There is a future!

The baby has a future!

Not only are people beautiful, but their mouths are sweet.

Not bad, not bad.

Senxia said she was super happy.

"Mrs. Victoria."


Over there, Lihua and her two maids also greet the woman.

"Sonia, this is my little aunt, Victoria uxensener, and this is my cousin, Kristina uxensener. Aunt, this is my My friend, the sea of heaven and the sea of summer. "

Lihua also introduced these two people at this time.

"Hello, Mr. Tianhai." Victoria is a very charming woman, about 30 years old, has the attraction of a mature woman.

Although she is related to Lihua, her hair is not golden, but brown. After all, gold is recessive and rare is normal.

She spoke English, so Sonia could understand.

However, he was a little curious. The other party's surname was uxenshena, but he was Lihua's aunt

Well, it's a little subtle.

"Hello." Senxia also came along.

"Chris seems to like you very much." Victoria looked at her daughter, and Christina had been looking at Sonia.

"Hello, Chris."

Senxia squatted in front of the little girl and then smile at each other.

The other party blinked. She looked at senxia, Lihua, and finally her mother.

"Hello." She said.

"Well, let's go to the parking lot first. You've been exhausted all the way Victoria said, as if thinking of something, "but my car can only take four people, Chris insisted on following, I found out after she got on the car..."

"I sit on my brother!" Christina came to senxia's side.

"That's overload Victoria said sullenly.

"It doesn't matter. We'll just keep up." "Kimura and I will go by ourselves after that. Please don't mind us, Mrs. Victoria."

"This..." Victoria looks at Lihua.

Senxia, on the other hand, looks at Youdao Yudai.

The other party seems to have noticed the senxia here and turned around.

Senxia quickly moved away from her eyes.

He is still a little embarrassed to see these two girls now

However, Sen Xia noticed that after hearing Yu Dai's words, Yudai immediately looked at each other with expectant eyes.


Mori knows.

Lihua turned her head and looked at Sen Xia, who seemed to come to ask for his opinion. Senxia nodded.

After the decision was made, senxia left with them.

"Mom was glad to hear that you were back, you know. She even wanted to drive by herself before she came Oh, what a mess... "

Victoria complained ahead.

Senxia and Christina walked behind.

One is to make room for the two people in front of her, and the other is that Christina is not fast enough to walk behind with Sonia's hand.

The little girl is about five or six years old. She is a little bigger than in the picture. Her eyes twinkle with curious eyes towards senxia.

The innocent eyes of that day seemed full of innocence and loveliness that only children had.

It's so cute. I want to take it home and rub it

Such a lovely child, senxia suddenly felt how good it would be if she could have such a daughter.

Well, it's probably because I heard the name "Dad" before, but now I have some sequelae

"Did brother and sister Lihua have in-depth communication?"

The other side spoke.

The voice was also full of childish innocence.

But what does that mean?

"What do you mean?" Senxia asked.

"I mean, has my brother ever been with sister kiss..."

She pursed her mouth.

Mori is a little funny.

"How do you know that?"

He thought the other party was a pure little cute, but he didn't expect to be quite mature.

"To know is to know." Christina was very proud, and she continued, "brother, is that all right?"


What the hell?

"I mean, brother, are you really OK with your small size?" She came up and said, "you see, my sister looks so good I remember that's how it's shown on TV dramas. If the wife's looking good, then the husband's look is definitely bad. "

Strange to say, although the girls around senxia are also beginning to grow up, they all look very good. If Qianjia changes into high school clothes, she may still be able to fake a wave of high school students.Speaking of this, senxia suddenly thought that before she came here, onion alien seemed to have told herself what kind of welfare they would give

Ah, no, these are not the point!

"Well, that's just a coincidence." Sen Xia said quickly, "and girls, to be reserved."

"I'm very reserved, but my brother is so cute that I'm in love with you."


Small people and big ghosts.

Senxia was a little embarrassed by Christina's words.

He said: "you are still young, want to fall in love, another ten years!"

"If another ten years, my brother will fall in love with me? Ah, am I fighting for love with my sister

The little girl fell into a deep thought, as if she was really thinking about herself. In this way, would it be regarded as taking love by a knife.

I have a meow.

At the beginning, senxia felt very good about Xiaomeng Mei, but she didn't expect that the other side's thoughts Can float to the sky!

"Love, marriage, baby, this is a complete life."

"But it's too early for you."

"I'm very sensible already."

"But that's until you're an adult."

Sonia looked at Victoria in front of her.

I didn't expect that the other side looked so serious a woman that she raised her little daughter who thought so much

"It's so far away..." She curled her lips.

Sen Xia thinks that children still need to be taught, and can't go astray: "communication between people needs a foundation."

"We can cultivate the foundation now!"

Senxia almost had a brain attack.

No way, he had some reflexes, because xuenai sometimes tried to use this method, trying to rub against senxia.

The two sides are not familiar with each other, so senxia didn't make a move.

However, after hearing this sentence, Christina seemed to cry, as if she had been severely hit by Sen Xia: "doesn't my brother like me?"

