Although was issued a good man card, but Sen Xia is still very responsible in the performance and lenai.

Reinai did not have the unique momentum of Qianjia, nor the all-round ability of Jixiang Academy. However, she was gradually improving her characters in her acting. In this regard, Sen Xia felt that lenai had done very well.

"That's very nice, Lynette."

The progress of the eastern city of Renai is almost visible to the naked eye. Compared with the previous stage, the progress of the other side is very obvious after the play with senxia.

"Senxia, you are here." At this time, Qianjia came from the front and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

"What's up, sister?" Senxia asked.

"What's the matter? It's already six o'clock now. It's all over school! " Qian Jia pointed to the clock on the mirror. "If I hadn't come to have a look, I'm afraid you would have been locked up in this place now?"

"Ah?" Lynette was startled. "It's so late."

She quickly stepped back, and then bowed to Mori Xia: "I'm really sorry for the delay."

"It's OK. I found Lynette to talk to you." Senxia waved her hand. "Let's go back early. It's very late now."

As a student, it's better to go back early in the evening.

Li Nai nodded, and then left here with senxia and Qianjia.

"We'll see you tomorrow, senxia Jun..." after leaving the theater, Renee waved to Mori and left.

"You have a good relationship." Qian Jia, who had never spoken, finally spoke after the other party left, "Linai Mori Well, it's very kind. "

Sen Xia always feels that her words are full of strange things. Although there is no basis, if she answers wrong at this time, she feels as if she will be doomed

"Because Lynette is also one of the three protagonists. Sister, you've been playing against Jixiang academy all the time. You can't leave lenai aside, can you? " Senxia just and naturally said.

"Well..." Qian Jia had nothing to say, "indeed, we have neglected Dongcheng students."

Senxia was a little relieved, but then he heard Qianjia asking himself in a strange voice: "but what's the matter with senxia Jun? Why do you call her 'lenai'

"Because in this way, communication is also convenient? There will be no restraint. " Sen Xia is sure that she doesn't really mean anything to the other party.

Ah, wait a minute. I'm worried about this in front of Qianjia. What's going on?

Don't be guilty. Not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door, we have not done anything strange. What are we worried about?

Senxia really felt that her worry was meaningless.

"Well, let's not talk about it. Let's buy books before it's dark." Qian Jia changed the topic.

"Books? Do you want to buy comic books? " Senxia often sees Qianjia Xuejie buy comics, but she never seems to have asked herself to.

"New books for the second generation, of course." Qian Jia said, "how can a general cartoon have a professional academic discussion? At this time, we have only one purpose, that is, the works of the second generation of teachers! "

However, Sen Xia has some inexplicable: "this month has the new book of function?"

Books in Japan are different from those in China. One book can be published in three or five months. This speed can be said to be explosive. The second generation not only has good articles, but also created the myth of once a month. However, this does not mean that the second generation can produce 12 copies a year.

"Of course not. It's a new independent work for the second generation." "Since it's the second generation teacher's new work, we have no reason not to support it?"

"Independent new work?" Mori Xia is also a light in front of her eyes. At the same time, some people are annoyed that they have forgotten such an important thing. How can the second generation master Mu's new work not support it? It must be time to go. Buy, buy, buy!

All the way to the subway, Sen Xia exclaimed: "it's not easy for the second generation of teachers to write so many things every month..."

"Yes, one of the reasons why I appreciate the works of the second generation of Mu teachers is that they are extremely dedicated. There are very few writers who have been able to maintain high quality and quantity for such a long time." She sighed.

"Yeah, why can't these guys be as dedicated as GALGAME's scriptwriters?" Senxia also sighed.

It is also a word work. It may take half a year or a year for some writers to write 200000 words. However, as a GALGAME scriptwriter, it is normal to write a script of 5000 to 10000 words a day. Some scriptwriters even have to write scripts of 20000 or 30000 words a day.

"That kind of things are all the same," Qian Jia didn't agree with Sen Xia's view. "What the scripters write must match the picture of the game to have a feeling. And some games are crude, because the scripters are too lazy to conceive characters?""Well, that's what my sister thinks?" Sen Xia didn't know that she had such a view.

