After the opening battle story, everything calmed down.

Because of the problems in the port, the whole city entered a state of emergency.

When the story is here, it enters the stage of free exploration.

Because it is a "state of emergency", the open area of the game at this time is still very limited. After finding the heroine - the little Laurie queen of the insect group - according to the plot task, the whole area of the city will be opened.

"Well, the experience is still very good."

The operation feel of the game is still very good. Whether it is the first person or the third person, it is well controlled.

However, some of the shortcomings are that many urban areas are somewhat empty.

Although it is the so-called "open world", the resource consumption of this game is much more complex than the spread of fairy sword in many wild areas.

Urban scenes are not so easy to do.

Fortunately, the production team has many ways to steal chickens.

There are many visions in the game. In fact, these are rendered images. If you want to go to another area, you sometimes need to go through some channels and security checks. In fact, this part is loaded secretly. The surface is an area, but in fact, many places are cleverly divided and optimized.

This is also a last resort, because the performance of computers in these days is really limited. If you want to maintain a certain image quality and have a vast space, computers in these days will basically smoke.

In this way, it is more convenient to realize the balance between performance and picture.

After being free to control, senxia controlled the character to walk around the picture, and then came to the clothing store to try the dressing system.

Pinching face and changing clothes are the characteristics of society a, so I have to taste them.

The clothing stores near the airport are also in a state of chaos, so there are not many (do) models (open) style (hair), but there are also many accessories.

"It's very useful."

Some clothes are designed with a sense of. As a gentleman, they are simply too high.

Unfortunately, the computer performance these days is not enough, otherwise the material will be upgraded to a higher level, and the visual effect will be more wonderful.

However, for now, senxia is quite satisfied with this design.

Because it is a demo version, there are still many rough places in many parts of the game, but it is undeniable that the design of "novice village" in the port area with high completion is not bad.

In the ground part of the city, there are few battles. Most of the battles are in indoor scenes, such as lower space or channels... Well, such scenes save game resources.

If you want to make a grand battle, you will inevitably get stuck.

And after all, it is a future orderly city. Naturally, it can't mess around in broad daylight, but if it's in a "place where the sun can't see", this setting is very reasonable.

The main scenes in the game include the open area in the upper layer of the city, the indoor area in the middle and lower layers, the external space, asteroids and space stations.

The upper layer of the city is almost completed - incidentally, there are many model materials reused and moved to the online game

Although many things can't be done in the demo version, it's still possible to open a game console and walk through the city.

After experiencing the basic plot, senxia opened the console and walked around the game.

It's not that he doesn't want to experience a deeper story, but that this part is still being optimized and can't be played for the time being, and the completion degree of the earlier version is too low, so it's boring.

"The scenery is still very good." senxia was satisfied with the design of the space city. Then he suddenly had a big hole in his brain: "I feel like there is a kunt card missing."

"What strange mechanism do you want to join?" is an unheard of term. Qianjia couldn't help asking.

"HMM... it's similar to the card playing system of the game king. I think it can be. Wait, let's just..."

There are many games under development, such as game king.

In other words, the game king is also a wonderful IP.

At the earliest, the B was responsible for the development of game king. But the early game king was not awesome enough, until the KONAMI era, gradually became better and became one of the most popular table tennis in the world.

Incidentally, it is also said that when the cartoon was serialized, Wan Dai went to the magic card to ask for the copyright to be rejected, which created the game king's card

Senxia's brain hole at this time is to add a small game system to the game.

"What about the copyright? People don't intend to sell it all to us." Qianjia asked a practical question.

"What you said is reasonable." senxia thought, "what about our own one?"

Senxia is developing a game similar to hearthstone here. The playing method is quite different from the game king, but it can also be compatible with this game.

There is no problem with such a small volume embedded in such a 3A masterpiece.

"... will there be some uproar?" asked Qianjia.


It is undeniable that when playing wizard 3, many people are not interested in doing tasks, so they like to find people to play cards everywhere.

If this kind of thing is all over here

Senxia fantasized in her mind.

Countless swarms of insects were pressing on the city outside the colony. The protagonist who was preparing to go out for a big move caught his teammates: "let's play cards!"

Oh, I can't hold it.

"Let the production team think about it."

Senxia decided to throw the pot and let them do some feasibility investigation.

Small games may be available, but this era is different from the future, so we still have to look at the views of players.

"Now in terms of online games, our main revenue comes from sword. In terms of stand-alone games, this new 3A work is also the main strategy."

In addition to a small number of games, most of the sales of stand-alone games are gradually decreasing, especially many word games. The sales volume only has "effective data" in a week or two, and there are very few that can be sold for a long time.

And online games... Oh, my God, that's really delicious. Especially swords, the sales are really good.

"Sword strengthening system..." Qianjia shook her head.

The strengthening system of sword is a big money maker. The equipment in this game can be strengthened. In fact, all equipment can become equipment of the same level through similar systems.

It was nothing at first, but the planning of sword gradually found that this enhanced system seems to be able to absorb gold.

It's good at home. Overseas, many local tyrants really spend a lot of money for this system.

Therefore, with the opening of the new version, the enhancement system has been optimized... But how to say, this system has now become a big pit. To a certain extent, the enhancement and marginal effect of enhancement are particularly obvious, but what the local tyrants pursue is that it is different and innovative.

"Don't worry, we're a stand-alone game, so we won't have this system."

The enhanced system was not like this, but how to say... The choice of the market.

Players like this these days. If you don't do this, people won't be happy, especially the rich local tyrants, who have no place to spend money and feel uncomfortable.

——Senxia has no choice.

"Well, well, do you want to try?" senxia let go of the mouse and asked Qianjia to try, and fooled the topic by the way., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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