As the music sounded, the MUV movie finally started.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a large section of special effects.

Huge monsters marched slowly over the ruins of the city, the ground troops retreated steadily, and human beings wailed in front of the monsters.

Countless fighter planes soared into the sky.

"Oh oh oh! It's F22!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xinwang almost cried out in excitement.

What appeared on the screen was F22. In other words, it is a modified version of the F22, because this is not a real machine, but special effects are added, because this thing has not yet entered service at the time of filming.

As the first fifth-generation fighter in fact, anyone who pays attention to and loves the military will basically notice the legendary fifth-generation fighter.


How can a girl look good in a fighter?

The appearance of these fighters immediately reversed the situation of the battle.

Although these monsters have beam attacks and biological missiles, they are not worth mentioning in front of these fifth-generation fighters.

However, monsters are not only on the ground, but also in the sky.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the same monster was suspended.

F22 soared into the sky, and then—was knocked down.

"Fuck, it's too fake, the fifth-generation machine, it's the fifth-generation machine!" Zhang Xinwang was suddenly upset.

While playing the game, there were discussions.

In the story of the game, BETA appeared during the Cold War, so BETA at this time is actually fighting against relatively backward enemies.

Some military fans have discussed on the Internet that humanoid robots are evil, and if there are fifth-generation fighter jets, those monsters will be killed in seconds.

Was blocked air supremacy?


"How could the F22 not even be able to hit a few balloons! This is Hollywood's hacking of my fifth-generation machine!" Zhang Xinwang was very upset.

Zhu Wenhuai next to him was not a fan of the army, and he felt a little baffled when he saw Zhang Xinwang being so startled.

Unlike Zhang Xinwang, Zhu Wenhuai noticed that there seemed to be some subtle voices on this epic battlefield.

Among the explosions, music, shouts, there seemed to be a sound of breathing.

No, this is not an illusion.

As the fighter plane was shot down, a long shot of the scene was gradually brought back to the city, and in this shot, the faint breathing sound just now became more and more obvious.

And at this time, the camera was also pulled to a ruin, and then pulled out from the pupil, a little girl wrapped in a blanket appeared outside.

She was staring out at the terrible world covered by the flames of war, and the heartbeat and breath came from this girl trapped in the ruins.

Obviously, this is the heroine, and this appearance is obviously Natalie when she was a child. This appearance is somewhat similar to her appearance when the killer was not too cold.

Many viewers who came for the heroine are satisfied at this moment.


It's fantastic.

Of course, these are actually stand-ins plus special effects.

At this moment, there was a humming sound from outside the ruins.

It was the footsteps of monsters.

Hearing this voice, everyone became nervous, even Zhang Xinwang didn't continue to worry about why the F22 couldn't hit a few balloons.

The girl covered her mouth.

And at this moment, monsters appeared on the screen step by step.

This shot seems to be modeled on the girl's point of view, and the first-person point of view highlights the tense and terrifying feeling.

The monster can't see the whole picture, and through the narrow ruins, only a part of the monster can be glimpsed. But precisely because of this, the terrifying and oppressive feeling of BETA is vividly rendered. The fighter planes and the defeated army that were shot down just now have given the audience a psychological expectation, which is an existence that human combat power cannot resist.

The monster walked past the little girl without seeming to notice her.

Young "Natalie" breathed a sigh of relief.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief along with her.

However, in the next moment, that monster turned around!

This is a very classic scene among thrillers, but it is also a time-tested trick.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

However, the MUV is not a thriller, but a science fiction film.

So just when the monster was about to attack the young Portman, a shuttle of ammunition directly defeated the monster, and then, under greater power, the monster retreated steadily, and its body was also torn and shattered.

Immediately afterwards, a robot walked into the frame from the other side.

It completely defeated the monster, and then looked at the little girl.

It is obviously a terrifying war machine, but this robot seems so cute at this moment.

The screen did not continue to use the first-person perspective. The robot lifted the ruins and rescued the girl.

The picture changed again, and the perspective that was originally pulled away from the girl's pupils passed through the girl's eyes again.

Immediately afterwards, the whole picture changed again.

Natalie, a young girl, evolved into a girl mode at this time.

This is the dressing room. Natalie, who had just put on a baggy close combat suit, was tidying up in front of the mirror.

She pressed on the wrist, and the baggy dress immediately began to tighten, becoming a white translucent uniform.

This is a battle suit without harmony!

The recovery rate is so high!

This is what I have always wanted to see!

Zhang Xinwang's eyes were full of emotion.

In the domestic version, I heard that some kind of filter was added. As a result, all the translucent clothing turned white, and even the details disappeared. It was really harmonious and clean.

But here, you can see the original version.

After a period of plot, the audience knew that the scene at the beginning was the childhood experience of the heroine "Natasha".

Because she lost everything in the war with the alien BETA, in order to fight back, she joined the army and became an alternate driver of the last tactical machine Titan.

In the beginning of the story, the other party put on a combat army and enlisted in the army.

In the story, the military uniforms of these drivers are combat uniforms, because they need to attack at any time, and they don’t have so much time to change clothes, so they need to wear this tight-fitting clothing every day, and in order to eliminate the unnecessary sense of morality of the recruits, so The newcomer's clothing has been specially processed.

Well, the degree of restoration of this game setting in the movie is still very high.

But that's just the beginning.

After going through a small daily plot after enlisting in the army, explaining the history of the alien BETA invasion and the past of the heroine Natasha, another "protagonist" of the story, the robot Titan, finally appeared at this time... …


Quietly updated...


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