"President?! Minister? "

Harada meihui seems to feel what a big crisis, like, in a hurry to pull this side of Tonggu filial piety.

There was a lot of hostility.

After the arrival of MAE hye Harada, the atmosphere of the scene instantly became strange.

Lihua, as the president of the student, realized something in an instant, and then opened up Qianjia beside her with a smile.

"Ah, our activities are about to start. Qianjia, let's go back first."

"Well." Qian Jia takes a look at the senxia here. But she didn't go on.

"Have a good time Lihua waved to the four people here and left.

After Qianjia left, Harada meihui also took her boyfriend to leave the place.

When she left, she also looked at the two people who were far away with vigilant eyes.

“…… The crisis has been lifted temporarily... " Sonia was relieved.

"But I think they'll come again." Inoue sighs.

"That's for sure. I feel a little square." Senxia shook her head.

-- they will come back, just look at the eyes of Lihua and Qianjia.

"What about that?" Inoue asked curiously.

Senxia thought. He looked at the two people in the distance. They were far away at this moment. Other groups of people who came to enjoy the cherry trees stopped them out of sight.

"Thirty six strategies On your way

Senxia has decided sneak out!

"Are you leaving?" Inoue was shocked.

"Ah, yes. Of course, it's impossible to leave right now. On the contrary, it makes people suspect. " Senxia said, "however, if I'm not here, there won't be any problem. However, you may have to help to cover up and say I'm back..."

At this time, I really need Inoue's help.

Because in other people's eyes, the people here are "seven seas and thousands of Summers", not "the sea of heaven and the sea of summer".

If Qianjia and Lihua come to ask, it will certainly reveal the truth.

Therefore, at this time, Inoue needs to pay attention to it. When two people come, let him go in advance and inform them that Mori has left.

"Hey, give it to me!" Inoue thumbs up to mori.

Senxia nodded.

This wave is steady.

With Inoue such a good friend, Mori feel really lucky.

Not long, poetry and others on the chirp back.

They are very happy.

"That group of girls is amazing!"

"Yes, yes, and he is very good at playing a boy. Your highness shishengwan is really wonderful

"The reduction degree of his highness Inuyasha is also very high!"

"I like the little girl better than the little girl."

Everyone chattered.

But Sen Xia at this time gathered together to the side of the poetic sound: "poetic sound, have you found anything interesting?"

"Interesting? I think everyone is very good. The reduction degree is very high. That is Well... "

She seemed to be lost in thought.

“…… What is it? " When senxia saw the appearance of the poem, she felt a little nervous.

"It's like some girls are familiar with each other I always think I've seen it before... "

Ah, ah, ah!

Sure enough!

The maid team has little contact with the poetry, but some girls have one-sided acquaintance.

Well, the reason for leaving is more sufficient.

Senxia Huo stood up.

Others were attracted to moriha's actions.

"What's the matter?" Someone asked strangely.

"Well, poetry, let's go shopping together By the way, are you going anywhere after the cherry blossom show? " Senxia asked again.

A few boys seemed strange, but another girl seemed to notice something. She seems to be the president of manri.

"Go, go! We just enjoy cherry blossoms today. Everyone has seen the cherry blossom, that's enough. " After the other side finished, he also gave a thumbs up to senxia, "it's best for young people to have energy, but don't overdo it!"

"Ah? Ah, ah, ah The voice of the poem was stunned.

What's the situation?

The other people, hearing the minister's words, also felt a little strange, but soon someone responded, also said: "yes, yes, we have no program after, you have a good time!"

"That I No.... "

The sound of the poem is really flustered.

Who am I? Where am i? What am I doing?Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Senxia's sudden attack made the whole person panic.

She seems to have lost her ability to react.

When she came to her senses, she had been pulled away by senxia.

"Ah?! Where is this? "

The sudden change in her surroundings made her nervous.

Girl's side.

"Well, actually, we have some activities to do later, and we have to sing!" The line delay time of poetry is a little long.

"Well, we're all gone!" Senxia took the hand of the poem and walked forward all the way.

"But So That... "

The sound of the poem faltered.

She didn't understand what happened, but she always felt as if something bad was going to happen.

It can be seen from the attitude of the minister.


They were active afterwards.

After the cherry blossom appreciation, there will be singing activities together. Maybe there will be some small games after that.

But the director of manri clearly felt something was going on in Mori's side, or, she thought, what the "little couple" wanted to happen.

Therefore, understanding she chose to push the boat along the river.

And others didn't react at first.

However, after the minister naobu and the forced "addition of drama" to Sen Xia's side, they also wanted to be "successful".

Good idea.

But it's very sad. Things are a little different from what they imagined.

"No, we're going back!"

The memory and processor of the poetry sound seem to be half a beat slow. At this time, I realized that something was wrong.

But it's late.

"Not now." "You've just made it clear that we're ready to leave. If we go back together now, we will be very embarrassed. "


Poetry card case.


The two were sent away by others with a "complete" attitude. So at this time, there is no way for them to go back. In other words, if they go back together at this moment, it will cause everyone's trouble.

Before Shi Yin, she still wanted to go back together, but after senxia finished this sentence, she realized that There is no turning back.

"You, you, you, you You want to do something strange to me! I I won't agree! "

He said so in his mouth, but the pace of the poem seemed to quicken a little.