"Er That's not what it means

"Qian Lue, uncle of the kingdom of heaven, I finally know your daily pain. I will never gloat over you being entangled by a primary school monk..."

Senxia thought of his uncle who was still working hard but was pestered by primary school monks all day.

When Mori saw Ichiro Sato entangled by a primary school monk before, he was actually quite gloating.

But now, senxia has also experienced the bitter feeling of being entangled by a primary school monk.

"Well, the love between boyfriends and girlfriends is not the same as that between us

Sen Xia is still good advice.

To Kristina, it seems that she is still a primary school monk No, probably not yet. Otherwise, Sen Xia will send a set of five high and three models and extracurricular reviews directly to Vitoria.


What a pity Cough

"well." Christina tilted her head, as if puzzled.

But senxia was relieved.

At least it's a good escape.

"Chris, why are you curious about such questions?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Isn't it all like that on TV?" Christina said, "girls grow up with boys, but I don't like those nasty guys. But my brother is so cute, I like it

Senxia's smile froze.

"And love is in your own hands." Christina's eyes were ablaze with fire. "If you don't show up in time, good men will be robbed!"

Wait, didn't you just say you didn't like those nasty guys

Senxia didn't spit out an old trough.

make complaints about it. If he himself talk rubbish, it will definitely cause Christina a lot of dangerous nonsense.

"That kind of thing has a long way to do with children." Senxia also has no experience in educating children. At this moment, senxia really doesn't know what to do.

This little cute girl obviously doesn't know everything, but obviously she doesn't know everything. She seems to be precocious, but she doesn't seem to be so precocious.

Such a girl's own logic may be a little confused. It's really troublesome for Sen Xia to make the truth clear.

What's more troublesome is that if she gets on the car and tells other people about the chat, then I'm afraid moriha will be kicked out of the car.

"I won't tell anyone else." Christina seemed to see Sonia's hesitation. "I'm very good."

Well, my first impression is that you are very good, but the problem is that I am good now!The latter seems to disapprove of this: "adults regard our children as idiots, so I never tell them!"

It's really a big kid.

No, I'm an adult, too

How do you feel like you've been pulled into a pirate ship?

Moriha felt strange.

"Ah, here it is." And it was just then that Kristina's face was disappointed because they had arrived at the parking lot.

On the contrary, senxia was relieved.

"Brother, after we go home, you can continue to tell me about it! I want to know about my brother and sister. " She looks forward to senxia.


I'm sorry, girl. I don't know what expression to face you with. But I know that if you do say dangerous lines in front of me, I may be taken away and locked up

It's good for a little girl to be energetic, but it's more subtle if she goes awry.

To tell you the truth, Sen Xia also thinks the other party is very cute, but that's just for children. As for girlfriends and so on, forget it.

It's impossible in another ten years.

Well, in this sense, senxia feels that she is still a good man.

"Come on, let's talk to Lihua. Don't go awry for such a lovely little girl..."

The outside world is actually very dangerous, that kind of ignorant little girl, is also more likely to encounter danger.

So at this time, I'd better find a way to communicate with Lihua, and try to let Christina go on the right way.

"Senxia, this way!"

Lihua in front of her noticed that senxia and Kristina were still behind, so she waved to them.

"Good!" Sonia grabbed Christina. "OK, let's get in the car first."

"Well." Christina nodded, too.

In fact, this little guy is also very cute.

Well, as long as you don't make a sudden speech, there's no problem

Mrs. Victoria, your education has a long way to go.


Senxia took the little girl to the car, he felt very tired now


"I'm so tired..."

On the other side, xuenai has just finished her day's work.

She is now preparing for the shrine at yuzao shrine.

The Bon Festival is an important day, so snow should come to help at such a time.

In Nihong, the summer festival is more popular than the new year's, but because of this, it is also very busy.

Yuzao shrine is very busy when it comes to this time. Of course, there are also a lot of input. Yuzao shrine is now almost the most profitable shrine in China. In principle, although busy here, but as the boss, should also be very happy.

But snow is also a little restless.

Because my brother went to northern Europe on business.

"Brother, the radar is ringing all the time..."

She muttered.

"Snow is a man!" It's time for the pupil to go this way.

She's here to help.

At first, Zhen Tong's family had a lot of opinions about Zhen Tong's not going home during the summer vacation.

However, after Zhentong began to work in the yuzao shrine, the attitude of his family changed. Now he is also one eye open and one eye closed, which makes Zhentong much more comfortable.

It's great to be around my sister!

Unfortunately, that guy went to northern Europe!

I'm not happy. I'm so upset!

Well, on the bright side, it's a good thing to be with my elder sister

"Have a rest, real pupil."


Sitting by xuenai's side, Zhentong's face showed a comfortable expression.

She looked up at the statue in front of yuzao.

It's a statue. In fact, Zhentong thinks it's more like a large-scale handicraft, but the material is different, and the fineness is also different.

However, this is indeed one of the secrets of the rise of yuzao shrine.

I don't know if my family can do the same?

She turned her head and looked at xuenai.

However, snow is the appearance of the soul.

Why has she been holding on to her hair?

Chen Tong is puzzled


It has been revised. I was wrong

Two in one meow ~

meow meow meow ~

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