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"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa. "After the end of the curtain, Sen Xia clapped up," everyone's performance is really good! "

He walked up with a smile, and then looked at the whole scene. After the performance, everyone looked excited. Although he was very tired, he was also very happy.

Due to the limitation of conditions, there is no way to change Mori Xia's version of the girl falling in love with her sister. However, she is slightly satisfied with the original love story transformed into an inspirational story.

"Although we can't say that we are completely proficient, we still have three weeks to practice, and finally we will be able to present a perfect drama to you!" Mori encouraged the crowd.

"Well, that's all for today. Everyone is tired." Keiko Sato came out and was smiling at the crowd.

Although it is the weekend, but the drama club is really busy all day, now they are very tired.

Because the theater is now used by the drama club, it doesn't matter if things are put here. Now it's almost disbanded and everyone is relaxed.

"It's great that there's no problem. When it comes to the Cultural Festival, it's OK." Senxia murmured to herself.

"Senxia Jun," just at this time, Dongcheng students came up, she is the actor of Yandao Guizi. Although she is an annual student like Sen Xia, Dongcheng is a class student who has been promoted directly from primary school, which is different from that of Mori who has been admitted to the school.

She looks ok, with long hair and a typical Japanese figure and figure, which is obviously different from the special case of Jixiang academy and Qianjia Xuejie.

"What can I do for you, dongchengsang?" Senxia asked.

"Well, it seems that I don't fully understand the role of Masako yamashima." Dongcheng replied, "senxia Jun, can you explain it to me specifically?"

Mori thought about it carefully, during the rehearsal. There seems to be no missing link in the role of Masako: "the Yandao you play Dongcheng sang doesn't have any omission in acting. You just need to get the characters through."

"- but I want to be better! Only in this way can we be worthy of the president of the auspicious academy! "

Well, Dongcheng is also an admirer of the president. At this time, she is obviously not content.

Mori Xia can probably understand this emotion, Dongcheng students want to make their aura more prominent.

During the rehearsal, moriha noticed this.

As the heroine, the acting skills of both Jixiang yuan and Qianjia are very good. The tricks of Jixiang academy are closer to the description in textbooks. There is a sense of steadiness and flexibility. After experiencing the low tide, the performance of Jixiang academy and Qianjia is very good. The auspicious courtyard is in good condition now. In fact, shitiaoyuan, played by Qianjia Xuejie, is not as good as Yandao Guizi. However, when shitiaoyuan appears, it has a unique magic power and pressure, which can attract other people's attention.

All these are excellent, but Dongcheng's talent is regular. In the glory of Jixiang academy and Qianjia Xuejie, she seems to feel a little ashamed of herself.

"Well, there's something special about this character. Although she has a special idea about Ruisi, she really cares about Mizuho, which gives people a feeling of pride, which is similar to tomorrow incense in EVA. But it's not exactly the same Has EVA seen it? "

Dongcheng students nodded thoughtfully: "thank you, senxia Jun, although the feeling in the brain is a little hazy, but probably already understood!"

After she finished, she ran away laughing.

Qianjia Xuejie also came to Sen Xia's face: "I'm going to change clothes now. Senxia, please wait for me at the school gate first

"OK." Hearing Qianjia's statement, Sen Xia also turned around, and the girls left here one after another. Because there is no need to move things around, so we leave like this and lock the door.

"Senxia Jun, is this play written by you based on reality?" Sato Huizi locked the door and got close to Mori Xia.

"Ah? No

As far as the game is concerned, it's not the game that will be accurate in the future.

"Senxia Jun, you're really good," Sato said with a smile. "To write such a wonderful script, Mori Xiajun's talent is very excellent. In other words, don't you plan to expand this drama?"

"Expand?" Huixia looks at the other side and nods desperately.

"Like a movie or TV series or something?"

Real life?

Sen Xia shook her head: "well, it's not very good. Our script is actually closer to a dream fairy tale. I think it's better to express it in the form of animation. However, it's just a delusion to say so much. Who would be interested in such a drama?""So it is." Sato Huizi tilted her head and thought for a while, feeling that things were like this. She put her head and said, "senxia Jun is tired, so I won't disturb senxia Jun, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Saying goodbye to Keiko Sato, Mori went directly to the school gate.

