"Believe me, everything I do is for your highness."

Senxia always feels that Qianjia looks at his eyes strangely, so senxia has to declare once again that everything he has done is for the sake of the role.

It's not about writing tragedies.

"It's called authenticity."

"Ah, ah, I remember you said that before. Kneel down in reality. "

The homophony of the last four words is Chinese.

"Cough - it's not the same."

Senxia said quickly, "in fact, it is. After being divided into two lines, I find that the whole story can start to get deeper. "

Yes. This is the unexpected joy of senxia's discovery.

Because it can be divided into two routes to talk about the relationship between stories, this way can make the story more profound while ensuring that the story of the main route is not affected.

"A story line is mainly about fighting, of course, there are also humanistic care and wisdom, so here we can ensure that the main story is rich and solid. And now we are talking about another story line, that is, Wenxi line. Because of the support of the first line, we can deepen the whole story when we do the second story. "

When considering the audience's emotion and story development, the general works need to think about a problem, that is, the structure of the story.

However, in the course of two episodes a week, senxia found that she could tell a big story in depth.

This kind of story is slow and hot, which is not suitable for the air combat series.

For example, if a machine battle work, to the last few episodes before the emergence of mecha, that player must rebel.

However, after having a basic disk, the extended route can go deeper.

"Well, what are you going to do? Really let her highness go to the factory? " Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia.

, "what? What's your royal highness going to the factory?"

Erika came over.

Senxia not only gave the story, but also provided the protagonist's portrait.

So Erika still likes the princess's design.

but at this time, she suddenly heard that senxia said to let her royal highness go to the factory.

"It's nothing, isn't it? You're a maid, too?" Senxia said.

"It's not the same. Maid is a kind of romance, but if you go to the factory Well, that's very realistic. " Hulixiang thinks that what senxia said is too realistic.

Senxia shook her head and said, "this part, I think, should be the transformation process of Princess eiseiram."

Senxia told others what she had said before.

"Well, the economic crisis Layoffs Financial difficulties Well, isn't this the 1990s... "

Different from feeling like Qianjia in 18th century Europe, he thought about the 1990s. After spending money like dirt in the 1980s, the mud boom in the 1990s tightened in an all-round way and began to spend its first "lost decade".

What is the first lost decade?

Well, because there will be a second lost decade and a third lost decade

"Almost, but a little deeper." "The earth as a whole is facing an economic crisis. Factories are squeezing workers, while Martians are invading the earth in order to obtain more raw materials and markets to solve the survival crisis," senxia said

"As you say, both sides of the war seem to have that meaning?" Qianjia suddenly said, "where is this Sarajevo?"

The fuse that triggered the first World War was an assassination.

Qianjia heard the words of senxia, and naturally thought of it here.

"Well, of course."

See everyone around come up, senxia can only helplessly put down the barbecue.

Then he said, "it's unrealistic to design completely out of reality."

"In short, it is the remolding of modern war elements. The Martian knight is the red deer of World War II, the fuse is the event of World War I, and then there is the economic crisis. "

"Yes. For people on earth, the biggest contradiction now should be the contradiction between people's basic material needs and the increasingly serious uneven distribution. Mars also squeezes the bottom layer and exploits the war potential. However, these people will also cheer in the face of the plundered earth resources. These people are also perpetrators... "

"It feels subtle." Qian Jia said.

"Ah, this is simple. Let's put it this way. It's almost like this to move the mud boom of World War II to the Mediterranean or Britain of World War I

In fact, the difference is still far away, but it is easier to understand.

Senxia is so confident and not artificial.

"Well, well, after setting the background, let's talk about the plot first." Qian Jia said."Well." "The protagonists and heroines were all together before they found dikalion," Sen said. But with the dikalion and building the foundation I mean, after the stronghold, I face the enemy attack. To end the war, the princess lurked into Yanglu city to talk to the emperor and then learned the truth. Then the stronghold was destroyed, and inesail led others to move strategically, while Iser IRAM was in fact under semi house arrest by his own green plum and bamboo horse. "

"After that, the Martian Knights began to digest the occupied earth territory, while iserahm took the opportunity to escape. But she found that both earth and Mars were under martial law, and although she had fled the city of Yanglu, she could not leave the city. "

"And at this time, the Martian knight, for his own notice, began to implant biochips for everyone. The masquerade of iseiram was also implanted in biochips for monitoring and could not escape. Fortunately, however, she was just considered a normal person, not implanted in a chip as a princess. "

"Wait a minute. Is it really OK for billions of people on earth, millions of people in a city? " Qianjia raised objections.

"What kind of realism is it looking for in the virtual world Well, but strictly managed, it seems that it is not realistic to do so. Forget it. What should we do about this problem? I'll discuss it with the supervisor Senxia was very ill at passing the problem.

"In a word, the middle of the story is probably here." "After that, she learned how miserable these bottom layers were," senxia said. The peace she called for was unrealistic from the beginning, because even without her assassination, war would have erupted, because without war, the earth and Mars would have split. "

"Senxia, you must break the girl's dream Forget it. Go on. " Qianjia shakes his head.

"Cough - it's for a better future. As if the bottom of Pandora box is the light of hope, our story must be bright at the end, and human beings will eventually be redeemed. "

I believe you big head. Miss charson is very bad.

