"Senxia, what's the matter with you?"

It was the next day when Lihua and Elizabeth came back.

Lihua, who just got home, found that senxia, who had thick dark circles, was lying dead at the moment.

"It's nothing. It's just that an important decision has just been cancelled."

I'm still too young.

Senxia sighed.

In the first impression of Christina, senxia even fantasized about having a daughter or something.

But just a few days later, moriha felt that this unrealistic idea was ridiculous.

The real daughter is just a disillusionment

And this little guy has a lot of energy. I went to the swimming pool during the day, but at night, I was still full of energy.


Senxia felt tired.

And the little guy also has a unique mind. Last night, he took the opportunity to coerce Mori and told him not to tell other people the secret between them.

"Where's Chris?" Li Hua asked.

"After lunch, I went to have a rest." Sonia said, "you're done?"

"Well, I've asked a lawyer to set it up. It's over. But... " Lihua said here, seems to have some desire to speak, she thought for a while, finally opened her mouth, "grandma wants to see you."


“…… My grandmother wants to see you. Tomorrow we'll come over together and stay there for two days Li Hua said.

"Why did you see me?" Senxia suddenly felt guilty and flustered.

He clenched his fist and his eyes drifted.

"Well." Lihua blushed, and the president was hesitant, "in a word You should have a good rest today, to give grandma a good impression - well, you have a good rest today. "

"But I feel like I can't fall asleep at this time!"

It's very square.

Although Lihua said that she would let senxia have a good rest, she felt that the next time would be very long



Snow is a little restless today.

Since my brother went to northern Europe, my brother's radar has been beating.

"Snow is an adult?" The voice of real pupil rings.

"Well I'm sorry, I'm distracted. " Snow came to her senses. "Let's go on."

"Hi." The God of speaking sakazaki.

This is the dormitory behind the yuzao shrine, which is not open to the public, for maids and other employees to live in.

Shenqi Yao handed the information to xuenai: "this is a report about the game market."

"This is a report on the animation market."

In their small talk, xuenai and Zhentong mentioned the expansion and promotion of yuzao shrine.

At that time, Xue was associated with the development of games and animation products.

Because xuenai remembers that his brother once said that a successful animation work will bring about a regional driving effect. "Holy land tour" is definitely a very good product.

So in this period of time, xuenai and her friends are also ready to think of a way.

However, although we have collected so much information, we still have no clue.

"But where should such a thing begin?" Snow is a little distressed.

"If only Sonia were here." Seven sea love said.

When it comes to senxia, xuenai feels her brother's radar continues to beat.

"It's our own business. If my brother isn't here, I can't accomplish anything. How can I? "

In fact, there are many such models in the future.

In Nihong, many associations and regions will support some animation companies to launch some influential works for the local area.

For example, one of the reasons for the production of Saga idol is legend is "the promotion animation of Saga region".

In fact, this work really let saga, one of the most backward areas in the mud, show it in front of the audience and enhance its huge popularity.

However, the business model can only mature in the future. The snow now is that they have no mature reference. At this time, they can only find their own way. It's really distressing.

Because even if the animation and game works are launched, the situation will not necessarily get better. If the plot design is unreasonable, the game value has problems and other reasons, it may have the opposite effect.

"If it was a brother, what would he do..."

Snow is thinking.

"I think we should do more in-depth market research." "I think the visitors to yuzao shrine are quite different from the target groups of games and animation. I have read the information of yuzao shrine. Many people who come here are crooked nuts. They don't necessarily know our situation. ""So, just animation or games It's not going to work very well? " Seven sea love try to ask.

"That's about it." Zhentong said, "in this respect, our products may only invest in animation at risk, but in fact, the effect is not obvious..."

What Zhentong said is very reasonable.

"I think so." Shenqiyao agrees with Zhentong. The Kendo girl says, "if it is too entertaining, it will affect the image of yuzao shrine."

Shenqiyao's words, let snow is some headache.

Because shenqiyao said there was no problem.

Xuenai looked around, then looked at the nearest real pupil: "Oh, true pupil. Do you have any ideas? Whatever it is, say something. "

"Me? Well, well. " Zhen Tong nodded quickly.

She was a little nervous.

Because Zhen Tong does not have a perfect idea in this respect.

But this is definitely not going to work.

"If I were Mori..." Real Tong thinks in his mind.

What would he have done from Sonia's point of view?

After thinking for a while, Zhen Tong suddenly has an idea.

"We don't take the initiative to make animations and games, but like those advertisers, let them put our yuzao shrine into the games and animations, OK?" she said quickly

"Product placement, is it too stiff?" Shen Qiyao feels that this kind of advertisement design seems to be too rigid.

"Well, I'm not such a rigid advertising design. I mean, let these animations take pictures of yuzao shrine, and then all the shrines will use our yuzao shrine as a symbol in their works."

In other words, it is a kind of soft product placement.

At first glance, it seems to be an ordinary implantable solution, but if you think about it carefully, it is still very famous.

This is especially true if the setting of the shrine can become a "divine scene" in the plot.

If senxia is here, he will certainly agree with the idea of Zhentong.

This is because moriha probably will put forward similar opinions.

But Sen Xia is based on the experience of another world line.

