Fourth, but it's the last day. Hold the position and we'll win. Ask for the monthly pass!


The content of the next day's rehearsal was different from that of the first time. This time, they carried out a small-scale targeted practice. They should master each person's personality first, and then the later contents could be continued.

Because it was not a formal rehearsal, but also because of the fear of mischief, so we did not change into costumes. We had already come here wearing school uniforms at this time.

Senxia doesn't know how the drama came from. Just make a fool of it. However, other people in the drama club are good at it. Senxia's main job is to explain to them the character of each character in the story script.

In short, senxia's most important job is to crack his mouth.

Different from yesterday, Sen Xia noticed that Jixiang yuan has become more natural when she plays Mizuho. Although there are still many defects, compared with yesterday, it has a qualitative leap. This state can be seen at least.

Sonia was relieved.

"Senxia Jun, when shall we start the setting?" After senxia inspected a circle, Sato Huizi came to senxia.

The setting of the drama is very simple, but it also needs to be prepared in advance, such as large curtain background, some desks and other props.

"Well, a lot of these are physical work, but now the drama club is all female. If we let people do this kind of thing, will we not have the time and physical strength?" Senxia asked.

Keiko Sato really didn't think of this question: "it didn't happen last year. But this year, the number of drama clubs is in short supply. It seems that they really can't take care of it... "

"Is it a shortage of manpower?" Qian Jia's elder sister also came together.

"Yes," Sato nodded. "I thought that there would be no problem if there were enough people to play, but now think about it, we really need some people to finish some work behind the scenes."

Because they had never met this kind of situation, Sato Keiko also ignored this matter. As a result, Mori put forward the problem, and they realized that the matter seemed to be in some trouble.

"Can't you find any spare hands?" Auspicious courtyard also heard the discussion here.

Huizi nodded: "sorry, Madam President. We didn't expect it to turn out like this. "

"How big is the gap now?" She asked.

"Apart from the main actors, I'm afraid there are only a few people who can do behind the scenes. And we are all girls. I'm afraid it's very inconvenient to do these things. Madam President, what should we do now? " Sato looked at the auspicious courtyard with hopeful eyes.

"Yes. How can we forget about it? " Other people also came to me in frustration.

"Let me think about it. Everyone should practice hard first, and there will always be a way..." Auspicious courtyard holds chin to think.

In the auspicious courtyard when thinking about problems, Sen Xia also looked at her side. At this time, the auspicious courtyard has become the center of the public. The chairman of the auspicious courtyard sitting in the central place gives people a sense of reliability.

This is what the president of a student should look like. He does things in an orderly and dignified way, and can grasp the situation without disorder in the face of danger.

Thought for a while. The auspicious courtyard said, "well, in terms of this, I remember that football clubs and basketball clubs only perform. The track and field club doesn't seem to have any activities. If we ask them, we should be able to find a few people. In addition, we can ask teachers to help us. The performance objects of the drama club are not only about our club, but also about the external image of our school. If you ask the teachers, they should not ignore it

At this time, the auspicious academy began to put forward a series of solutions: "there should be no too much difficulty in contacting teachers. However, the teaching policy of kauno school includes the cultivation of students' independence, so the school should not give us too much help. Huizi, I'll leave this matter to you. If you have hands Qian Jia, there should be no problem for you to do this. Negotiating with other communities is your best thing. "

Hearing the words of auspicious courtyard, Qian Jia reaches out and makes a gesture of OK, and will smile with auspicious courtyard.

After commanding these, he put his eyes on Sen Xia's body again, "Sen Xia Jun, as for the props, you'll trouble you to go with me. You're a director and a screenwriter. You know what props we need, and if I'm next to you, other people shouldn't be bothering you."

She is worthy of being the president of the student union of kauno school. At this time, she has taken all possible situations into consideration, and senxia next to her also sighs.

"Then I'll go to other organizations to negotiate. We should all be in the activity now."

After finishing this sentence, Qianjia left directly.