"Well - then I'll continue."

Senxia feels that the sight around him is around him. The uncomfortable feeling makes him feel a little subtle.

Sen Xia continued: "at the bottom of life, completely let the Princess Royal change. Twelve hours of work a day can not be less, daily busy, but always a few harvest. Here, she also met several women workers. "

"And worse, prices are still rising, while Martians are taking food on the market."

"The princess knew that the Martian people also needed the food of the earth, but when she found that a female worker she knew couldn't get food because of the rising price, and finally starved to death, for the first time, a hatred of her people began to spread in her heart. This hatred, let the princess all fall into a distortion, she knows her people also need food, she also knows that it is her own people, but she just can not control that kind of hate and hate from the heart. At this time, she thought about srein's leading herself to the view of the bottom of Mars. Because of the high price of food sold on the earth, the Martian people's bottom layer is also difficult to obtain food, and Mars is not a high-yield place. People there are also facing such tragedy, and they have the same hatred... ""

“…… Are you a demon? "

The painting fragrance can not bear to look directly.

Ming Ming is a pure princess, Ming Ming is a princess who loves his people and even wants to sacrifice for them. At this time, hatred for her people has been aroused.

Senxia is poisonous!

Is the plot of this evil a moral loss or a distortion of human nature?

"I am the summer of light now! No matter how the process is, just get the results good! "

Senxia stood up to protest.

I'm here to need.Jpg for the story.

"It seems that after studying in snow, senxia Jun has decisively blacked it." A thousand good faces are determined.


"I want to believe you, I am so fragrant!"

Senxia looked at the fragrance of painting, and the fragrance in the painting lowered her head.

Senxia looked at xiaotou, and she hesitated, and said nothing.

He had a look at the habitat, the latter with a formulaic smile.

"Oh, by the way, lily, you must understand me Lily? "

The second sick girl was not here at all. She hid behind the tree not far away, and looked at the king with fear.

"Well, let me see how you reverse." Finally, Qianjia decided to let Sen Xia talk about it.

Otherwise, the story is held here, maybe it really needs to be depressing.

"Well - OK." Senxia is helpless, he really feel that he has changed, unfortunately, this person does not believe in themselves.

It's embarrassing.

"At this time, iserahm finally noticed what the chains of hatred and the shackles that were covered by the most people were," he said. But she felt that with the rest of the war, people would get a chance to breathe. But it's not at all. Because the world is not changed by the will of man. At the bottom of the work, the royal highness of the princess discovered a terrible fact: the bottom is nothing but a one-time crush.Senxia took a new kebab and took the opportunity to change its position quietly. It's terrible to be surrounded by people.

"The bottom is slowly withering, and the middle class is beginning to fall to the bottom. The upper class has become more and more developed, turning the collateral into the middle level, and then the middle level into the bottom. This world is a world where the bottom is constantly discarded as garbage. These people have no future And the same thing happened on Mars. At this time, iseuram thought of the first time he met with Aegean. At that time, he was in the library. He had already told him that war is not an end, nor a result, but a process. Some wars may be irrational, but most wars have the same purpose. Eliminate the surplus population, expand the territory market, and transfer the contradictions to the outside world... "

"Then, she realized that to want real peace, it was not a slogan, nor a piece of empty talk, let alone an initiative. Understanding each other can't solve any problems Ah, by the way, when there was hatred before, the princess could see the two scenes of the Martian's joy of getting food and the dying of her friends around her. Only in this way can there be a contrast Cough, I'll go on. "

After noticing everyone's dangerous eyes, senxia, who just wanted to add drama, could only shrink: "at this time, naturally there are resistance organizations, but eiseiram realized that such a struggle can not solve the battle itself, because these people's thoughts are also extreme. Therefore, there is only one way for us to understand each other, that is - "

" is the princess going to become a soldier? "

"This transformation is too cruel..."

"Well What a pity. "

"Wait a minute. Moriha, I always feel that this plot is not right. " Everyone is full of tongue and tongues, and Qianjia also thinks that the part of senxia is somewhat subtle.

And senxia continued: "that's love and peace."


The rest of us are confused.

There's a lot of bedding ahead. How did it turn out like this?

In fact, this has something to do with the character of etheilam, because in Sonia's side, the other person's character is closer to the Virgin Mary. However, if this kind of operation is not good, it is easy to become a virgin bitch.

So senxia's handling is very concerned.

"Don't forget the real world." "What we need now for our story is a community of shared human destiny," senxia said. In this story, the world is divided, and the Martian knight is more like the enfeoffment system. The Royal Highness's idea is to piece together the torn world. People may never understand each other, but the pace of progress will not stop. As long as it does not stop, the road will continue to extend... "

"Although not very clear, but the feeling can understand." Qianjia probably understood.

, "cough, all in all, at this time, the highness of the princess realized that if you want these people to live, you must resist, but they need to be organized. And at this time, the forces of Sinai fan were also preparing to attack the city where the princess lived and liberate it... "

The hero and heroine are finally together again. But at this moment, things have changed


Cough, don't contact the real world. In animation, of course, solving problems depends on love and mutual understanding!

And this is not the final version of the story, when the supervision comes, it will certainly be adjusted.

The part of letting yourself go is finally done Cough

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