Today's fifth watch, this is the first watch, ask for a monthly ticket!!!


"President, let's go back together." Sen Xia went to the front of the auspicious courtyard and invited each other.

"Ah!" Auspicious courtyard looks at Sen Xia, almost some did not respond to come over, then her face brush brush to become red.

There seems to be something wrong with the auspicious courtyard, so senxia had to explain: "that President, I just want to discuss the script and character orientation with you. The president's home is not far from here. We can talk while walking. In this way, the president can be more relaxed. "

The auspicious courtyard nodded: "well, that's good. In a word, violations of school rules are not allowed."

At this time, yasun thought that this was the wrong time.

"All in all Get out of here first. " Auspicious courtyard's eyes moved to the window at the end of the corridor. She didn't know what she saw. Her eyes were particularly distracted

Sen Xiayi left the teaching building with the president.

Today's weather is clear, in the evening, the sky has been dyed red by the evening, in the sun, the whole school seems to be covered with a layer of gold.

"Occasionally, our school is beautiful." Sen Xia sighed, "I didn't care about it before, but if I observe it like this occasionally, it's really beautiful."

The auspicious courtyard had not noticed such a scene. After hearing Sen Xia's words, she also stopped and looked around. The school seemed to have a quiet aesthetic feeling at dusk. There were not many people in the school.

The world is so wonderful that it is unforgettable.

"Yes, it's like the scenery in a fairy tale." The auspicious courtyard also issued a sigh, "it's just that such a scene will not last for a long time. If it's a little later, it'll be dark. "

"The setting sun is infinitely good, but near dusk But will we not be able to see it tomorrow? " Senxia smile, "and our school is so beautiful, if you can see the stars, the scenery will be very beautiful."

In spite of this, however, the place where kauno park is located is Tokyo capital. It is impossible to see the stars all over the sky in this place.

If you think about it carefully, the garden under the night sky. That kind of scene is really fascinating.

"If there is such a day, our school can see the stars, it must be a very wonderful thing?" Imagine that kind of scene, the auspicious courtyard also exclaimed.

However, it is not realistic for them to see the incredible night sky.

Sen Xia turns her head and looks at the side face of the auspicious courtyard. She stares at the sunset glow in front of her. She doesn't know what she thinks of. I'm in a trance.

Realizing that the auspicious courtyard of Sen Xia's eyes turned around and sighed softly: "it's time to go."

After entering October day, the weather was unusually hot, but it was the time of sunset in the West. It seems to be getting colder again.

Walking in the cold and clear campus, it seems that there is a feeling of walking on the deserted wilderness.

"Ah, this feeling It's like we're the only one left in the world. " Senxia sighed.

"Really, I've never noticed. Our campus is so beautiful Auspicious courtyard sighs.

Senxia chuckled, and he put his hand on his head: "that's because we respect the president. You forced yourself. It's OK to relax occasionally. President, you are serious

Mori did not have much contact with the president of Jixiang Academy. But she is really serious, and every time she meets each other, she looks serious, even at home.

"Relax..." The voice of the auspicious courtyard is full of doubts. It seems that she has never thought about it.

Senxia decided to take a circuitous route. He thought about it and said, "president, do you have any difficulties in the work of the health association? Or is it because of some other reason that I can't let it go during the rehearsal? "

“……” Auspicious courtyard did not speak, she just kept silent, "sorry, I should be better tomorrow..."

They stepped out of the school gate and headed for the house of the auspicious courtyard. The last time Mori walked this way, it was in the pouring rain. This time, when walking on the street under the setting sun, Sen Xia felt that she didn't know each other.

"Senxia Jun," the auspicious courtyard turned his head and looked at the side face of Sen Xia, "how do you think of the role of Gong xiaoruisui

"Does sister like Mizuho very much?" Senxia asked.

"It should be said that this character is very characteristic To tell you the truth, I still find it hard to accept the setting that a boy can enter a girl's school so smoothly. Although Mizuho's story is very beautiful, it's just a fairy tale! " The auspicious courtyard sighed.

