed, but the director? You don't have a director now, do you? If you do, the game will be very bad then


Then, after Mori said this, he found that Chika Xuejie and Sato huiko were looking at themselves with strange eyes at this time.

"Well, did I say anything wrong?" Senxia felt that their expressions seemed strange.

"No, you didn't say anything wrong, senxiajun." Xuejie looks at Sen Xia with a smile. "Rather, what you said is very correct. We really need a director now."

"And then?" Senxia had a foreboding at this time.

"And then I found a great candidate who didn't even understand the script as well as our teachers. And I love this work very much. " "Senxia Jun, how would you like to be a director?" Next to Keiko Sato is a positive invitation to mori.

Sen Xia actually heard this meaning from their words, but now she is still full of sweat: "so casually decided to be a director, is it OK to do so?"

"You're not a screenwriter. If it's senxia, you must have a theater in your head? " Qianjia Xuejie comes to Sen Xia and pats Sen Xia on the shoulder. "Anyway, you are the only person we can rely on now. Mori Xia Jun, if you think you can't do enough, I can introduce some basic books about drama to you."

"That's not necessary." If Sen Xia didn't know anything about drama, she would not have taken the job casually. In fact, she had studied the rules of drama.

In fact, it's not just a drama. She knows about piano and violin. However, she soon finds that she can't write novels, draw comics and play games while learning music.So senxia actually knows a lot of things, but for these things, senxia is only limited to understanding.

The same is true of drama. However, after receiving the assignment from her sister, Sen Xia found some books.

"You agree with me, senxia Jun?" Sato asked with a smile.

"There's no way to do it now?" Senxia said, but her eyes couldn't help but glance at the position of Lihua in Jixiang Academy. At this time, the Miss student president seemed to be out of her mind.

"That's for the time being," said Qian Jia, relieved. "After the Cultural Festival, I'll give you a big surprise."

Although it is a word of gratitude, how can the word "surprise" come out of Qianjia's mouth? How can it feel very suspicious?

"No surprise, but since I was the director, we said the script was arranged first." Senxia looked at the time. It was about 4:20 p.m., and there was enough time. "Senior, please call us together first. I'll talk to you about the personality and performance of each character."

It is an important part to tell the character's character and experience so that we can understand it easily.

Senxia had never been a director of any drama before, and now she can only follow the cat's advice and drive the ducks to the shelves.

However, as the original author, Sen Xia is also the easiest to understand about the characters.

"Come here, everybody!" Keiko Sato called everyone together and said, "everyone, because of the teacher's accident, there is no director for our play. But now we have a new director, the editor of our script, Tian Haisen, Xia Jun! "

We also trust Sen Xia. After all, they wrote such a script that they loved very much. We all clapped spontaneously at this time.

Sato Keiko motioned to everyone to be quiet for a moment, then continued: "please tell me the story of Mori Xiajun next!"

"Cough," senxia dry cough twice, then said, "Hello, I'm Tianhai senxia, call me senxia directly."

In fact, there is no need to introduce myself. We have known Sen Xia for a long time, but in this atmosphere, he subconsciously said a word.

"It's my first time to be a drama director, so there may be many shortcomings. I hope you can forgive me. Now I will tell you about the characters in our story."

As a matter of fact, Sen Xia has already talked about some of the characters before, and this time he is actually explaining it again.

"The protagonist in the story is Miyagi. Although she is a" elder sister ", Mizuho is actually a boy, so she is different from a girl in thought Well, in a sense, it's more active and decisive. " Sen Xia noticed at this time that the auspicious courtyard was still not in the state. He could not help but stop, "auspicious courtyard President?"

Sen Xia gently called a, auspicious courtyard president just seemed to return to God: "sorry, I am a little distracted."

"It's OK. Anyway, this part of the content will be long. You already know it before." Senxia asked.

Auspicious courtyard nods, her voice seems to be in exclamation: "ruisuisang is really a great person."

Although she always felt that the president was not in a certain state, it was difficult for Sen Xia to take this out and talk about it at this time. He took a look at Qian Jia's sister, and then continued: "in addition to the protagonist, the first lady is ten asters. The role of asters is somewhat special. She can't even get the first three parts in the story, but her role is very important The field can show that amazing temperament Sister, is that ok? "

"Give it to me. I can't get it."

Although the original senxia deliberately designed these characters to be completely opposite to her own personality based on her bad taste, she did not feel embarrassed, but seemed to be full of confidence. This really made senxia feel very uncomfortable.

"Well, there's no problem. Next is another character, Masako yamashima. Although they are not as good as ten asters in terms of status, they have the most rivals with Mizuho, so this role needs to be grasped well. " Sen Xia looked up at the girl who played Yandao Guizi. She seemed to have called Dongcheng. "Dongcheng schoolmate, you should pay attention to this role. Although he is also the president of the student, the feeling of President Yandao and President of Jixiang academy is very similar, but they are not the same!"

"Yes, I understand!" Dongcheng takes a look at the auspicious courtyard nearby with a smile, and seems to be surprised and excited to be able to play the opposite drama with the president of the auspicious Academy.

"Next comes Maria and Zhou fangyuanzuo. These two roles are also very important..."

Senxia explained these characters one by one, and then the first rehearsal was about to start.


This is the first guard, because I went to bed too late last night. As a result, I got up at 12 o'clock today.The last three days, after the relentless pursuit, ask for monthly ticket support QAQ! (to be continued.).. )

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