"Hesitation leads to defeat."

This is a promotional video.

A propaganda video on the initial sound station.

In the story, is the player's role and another female high school student PK, and then killed by the other side to seconds, Kenami left the lines.

The video was released on Xia cm, but also on the Internet.

This is an early concept video in development.

But undeniably, this video, immediately let the players boiling.

Especially when "the Witch of the sword" is on the air.

"Here it is, here it is, sure enough!"

"Oh, oh, oh, here it is!"

"Sure enough, the game is out. Wwwww"

"this time, it's not a synchronous sale, it's a big failure for the prophets!"

"Strange, why is this not a simultaneous sale?"

Sen Xia is watching everyone's speeches at this time.

Don't say, senxia is also looking forward to it.

Although Miyazaki has no concept in his head, but in fact, Mori is in his brain will this game and another world line in the wolf benchmarking.

Not to mention, the two games are quite similar in some sense.

The game of swordsman witches is a duel between swords and swords, belonging to the pingpang "iron" game.

A wolf is also a sword and sword duel, inside the parry broken move is also pingpang iron.

Among the witch maids, if the Dao emissary is "killed", she can use "write" to regain her fighting ability.

The protagonist of a wolf is "undead man", who can return to life after being killed.

The knife makes the witch have monsters inside.

There are monsters in a wolf.

The knife makes the witch say get.

Well, it's Mori's mustache, but he really thinks it's interesting.

In recent months, Miyazaki YingGAO has not done anything else. Instead, he has made a combat system with resurrection mechanism for the concept of "writing".

In fact, this combat system was a semi-finished product before. Miyazaki wanted to add this system to the demon soul over there, but in the end, he chose to give up for the time being.

After that, Miyazaki saw "the Witch of the sword" and was attracted by the fascinating fighting of the game.

So, he simply added the system here.

"The effect is quite good."

Moriha nods and continues to play.

At the beginning, in the screen, the player's role came to the scene of the Taoist temple.

"Liu Sheng Xin Yin Liu, Wei Teng Ke Nai Mei, see!"

Combat systems have been restructured.

In the battle, in addition to the ordinary blood bar, there is also a parry strip.

Once the parry strip is full, you can "execute" the enemy, even if the enemy is full of blood.

In the picture, the protagonist is covered with a parry by Kato Konami, and then is taken away by the other party and knocked to the ground.

However, the protagonist got up again at this time, and then used the "write" skill again, which immediately revived.

This time, the protagonist beat up the parry strip of konaimei, and then executed him. However, at this time, Kenami continued to evolve to the second blood bar.

"It's still a little different."

Only wolf inside, although the player will also be hit full Parry bar to break, but will not be killed by a hit.

But the Miyazaki YingGAO here is really a person who doesn't talk much.

But senxia thought it was good.

The game is very interesting.

More difficult, at least, than the other world line.

The demonstration video inside the screen, the player demonstrated decisively will be free, the video is almost over.

Senxia is looking at your views on this at this time.

There are still many barrages.

Surprisingly, everyone for the launch of this game, actually not many people feel surprised. On the contrary, many people think that "the game is late".

This is probably because the cooperation between Musashino and group A was so good.

Before this side out of the game and animation synchronous sale, simply not too much.

At the beginning of the game, there was no new film, but there was some linkage between "boundless". In fact, some players were very disappointed.

So after hearing this, many people cheered

"This time it seems to be a 3A level masterpiece."

"I see. It seems that the capacity is bigger than before, so we can't go public together..."

"Is nemei the enemy? Can Nemi be blackened after animation? "

"Upstairs, I think it's possible. But Naimi's feeling is a little bit distorted. I think it's possible even if it's blackened. ""I'm afraid it's not ten Jihe who's going to be beaten by Kenai Mei..."

The comment area is also a sea of joy.

don't say, although these people are in Tucao, but Sen Xia found that some people really "prophecy" to make complaints about the follow-up.

However, some of these people's previous speculation made senxia a little embarrassed.

Because this game is not "playing big chess", it is purely Mori Xia's first thought that this is a show off skill work, so the game has not been considered at all, and there is no synchronous development between the two sides

Well, no matter what, no one else knows. Ha ~

"the Witch of the sword" is now on the air, and the work is very hot.

This video is really popular.

"But it's still close."

"Brother, are you watching animation?"

Christina came to Sonia's study.

Christina and Victoria have been watched all day. After all, these two little foreign girls are so beautiful.

Victoria is tired now. But Christina is still very energetic. She had changed her naiyeh dress for a cool dress.

However, senxia is still wearing the clothes before. As soon as he comes back, he watches the comments on the Internet.

Different from big factories like Sony, Mori likes to "make a debut" in the co exhibition like Xia cm. In fact, the first news of many works comes from this side.

After all, there is always a gentleman boss in group A.

"It's a game." Mori laughs and plays the work again.

"Ah, it's the witch, I've seen it!"

Generally, little girls will not like this kind of works. But Christina is precocious, and this kind of animation can still be understood by herself.

After all, this young lady is the kind that can enjoy watching even more mature animation

It's very square.

Senxia did not dare to watch another video

Well, that's a promotional video of another game. Senxia was going to watch it, but the game was more subtle, so senxia was a little bit coy at this time

There is no way.

