Senxia's "escape" didn't stop until the night.

It's not because he was forgiven by the girls, but because he was saved by Sony.

Well, yes, brother soxha saved senxia.

Because of the prototype of UMD, senxia finally got it.

The trouble with this thing is not CD-ROM, but the CD-ROM.

The CD itself is good, but it is more difficult to make a CD-ROM that can be used on the palm.

After py trading, Mori finally got the drive she wanted.

That's the benefit of dealing with big businesses - sector interests are inconsistent, so senxia can finally get the technology.

Of course, this is also because of the technology of his own.

We also have unique stunts.Jpg.

With UMD prototype is not the key, the key is, with this thing, they can be blatant rowing.

Well, yes.

To draw in public.

Because this evening, actually is the party that is now looking at research.

We all came to the lighthouse country together. This time is naturally to live together.

But senxia used the excuse of "I have business" to avoid the best of them.

Although it is a pity that there is no party, but senxia thinks that if we can't calm down, I'm afraid I am not just a pity.

"Well, it's time." Senxia looked at the time and found it was nine o'clock in the evening.

He was testing with a new prototype at the time.

The prototype has been reduced in a large probability, especially the border, in volume relative to the previous generation.

Senxia strongly demands that the machine have a narrow border.

But senxia is not satisfied because the machine is still too wide.

In senxia's view, the new generation of players should be close to the iPod_ The size of touch - equal scale amplification - is best achieved if possible to achieve the structure of star S7.

But it seems that the so-called narrow borders are not popular in the market these days - or, in other words, the aesthetic of people has not yet reached this step.

And there is a CD-ROM inside the goods, and the volume can not be compressed to a centimeter thickness.

But in Lihua's view, it's a must have been a success.

"I think even if this machine is taken out now, it is very powerful." Lihua is a assistant to Sen Xia.

At this time, only senxia and Lihua were in the room.

Oh, by the way, it's not the hotel where senxia and everyone are together, but after she found Lihua in the afternoon, she changed another hotel.

By the way, it's Lihua who pays.

Others don't know that either.

Oh, the sunset is also in, but the sunset is not in the room of morixia, but in the next room.

"No, no, it's not enough to be amazing." "We can do better," Sen said

The machine looks pretty good.

But as a product, there are still many defects.

Senxia is not satisfied.

What do you say.

The endurance of this product is a big problem.

Now that Mori has adopted the latest lithium battery technology, it has recently raised the continuous endurance of the machine to about two hours.

But it's not enough.

The CPU now, if you want to have the game performance, the heat and power consumption are very amazing.

Senxia's insistence on using big screens increases the power consumption of games - an important factor in the market's pursuit of small screens - and the power consumption of CPU, the machine is a bit awkward.

According to the production team, if Sen schaken extended the thickness of the machine to two centimeters, they would be able to increase the duration to about five hours.

But that's impossible.

"Thickness needs further reduction. Although there are optical drives, there is still space. It can continue to reduce by one millimeter, which is enough..."

"Senxia muttered.

It's OK to do that.

The Phoenix community has given a plan.

If the optical drive is designed into an integrated structure, and then the disc is made into a pop-up structure from the side, there is no problem.

"Then, will the battery's endurance be over?" Lihua was surprised.

It's not impossible to do this, but there's less room for the battery.

Moreover, this one-piece structure, the replacement of batteries will not be convenient.

"What do you know, we can sell the charging treasure!"

There was a prototype for making the charging treasure before this side of senxia.

The thing, which came on sale with Xbox, was ridiculed by competitors as "urine bags.".Senxia did not know who was mocking, because the other side was secretly speaking.

But if you leave the pot to Sony and Ren, it's no problem.

Please connect the black pot. Thank you.

However, since there is already a black pot, Nathan Xia thinks that it's better to go straight to the end - we can directly develop the power bank according to the following specifications!

At this time, it is the peak period of lithium battery development. It is not a problem for senxia to make a 10000 Ma battery.

The problem is that the power solutions of this era are not very mature.

In the future, if you add batteries to a circuit scheme, there will be no problem, because there are complete solutions in that era.

But now senxia side, we need to start from the chip and circuit of the entire power bank.

What kind of charging current to match what kind of equipment, just want to do this, is not a simple thing.

Even the order of the Phoenix specially approached Sanyo and Matsushita to negotiate for a long time before they finally jointly developed a solution suitable for similar mobile devices.

- and there is no place to use it for the time being, because many machines these days use nickel cadmium batteries, which are not suitable for immediate use, and the power bank technology has no place.

But then it was different.

The power bank that senxia is developing is for future devices. It supports the output power of 5v2a, which is exactly the charging power of the current handset.

What, fast charging?

Sorry, the technology is still in development.

At this point, many technologies can be realized in theory, but none of them have been transformed into practical products.

Battery technology is one of them.

"In fact, it is the best to use a flash memory version similar to USB..."

Senxia picked up one on the other side.

This handset is similar to the one on hand, but the price is more than 500 dollars. The reason is that in this machine, there are 2GB flash disks in total, instead of using optical disk drive

Of course, sunxia believes that with the development of computer technology and mass production, the capacity of this flash version can be reduced by two or three hundred dollars, but as far as the current technology is concerned, it really needs so much.