Qian Jia sighed, as if she was lamenting the immortality of people: "have you found that the female characters in the game that we have seen recently are all kinds of character settings. They are either haughty or Sanwu. It's interesting to see them once or twice. But with so many arrogance and Sanwu, is aesthetic fatigue certain? It's just because they have to rush through the script, so they use this easy to use character setting for design convenience? Human nature is a very complicated thing. "

"That's for the performance effect of the picture. After all, the character with distinct character will be very bright. If it is completely set according to the real world, it will be very strange?" Sanger Tucao, "in my opinion, the reason why the family can not write so many content is simply because they have not adapted to it, and publishers also have publishing plans. They want to make complaints about that quickly," he said.

In addition to the fast money making 18x, if you have written a book, even if it has been reviewed, it is unlikely that it will be published immediately. For example, senxia's Earth Defense youth. After the publication of this book, senxia will probably graduate from high school

I can't help it. Just as Sen Xia said just now, the reality is such an asshole. If I write a book in China and become a copywriter, it will be popular in one month, popular in three months, caricatured in half a year, and animated in a year But it's impossible, so Sonia has to do something else.

"Senxia Jun, didn't you think about writing an 18x The elder sister poked at mori, who was thinking, with her elbow.

"Elder sister, don't repeat the same theme. How can I do such a thing now?" This is not the first time that Qianjia Xuejie said this. Although she was rejected by Sen Xia many times, she still did not give up.

"Write a little bit, senxia Jun ~" Qianjia put her mouth to Sen Xia's ear. Her breath made senxia feel her ears itchy. A stream of heat seemed to flow into senxia's body from that part. This feeling made senxia feel dizzy.

"Er If I have time, I'll try to write some, but I really don't have time now. Do you want to see our new game quickly, sister? " Fortunately, at this time, senxia still had the evil crown in hand, and senxia sacrificed the evil crown.

"So it is." At this time, Qianjia Xuejie seemed to realize that her posture was too out of line. She also turned her head over. When senxia didn't pay attention, she secretly focused her eyes on the window opposite to the subway, secretly looking at the scene reflected by senxia in the window.

After getting off the subway, senxia followed Xuejie all the way to the bookstore. Sure enough, the works of the second generation of Mu teachers were placed in the most prominent position.

The color of books is still the black tone most often used by the second generation of teachers.

Senxia got together and picked up the book. All the 18x books are totally enclosed books that can't be read. However, this does not hinder the sense of massiness that senxia felt when she got the book.

"It's really the work of the second generation of Mu teachers. It feels very solemn and solemn when you hold it in your hand."

With a new book of the second generation, senxia is like a devout believer in the Bible.

"The declining youth in Fengxue villa? A new era is opening up with the novel works of the second generation of elohil's eye teachers... " She noticed the name of the booklet and a text beside it, "Oh, it seems to be a new type!"

"Oh, this should be the second generation of Mu teacher's water test." Senxia also noticed this. The second generation of Mu teachers serialized is the ability, this kind of work should be the other party's water test work, the second generation Mu teacher's writing speed is very fast, so even if this book is popular, as long as the next book is supplemented, it will not have any negative effect.

As the second generation teacher's brain damage powder, senxia and Xuejie naturally won't let go of this new book. Even if they go out on the street, they can also collect them. Sen Xia bought one and Xuejie took three.

"Three books?" Senxia is a little strange.

"Three books for reading, collecting and preaching. That's right." Qian Jia said of course.

"Er All right You are a local tyrant. I have nothing to say.

"Next, we should find a place to study the works of the second generation Mu teacher. Mori, do you want to go home?" Qian Jia asked again.

Sen Xia shakes his head: "snow is to have a job today, so don't rush back."

Qianjia said with a smile: "let me treat you to dinner. Let's find a place to eat while reading books ~

Some can not raise the spirit, I want to cheer up, take out the day more than 60000 confidence!

Struggle! struggle! (to be continued )i1292

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