Senxia thought she was going to say something, but after hearing the words of the auspicious courtyard, senxia staggered and almost fell down."Is senxia Jun OK?" Auspicious courtyard quickly walked to the front of Sen Xia.

"Nothing! It's OK! " Senxia said, while waving his hand, he quickly asked, "sister, are you entangled in this matter?"

The auspicious courtyard shook his head in a daze: "no, although this kind of design is impossible in the real world, but as far as the story itself is concerned, I don't think there is any problem."

"What are you up to, sister?" Senxia continued to ask.

The auspicious courtyard also continued to shake his head: "no, ruisuisang is a very cute, gentle and courageous boy. Apart from the setting at the beginning, I don't feel any strange place in the whole story Rather, if Mizuho was a pure girl, I would like it even more

"But if Mizuho is a pure girl, the main contradiction of the story will be gone, and the whole story will be very difficult to compile?"

Do I want to write a girl in love with her sister as a flower kiss?

Now forget it!

"So it is." Auspicious courtyard nods, then continues to walk toward the front.

Senxia sighed, but did not keep up with the auspicious courtyard. Instead, she asked, "the president of the auspicious academy, the elder Lihua of the auspicious academy, what are you entangled in?"

Auspicious courtyard stopped, she did not look back, the body slightly trembled: "no, nothing, just It's just Some envy Mizuho Because of envy, because of longing, so there is no way to play this role well. "

She turned her head with a smile: "in a word, please don't worry about it in the back. I won't have any more problems."

Hearing the other party's words, senxia was a little relieved.

"Well, I'm almost home now, senxia Jun. let's see you tomorrow."

The auspicious courtyard waved to Mori Xia and trotted forward.

"Well, see you tomorrow." Mori also waved her hand, then turned around and walked toward the subway.

By the time he returned to the school gate, the sky was already very dim. Sen Xia looked at the school and closed his eyes. It seemed that Sen Xia could imagine the campus full of extraordinary beauty in the night scene. However, what was missing was that there was no star in the night sky at this time. It was a little pity.

However, at this time, senxia suddenly saw a familiar figure walking out of the school gate. She was surprised and trotted over: "xuenai!"

Xuenai, who just came out of the school, was also surprised after hearing senxia's words: "eh? Brother, have you not left yet

"I have something to do, but Xue Nai, how could your society go up to this time?"

See Sen Xia did not find the situation, snow is a little relieved: "some special circumstances just, OK, brother, let's go home!"

After xuenai finished speaking, she took Sen Xia and went to the front. And behind them, Qianjia, who just came out of the school, looked at them with a smile.

"Brother," senxia was feeling a little strange, but xuenai preemptively asked, "brother, don't you really plan to perform in the drama? I think your quality is very good. If you play a role in it, you will surpass others? "

"I told xuenai before that there are no male characters in this play! And I'm not a member of the drama club. " Senxia explained.

"Isn't ruisuisang a boy?" Snow is smiling, "and even if you play a girl, brother, you don't lose to others."

So xuenai, you are teasing my brother from the beginning of questioning! Yeah! Yeah!

Senxia tapped on xuenai's forehead: "what are you thinking, xuenai! It's all right. I can't do it anyway. Do you wish your brother was a sister

"No!" Xuenai explained, "it's just because it's brother that it's interesting."

While saying, snow is still holding the arm of Sen Xia: "it's because it's brother that I like it!"

Looking at his sister, senxia helplessly shook his head, and then let the snow is holding himself, continue to go ahead.

"Every time I let it go on this one, I feel incredible." Snow speaks softly.

"Is it?" Senxia subconsciously should a sentence.

"Yes, to tell you the truth, I really want to go home with my brother every day. It's a very romantic thing to walk on this road together."

Snow is sighing.

"Maybe it's because of the snow that you see." Senxia patted xuenai's head with her hand.

"Well, it must be so!" Snow is happy smile.


Today's fifth watch, this is the first watch, after catching up, will soon fall out of the first five of the monthly pass, please help! (to be continued.).. )

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