For example, in another world line, there is an animation and game plan called "lovelive", and in this work, there is a shrine that is very famous.

That's Kanda shrine.

And Kanda Shinto also cooperates with each other, so that the popularity of Kanda shrine has been raised a lot, so that many "Lala people" will try their best to go to the shrine when they travel.

“…… Kanda shrine. " Seven sea love suddenly opened.

"What?" The other three looked at it.

"I remember that in the Kanda shrine, there is a monument to Qian xingpingci."

"Qian xingpingci" is a popular film and TV play in the 1960s and 1970s.

Kanda shrine has cooperated with each other before, so there is a monument to Qian xingpingci. The protagonist of this detective play is to live in the land of God.

By the way, part of the prototype of the character "Fu Bu Ping Ci" in "Detective Conan" comes from Qian Xingping. Like "Konan Edogawa", this name is full of pinches.

With a practical example, Xue is obviously encouraged. She continues to look at Zhen Tong: "can you talk more specifically?"

Because snow is the encouragement of adults, Zhentong is excited. She was as if she had been beaten with chicken blood, and the whole person was in high spirits.

"I think we can work with you," she said quickly. Although I have said that there is no end to animation works except for the end of the animation works

That makes sense.

But when it comes to senxia, xuenai feels her brother's radar trembles.

"Senxia also said that animation is one of the final forms of a whole series of products. If the popularity of a work before it becomes an animation work can be maintained, the later the animation is launched, the better, and the longer the animation is, the better. It is best to make a whole series, just like the king of game, the spirit baokemeng or the digital Tyrannosaurus 。” Zhentong is thinking seriously.

“……” And originally also a face of excited snow is, this time seems to be a little stiff.

"Yuzao shrine is not a pure virtual plan, but an entity. For yuzao shrine, the subtle influence is the best. Well By the way, I think we can promote the voodoo style of our shrine. Well, senxia also said that it would be great if everyone could wear the same witch costume as usSenxia really said it.

The witch costume of yuzao shrine is different. Although it is the same "white dress scarlet", the costume of yuzao shrine is more exquisite and beautiful Oh, it's not a girl anymore. It's a dress

Compared with the witch costume in the past, this kind of dress is less sacred, but it makes the witch more approachable. Wearing such a kind of voodoo dress will really give people a "lovely" feeling.

Of course, it's not impossible to follow the pure voodoo school. What's more, there is no rule that only one style can be worn in witch costume

But if this kind of witch dress can be popularized, it is really good, at least eye-catching

"What Zhentong sang said to his brother I really understand it. " Snow is a sigh.

She felt her brother's radar beating wildly.

"Hi, for the sake of snow, I can remember everything..."

"Well, I thought Zhentong just remembered what his brother said..."

"Er Senxia's words are really impressive... "

Does the true pupil seem to have not realized?

Next to the seven sea love has felt a little subtle.

The atmosphere Why is something wrong all of a sudden?

Seven sea love has noticed.

When talking about senxia, Zhentong doesn't use honorific words. Although she looks bored, her tone seems to be Quite casual?

Zhen Tong didn't pay attention to it, but Xue obviously found it.

"- well, when it comes to senxia's words," she interrupted quickly, pulling shenqiyao's silk stockings. "I remember that senxia's brother is in northern Europe now?"

"Well, I remember it was there, too." Shenqiyao is a bit baffled, but the love of the seven seas makes him cooperate. Shenqiyao also follows the "crooked building" together. "Northern Europe is really a romantic place. I'd love to go there, too

"Well, when we graduate next year, it will be fun to go together." Seven sea love is smiling.

Two people slanted downstairs, the atmosphere of the scene immediately improved a lot.

Seven sea love is relieved.

"But I heard that there are many lovely girls in northern Europe." Shenqiyao continued to take over, she did not notice that the seven sea love expression seems to have become a little subtle, "senxia brother so powerful, certainly will be very popular."

"Well My brother will be very popular... "

It's obviously praising, but why is the tone so low?!

"Ah, I think brother senxia will be regarded as a minor if he is there. It is said that we in the East are generally mistaken by the West for being very young. " Seven sea love tries to adjust the direction of the topic.

"Yes. When we went to E3 before, a crooked nut thought I was a junior high school student... " God Qiyao said, "well, but it's not bad. Brother senxia will be welcomed by high school students. Well Maybe it's a junior high school student Well, for primary school students Well, it's still impossible for primary schools. "

After finding that xuenai's expression is more and more lost, the seven seas love is also square.

"Ah, but brother senxia will only stay there for a few days, and the probability of getting to know the local people is not very good. It's not a transfer. "

Hearing this, snow seemed to be relieved.

Seven sea love God level script.jpg.

"Yes, too." Shenqi Yao looked at the seven sea love with a sigh of relief, thought that her goal had been achieved, so she also made efforts, she said, "but maybe there will be love at first sight for brother senxia, and then at the same time from northern Europe also want to follow the kind of girl mud Bang."

The atmosphere is subtle.

"That's a small probability event." Seven sea love dry smile.

She felt very tired.

Seven sea love has done its best


After the angel and the dragon, the second uncle Huang who wanted everything

Meow of two and one

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