"If That At least Safety measures Well... "

She faltered.

"Ah i 'm sorry. It's not that... " Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

What are you thinking, girl!

"If I did, would your sister kill me?" "What's more, we're not really lovers," she said

"Er --"

this time, the poetry stopped.

Senxia also stopped.

Now it's a long way from where we were before, so we can rest assured at this time.

He turned his head to the sound of the poem.

The sound of the poem stays in place, and the tail of the horse is drooping listlessly.

"Ah Yes We are not real lovers. "

I don't know if it is Mori's illusion. In this sentence, he seems to feel a little bitter taste, just like the black coffee without sugar.

Senxia shook her head, and then touched her head with her hand.

Being touched gently on the head, the mood of the poetic sound seems to be much better.

"Ah Sorry I, I don't know what I was just doing... "

She looks a little confused.

"Nothing." Sen Xia gently pulled up the hand of the poem, "you are Qianjia's sister, that is my sister, so no matter what kind of relationship, it will not affect our feelings. If you want to come to me, I'm always welcome

After senxia finished, she began to walk again.

But unlike just now, the two have slowed down a lot at this moment. Before I was jogging, now I am enjoying the scenery.

“…… Senxia. " The voice of the poem is much more stable.


"I remember you're a sister control? You don't think too much of your sister, do you? "

A poem makes Xia Sen stagger.

"I am a man of integrity!"

"To write such works as the sky of fate A man of integrity? " She looks at Sen Xia suspiciously.

"The sky of fate" is a work of art reflecting reality. The stories and images are fictional. " Senxia said quickly.Different from the other world line "the sky of fate", Sen Xia's work in this version is serious literature, and the film is also the work of Jin min. it can be said that compared with the other world line, Sen Xia's work is really too high to know where to go, and it is a masterpiece of Meikong thought that has been completely upgraded

Well, it's better to use the magic work of the younger sister

By the way, this work, in this world line, is also one of the representative works of Jin min's supervision

If it was Jin Min who supervised the shooting, or before he won the prize, Sen Xia would still have scruples about the poetry.

But now Senxia said she was a man of integrity.

"And I don't think there's anything wrong with me Senxia suddenly made an explosive speech.

Have you finally come to your senses?!

Shi Yin just wanted to say that, but senxia didn't give her a chance.

"It's just like your sister who likes you very much."

"Well..." Just want to open up the girl, a word was blocked in the throat, there is no way to speak.

"Qianjia is also very concerned about your sister. I think her love for you is very strong

Qianjia is really concerned about the sound of poetry.

Senxia can see this.

Although the elder sister sometimes teases her little sister, it is undeniable that she is indeed a good sister.


The music of the poem was very happy at the beginning.

However, she looked at this side of the Sen Xia, seems to think of something, the whole person is not good in an instant.

Last time, I was arrested in the hotel with senxia. At that time, there was something Subtle.

"I think you should know more about your sister than I am, an outsider?"

"Ah, yes. If my sister knows Oh, no, nothing Some lost girls almost told the truth in their hearts.

But in the end she held back.

And the senxia over there, also a small sigh of relief.

The poetry sound was confused by her own thoughts, but she forgot to ask about senxia.

If she suddenly asked why senxia took herself out at this time, she should be very flustered.

It's OK.

"Hello." The sound of the poem began again.

"If you were really my boyfriend, what would you do?" The voice of the poem suddenly asked.

Her face was reddish, and she seemed hesitant when she asked questions.

"I'll be killed by your sister." Senxia did not hesitate and was determined.

"I didn't say that!" The poem sound has no good spirit with the foot to kick the Sen Xia gently.

"Ah --?! Ooh

However, I don't know if her action is too big. As a result, she lost her center of gravity.

Fortunately, senxia is holding the hand of the poem sound, and he immediately returns to God and holds the poem sound.

"Are you all right?" He asked.

"Well That, no.... "

The sound of the poem stands firm again.

Her face turned redder than it had been.

"Ah?" She seemed to want to move forward, but at this time, she found that the band of her clogs was broken.

"Let me see." Senxia squatted down.

Shi Yin wears a kimono, and the clogs underneath.

Under the clogs, you should have put on a foot bag, but Shi Yin wore a pair of white split toe stockings. Of course, it's not bad, and moriha likes it better.

Maybe it's because Shi Yin was in a hurry just now, and then she wanted to kick Sen Xia. As a result, her shoes opened.

"It doesn't matter. I can still walk!" The voice of the poem is red.

"Don't force me Well? "

Senxia noticed something and reached for the foot of the poem.

"What are you doing?" The sound of the poem is urgent.

But by this time, senxia's hand had touched the foot of the poem.

"It hurts..." The stimulation of the ankle makes the poem open its mouth.

"It seems to have been twisted." Senxia said, "how about it? Isn't it painful?"

"It doesn't hurt much just now. It's hard to move, but it hurts when you touch it." The poetry sound is weak.

"Well It doesn't look very good. It should be numb at this time. Wait a minute. It's going to hurt

Senxia thought for a moment and then stood up.

"Come on, I'll carry you. Let's get out of here first. "

"Leave? Where are you going? " I asked.

"Find a place to deal with it. When I feel recovered, it may hurt a lot."

He squatted down and motioned for the rhyme to come up."Well..."

The sound of the poem is somewhat bashful.


Today's two in one.

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