At the moment, it is close to six o'clock. In normal time, it should be close to the time of complete school.

"Long wait!"

After a while, Qian Jia, who had changed her clothes, came up. She was wearing a goose yellow dress with black stockings underneath and a coat on the outside.

"Ah? Don't you wear school uniform Senxia asked in surprise.

"Hum, of course, I brought the change of clothes. Although the school requires wearing school uniform, it is school time now!" Qian Jia's face showed a sly smile, "OK, let's go now!"

After Qian Jia Xuejie finished, she went to the front of Sen Xia.

Sen Xia was dumb and had to follow behind Qianjia.

When she left the school, Qianjia's pace was very fast, but gradually away from there, her movements slowed down. She carried her hands and walked lightly on the street. It seemed that she was enjoying the scenery on both sides of the street, and it seemed that she was just wandering. Want to make the walk longer.

Senxia is half a body behind Qianyu Qianjia. Instead of focusing on the surrounding scenery, he stares at Qianjia.

What kind of girl is this?

She seems to give people an incredible feeling, with a little uninhibited, with a little bit of heresy, do not want to be bound.

Adolescent agitation?

No, it seems that it is not that kind of thing, but another kind of thing originated from the heart, but this reason is hidden in the mystery, with a little mystery.

A night wind blows. The girl's hair is flying with the wind. She covers her hair with some embarrassment, and her face shows some expression of shame.

It turns out that Qianjia has such a lovely side! Senxia seemed to notice for the first time.

I really want to know her, to communicate with her more deeply, to know her true heart.

Ah, it seems that I'm a little fascinated.

Sen Xia suddenly seems to be a little surprised.

The girl turned around and said, "senxia Jun, let's go around a long way."

"Good." Sen Xia subconsciously should a, just finish this sentence, she just seems to return to God. If it's your usual self. At this time, it will make complaints about what a long way to go, and then show a reluctant look.

However, after thinking about it, senxia is a little funny. Why should she do such unnecessary things.

All the way west. After a long walk, they saw tamakawa.

"Though it's not why it's worth mentioning," the girl went to the bank and looked at the still flowing tamakawa.

As the girl said. Tamakawa is a small river, the river is very shallow, showing a beach. From this side, we can see some people fishing on the shore.

The afterglow of the setting sun spreads down, immerses in the river, foil the figure of those a few people somewhat indistinct.

"When I go home, I sometimes take a long detour." Qianjia stepped forward, "such a scene, always feel very incredible, human miracle in front of nature, is so small."

"Isn't this the charm of our world?" Senxia smiles.

Qianjia stepped on the steps, she turned around and looked down at Sen Xia. Senxia also looked at Qianjia, the other party at this time back to the sunset, he some can not open his eyes.

"Yes, that's why I like to write stories, whether it's games or novels, the worlds constructed one by one, and the stories that happen in the world one by one..." She didn't go on, just looked back at the bank.

At this time, senxia finally realized the difference between herself and Qianjia.

For senxia, his goal is interest and hobby, while for Qianjia, her goal is ideal.

So the elder sister can take out so much motivation and drive in action.

The evening wind howled.

"I lost." Senxia sighed, facing such a girl, it's strange not to be fascinated by her.

"What? I didn't hear you clearly! " Qian Jia turned around and yelled at Sen Xia.

"Nothing!" Senxia responded with a smile.

As the wind grew weaker, Qianjia jumped down from the steps: "OK, now it's time to eat."

She took Mori from the tamakawa and returned to the forest of steel.

Qianjia takes Sen Xia all the way to a western restaurant and stops.

"I thought you would take me to liuweizhai." Sen Xia didn't expect Qianjia to bring herself to a western restaurant."Always taste slowly, don't you?" Qianjia is smiling.

"Yes, it seems good to have some steak or something." Senxia nodded.

After they finished, they were ready to enter the restaurant, but at this moment, a voice suddenly rang out.

"You are not pure opposite sex again. Make friends!"

On the opposite side of the two, Jixiang yuan stares at Sen Xia and Qian Jia with surprised eyes.


I fell asleep I fell asleep

All in all, this is yesterday's update. I suddenly found that there are still two shifts behind, that is to say, there are still four shifts today?

Cough, I try my best to complete, ask for monthly ticket support, monthly ticket has power owo.. )

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