After all, it is the first generation technology, so many flash core deployment, for the order of Phoenix, is also a difficult thing.

But senxia knows that this kind of flash storage is the key to the future.

Although there are now large capacity 10GB micro hard disks, Sen Xia is still adamant that the order of Phoenix should create a completely solid-state version of this, which is the accumulation of technology.

In fact, the development of the latter is a little earlier than that of the USB flash disk. The NAND flash memory chip used in the USB flash disk is the chip of this handheld computer. The main control technology of the latter is made before the U disk.

Of course, the speed of the latter is faster than that of the former, which is due to the technical implementation mechanism. There are multiple flash memory chips in the latter, which enables the disk to read and write multiple areas at the same time, so as to achieve higher speed.

It's a long way off.

All in all, in Mori's opinion, this handheld is his ideal completion form.

Unfortunately, the cost of this machine is too much.

In addition to flash memory particles, senxia's technology is self-developed, including master control and various solutions.

No one can help senxia in this respect, so it's just burning money.

Senxia is not a God. In this respect, he can give the general direction of development, but it is impossible for senxia to provide a complete set of solutions.

"The split handle structure is also a little strange." Senxia's machine, handle and machine are also separate. So Lihua would find it strange.

"Because for our machines, the handle is not really the most important thing. It's just the icing on the cake."

Senxia's handle has also been modified.

The machine is connected to the handle through metal contacts, and the handle itself can be disassembled.

But the handle can also be connected to a Bluetooth module alone - thanks to the generous Nuoji - so they can turn it into a wireless handle.

It's a pity that the Xbox handle can't be made like this.

Senxia thought about it. We could make special peripherals.

But that will be the future, because those people are core users, and what senxia wants is to promote this product as a more popular product.

"Continue to reduce size, narrow border, forehead and chin as much as possible..."

Senxia muttered.

Senxia's demands are not unfulfilled.

But the problem is - these requirements are costly to implement.

"Is it worth it?" Lihua thinks that senxia has gone too far.

"No problem." "I'd even like to get rid of the CD-ROM if I could, but you know, it's not likely."The CD-ROM drive can be removed, but if the CD-ROM drive is removed, the content carrier will not be available.

This is the most troublesome.

CD is the cheapest content carrier besides the Internet.

Mori picked up the UMD CD in her hand.

In this CD, we put the game of "night of destiny".

As a high-capacity text adventure game, this game is very suitable for the experience on the handheld - large screen and high-resolution image quality, can kill the previous generation of gal machine.

Really, who on Earth took the gal machine A lot of people read it as gay! I can't bear to look straight at you now!

Senxia roared in her heart.

My own machine is really good and powerful. But because the nickname is very close to a very delicate word, every time Mori hears it, she feels that it is really unbearable to look directly at it.

I can't help it. That's what happens to the dirty.

"Then castrate." "First come up with the most perfect plan, and then step by step cut costs and expenses. And if mass production can be achieved, the cost will be greatly reduced. "

In fact, a lot of costs are very high, just because the mass production is relatively small, so the unit price is very high.

But if we can upgrade the scale, the average cost of each single product will be very low, and the profit margin of the product will be greater.

For large-scale mass production in senxia, the unit price of the products can be very low just now.

But it also means that the risks on your own side will be high.

If the product hits the street, it will be troublesome.

However, senxia has already planned to spare money, so it is not a problem to keep the cost as low as possible.

"Let me see You can be strict with the voice. Although the two channels are good, but if you can't, the mono channel can make it. If you change the screen to another level, it's not impossible No, the screen doesn't work. We focus on audio and video. The sound can be replaced by headphones, but the screen is not. Oh, metal frame can be removed, all plastic is more economical. Although the polycarbonate shell is also good, the price is relatively high in the plastic. We can use a cheaper shell... "

Senxia is playing with the equipment in her hand, as if to see where the function can be castrated.

There is no way. Who makes their ideas so perfect that they increase the cost a lot?

But the necessary cuts are certain, because what senxia wants to explore is not only the domestic market, but also the layout on a broader stage.

The performance of the machine is never a problem, the problem is the price of the machine.

If the price of the machine is too high, even if there are many interesting games on the machine, it can be sentenced to death.

And it seems that cost savings can not only castrate, but also rely on others.

"Lihua, please help me to reply the email to Sony and ask if they can cooperate more deeply. I remember that they seem to have a digital camera solution. Ask if they have the latest technology for this handheld device. In addition, there are screens and batteries Well, I'll draw up a document later, and you can ask one by one according to the contents above. "


Lihua nodded.

Senxia's first thought at this time was Sony big brother.

Who makes Sony so powerful in this era?

Lihua is an assistant who can make senxia feel at ease. With her, senxia's work will never feel uneasy.

But after saying this for a long time, senxia noticed that Lihua's eyes seemed to be floating.

"Lihua, what's the matter?" Senxia asked strangely.

"No, nothing..." Lihua shook her head, but looking at Sen Xia, she seemed to be thinking, "I just wonder why Sen Xiajun wants us to call you Omni sauce In this way, will you be happy Europe, Europe Ernie sauce? "


Ah, I'm dead.

Lihua's words let senxia's heart beat violently.

Especially the last hesitating pause.

It's really Sparsi


Today's two in one meow ~


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