“…… Damn it

The editor in chief put down the novel seriously.

He rubbed his temples a little bit, and the whole person fell into a serious atmosphere.

"How about it?" Next to the Gaoxu river came.

Her face made her nervous.

"There's something wrong with this novel." The chief editor sighed.

"This What's the matter? " Gaoxu River swallows his mouth.

"Very bad! Very, very bad The chief editor shook his head.

Gaoxu River swallows again.

She was a little nervous.

There is a unique flavor in the novels of Mr. shawson.

However, not everyone can accept the taste.

What's more, the novel is a little bit Well, focus on the minority.

Although Mr. shawson has created similar works before, this novel is more out of the ordinary than that one.

This kind of rhythm and style is really a comparison More radical.

Gao Xu Da he thought of "the sky of edge".

That book is also quite out of the box.

However, there are some subtle differences. The book is about serious literature. Although there are many out of the ordinary contents, they are all the needs of literary creation.

The special content in it belongs to the creative needs.

But this book is a little different.

And the feeling is more subtle.

The chief editor shook his head.

"That's not good. I feel like I've fallen in love with that boy... "

"Ah? Oh... " Takasu River felt that his head was not enough.

However, the chief editor sighed.

"Not good, really bad." The chief editor still sighs, "it's a boy, but I'm so excited How can I do it? I'm really worthy of being a teacher. It's really amazing. Speaking of all, Mr. shawson is also a lovely boy... "

No, this editor in chief is very bad.

This side of the river Takasu subconsciously away from each other a step away.

Because Gao xudahe suddenly thought that one day after class, the chief editor's son came to see him. And his son is also a lovely boy

It's dangerous.

Should I call the police?

Gaoxu river is deeply thinking.

She's serious.


If the subject matter is excluded, Takasu Dahe thinks the book itself is very good.

Well, the kind that can bend people.

The book is called "the etiquette of the maiden near the moon.".

Compared with the same version of another world line, or this world line's "girl in love with her sister", Mori's version of the near month girl is a little different.

In the eyes of Takasu River, this is a dangerous book.


She used the word "dangerous.".

Because in the story of the protagonist asari - that is, the leading actor of women's wear, the star of Tibet - is so cute.

Different from Ruizhen, who is a "elder sister", xiaocang Chaori is a kind of soft and cute sister paper.

And give people a kind of Well, a very real feeling.

Yes, it's true.

I always feel that Mr. shawson is an experienced person.

Speaking of it, I remember

Ah, ah, can't think, can't think, always feel like this will enter the abyss!

"Mr. shawson is very productive." The chief editor sighed, "but it's just too high."

“…… Why do I feel like Mr. shawson is writing slowly

"Ah? Do you have any? "

The publishing order of this era is relatively slow.

A book may only be published in half a year or a year, and the capacity of each book is only 2.3 million.

But the Sonia typewriter is different. In the past, he was very productive.

However, it is impossible for a novel to be published once a month?

Physical books can't be sold like this.

Therefore, it is necessary to press the manuscript for a while before it can be sold. So far, there are still some of Sen Xia's manuscripts.

"Well Xia Sen has been used to it recently. She has been tired

Takasu River shakes his head.

Just because I am used to it, I feel that the recent teacher Xiasen is very tired.

"Well, indeed. The speed of some authors has suddenly slowed down. As editors, they really feel that they can't adapt to it. "

Unlike people outside, editors can see the follow-up directly.

So for outsiders, Mr. shawson may publish a book every three or five months, but for editors, she may have not written anything new for half a year.Of course, he is also writing, but there are not many novels.

"But..." The chief editor suddenly said, "if only Asahi sauce could be animated. Such a lovely Asahi sauce, I feel very suitable for animation. In the novel, the charm of Asahi sauce is better presented through animation. "


Takasu River pondered.

She was wondering if she really wanted to call the police. She's worried about the editor's son.

I always feel that the lovely boy may suffer.

But It's a delicate feeling.

Although I'm worried, I think about it. It seems that I'm feeling it. Especially the wonderful feeling between father and son.

Ah, ah, how concerned!

If I can know what will happen after that, I will I'll call the police one day later!


It was a compassionate decision.

Takasu Dahe decided to do it like this.

But how to say that.

Although very concerned, but still very concerned, as expected, still very concerned about it!

In this way, the editor in chief is also very beautiful. My husband is tall and big

Sure enough, or super care!

She took a deep breath. Then he went on to say, "actually, Mr. shawson wrote another book."

"Xia Sen is really worthy of writing two books at the same time." The chief editor sighed.

"Ah, yes. But the book is still in the works for the time being. " "We should be able to see some information within the new year," Takasu Dahe said

"Well. I see. " The chief editor nodded, "in this case, we still need to think about the time..."

At the beginning, senxia's novels had a record of two months, but he was still a newcomer at that time.

But now, he's big.

A big man has to be forced by a big man

"Ah. It's off work. " The chief editor looked at the time and found that he was off duty.

He began to pack his bags. Gaoxu river was a little strange: "so early today?"

The chief editor usually works overtime late, but it seems that it is not right today?

"Well." The chief editor said, "my son is going to have a summer vacation today. I'm going to go home early today. Oh, ah, speaking of it, my son is also very cute... "

“…… Oh, all the way. "


Looking at the figure of the chief editor leaving, gaoxu River fell into meditation.

"Sure enough Or call the police? "


One string tuning is very good, that is, some sensationalism is too much, the production team is too poor, but it is a good work.


was the first one

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