"I went to the teacher, too!" Sato Huizi is also full of energy. After Qianjia Xuejie finished her speech, she also followed the other side and left here."That senxia Jun, let's go and do the props first." Auspicious courtyard came to say to Sen Xia.

"Oh, by the way," Sato said, "if the props are used, just move to the theater directly. I have got the key from the teacher who is in charge here. In this month's time, the theater belongs to us, so it's OK to move here directly."

Sen Xia nodded: "then there should be some props that can be used by the drama club. Then we will send them together."

It's better to get this kind of thing done earlier, so after an agreement, they start to act separately.

The props needed by Sen Xia are not complicated. They only need a few big screens, then some desks. In addition, there are a lot of professional scenes in the drama club. There are similar things that can be used in other drama related societies.

Senxia and Jixiang yuan didn't start immediately. Instead, they went back to the drama club and began to count the things inside.

"After all, there are so many things in the drama club." There is also a warehouse for the Huaju opera company and the clothing club. However, different from the clothing club, there are various props in the warehouse of the drama club.

There are not only flowers and trees, but also ancient weapons used in plays.

"But these things have been placed for a long time. Although they can be used, they should be cleaned." The auspicious courtyard has noticed that a lot of dust has been accumulated on some props at this time. Although they can still be used, they must be cleaned.

"It's not a problem. I have a lot of free time. In the drama club, I don't seem to have anything on my own. I'll leave it to me."

The members of kauno school drama club have a certain foundation. They know more about this than senxia. After fully conveying their understanding of the characters to each other, there is not much they can do for themselves.

Although Sen Xia has a lot to do, she still focuses on the drama in front of her eyes. At least she can't let down everyone's enthusiasm.

"In addition to the drama department, there have been societies like the Opera Department before, and they should also have some props there." Senxia guessed.

"Just leave this to me. The student union has detailed information." Auspicious courtyard answers.

"Oh, that's really a big help. It's like desks. We should have no problem moving some of them in the past?" Only then did Sen Xia realize that this is the student president, and the student president This is not a privilege!

Since there are resources nearby to use, is there any reason to throw them aside?

"This is no problem. The Student Union supports the work of the drama club." Auspicious courtyard also has no objection to this.

"Well, then it's the curtain for the background. I don't know how to use the pictures of our school as the real scene?" Senxia inquired.

The auspicious academy thought for a moment: "the news agency and the photography agency should have available photos. I'd like to negotiate this aspect."

"That's really a big help," senxia said with a smile. "In a word, I'll take a look at the things here and clean them up. I won't go to the meeting hall later. I just finished all these things today. After that, we'll see what we're missing, and we'll make up for the remaining items tomorrow. "

Auspicious courtyard nods: "then I go back to the student union room first, check the information, I see where there are useful props."

"Then please the president."

Auspicious courtyard nods, turns to leave, and Sen Xia turns out the bucket and dishcloth from the corner, starts to turn out the props one by one, and then wipes them.

It has to be said that kauno School Park is really rich in money. Although these props have been stored here for a long time, these props are still bright after being wiped and the materials used are also very textured.

In addition to some small props, there are even large props, such as the city tower, which looks frightening, but because of the lack of use, Sen Xia also sighed. He picked out some items similar to Japanese style and ancient props, and the rest like fake trees and street lamps, screens, windows and so on. All of these can be used.

"I went. Our school is really rich." Although she had already sighed before, but after counting all the available things, senxia sighed again. All these things are comparable with professional ideas.

"Senxia Jun, is there anything I can help you with?" At this time, the auspicious courtyard came back.

"President, are you back?" Said senxia.

"Senxia Jun can't be busy alone, so I'm here." Auspicious courtyard smiles, "don't worry, I'm already very proficient in the script. Have you seen my progress today?"

"Well, it's going to be troublesome for a long time."


The fourth watch, the eighth watch of Jiageng, I was nearly empty, and was squeezed out of orz (to be continued)

in the end, I was forced to work hard

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