After all, the content Sonia likes is gentlemanly.

"Yes, this is a video, a promotional video of the game."

"Is this animation going to be a game in the future?" Asked Christina.


"Can you install mod?! I want to install cool mod! "


Meow, meow, meow?

Are you really not in primary school yet?!

Don't say that Christina was 6, even if she was 16, Sonia felt that she had no sense of disobedience.

On the contrary, Victoria is more like a child of the same age.

Somehow, there was a subtle feeling

"Well, there's still animation. Do you want to watch animation? Here's Doraemon. "

"No, it's a child's animation that Vicky would go to see!"


"And I've seen all the other animations."

"Er - let me show you the live broadcast. You can see the game live here. "

Senxia felt some skull pain.

Christina, it's a very difficult child.

At this time, it is not easy to change the topic.

Fortunately, after moriha said that she would watch the live broadcast for Christina, Christina finally showed her interest.

"Well This. "

Senxia chose the video of the beaver.

The beaver used to be the anchor of Isaac's Union.

Of course, that game is not suitable for children.

However, recently, his live broadcast content is mainly about some leisure categories, such as the game "move or die" in which four players pit each other, which is very interesting.

"Thank you for watching. Cm is a little tired this summer, so we are here. Goodbye to "

"... "

This is embarrassing for him to meow.

As soon as senxia came in, this guy was on the air.

"Er Sorry, we'll change it. "

"I want to see games with good mod!"


Sorry, that's not true.

The initial sound station does not support some over the top content.

So if you want to see that kind of content, you can't see it here.

However, it is also because of this that many websites are starting to copy from this aspect

The effect is good.

After all, a website can not occupy the whole market.

It's normal to have competitors"Ah, that's it."

Mori found a host who played "infinite boundary line".

This anchor is called yxxxx. It's an anchor with a wonderful name.

However, he was also the first anchor to have 2dlive image and water test in the game.

In the game, we are developing live live video, but now we are worried that some people can't stand it, so we have temporarily developed a virtual character image using simple motion capture for the anchor.

When the player anchor is playing, the image of the character can be opened. Then, the character will appear in the screen, and the image of the virtual character will act because of the anchor's action.

The system is now being designed and integrated. The host of yxxxx is the first batch of testers.

"What is this?"

Christina also saw the character.

This is the character image of a cute girl with blonde hair and naked eyes. It's very cute.

Although the anchor is a boy himself, this virtual image makes many people very excited.

Well, in every sense.

"This is the virtual image, oh, it's the anchor's virtual image." Senxia said.

"Oh, oh." Christina nodded in a confused way.

She didn't understand.

But Sen Xia was inexplicably relieved.

If Christina really knew everything, Sonia would doubt life.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Then the anchor screamed.

"What's wrong with him?" Christina asked curiously.

"Oh, the ship sank That is, they didn't draw the cards they wanted

The anchor is drawing cards at the moment.

And then The ship sank.

Now karchi is up the holy mark of Konami.

But it's very sad that the anchor suddenly crooked a set of Naiye holy marks It's still four-star. It is not easy to trigger the minimum, but the result is ten Jihe's holy mark.

Although the card pool has a minimum guarantee mechanism, but I can't help it if it's crooked.

"The king of waichi" wwww

"as expected, www"

"miss kachi plans to visit www"

"daily script www"

"this is not yesterday's replay? Www "

this group of onlookers is still on the side, for fear that the world will not be chaotic

"Well, let's push the picture first. Today, we are going to have a difficult picture of the sword making Wunv linkage copy... "

After some silence, the anchor finally got up again.

"Oh, oh, all of them! It's Naiye! It's fitter

At this moment, the anchor is adjusting his mark.

Here Christina saw her familiar role, and she was immediately happy.

Senxia also laughed.

Finally, it's Anson

Of course, it's only temporary.

And senxia doesn't want Kristina to stay in her study all the time.

But Sonia also knew that if she had driven Christina before, the effect would not have been better. And more importantly Such a cute little girl, senxia can't help it

The live broadcast of this anchor is very good.

The other person speaks very fast.

But the latter is exactly what senxia needs, because in this case Christina couldn't understand.

If she doesn't understand, she can avoid some strange problems.

Christina is a foreigner after all. She seems to know some Japanese, but she can't understand her at such a fast speed.

After that, she will be tired and leave

Plan pass.



Why didn't you respond?

Christina looked at the picture in front of her, and there was no half an obstacle.

It seems that I can understand

"Chris, do you understand?"

Senxia asked quickly.

"Yes. I often watch animation here, so I study by myself


And this kind of operation?!

Where are you from?!

Seeing Sen Xia's shock, Chris continued to say with pride, "and I also have Japanese teachers. I've learned Japanese before. I relied on my mother to teach. Vicky can do a little bit, but she is so stupid that she can only spell fifty


No, no, no, no, I think Miss Victoria is pretty good

Mori Xia in the heart of Fei.

This talented lady, really let Sen Xia some subtle head big.forget it. Be patient for a few days.

When school starts, she will definitely go back to London


The bad thing about it is to make everyone happy.

Fang Zhou draws Chen shipwreck, FGO forgot to land yesterday, missed ten calls, snapped up 3900x mode, robbed fat movie ticket mo de

Two in one The street is full of praise

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