although they feel a bit insecure, their office location has been decided for a while. Although the rent is cheap, they have to decorate later Well, how about that kind of thing? Anyway, decoration can be done slowly. There is a place convenient for registration, which is OK. As for what will be like after registration, it will be later. A kind of After lunch, they went to school. Ji Ye was not a member of the drama club, but the art society was also making a profit for the cultural festival next month The spirit.

By the time they came to the theatre, most of them had already arrived, and even the people from the football club came to help. They were busy setting up the stage. Last time, there were no hands, so many things had to be done. But now it is different. With the help of the football club, the rest of the work will be easier.

"It's getting better and better." Senxia saw that the stage became more and more exquisite, and could not help but utter a sigh.

Compared with the previous stage, the stage has been redesigned and produced by everyone. The level of the whole set has been upgraded to a higher level. Compared with the previous stage, it is really much better.

Someone to help is straightforward, senxia this time also in the heart of a sigh.

"I went to change." After Qianjia Xuejie said a word to Sen Xia, she left here temporarily.

According to the plan, they will have two rehearsals this afternoon, and Sen Xia will observe their shortcomings under the stage, and then feed back the news after the performance.

The show started soon.

At this time, everyone's acting skills are getting better and better. Although they can't compare with the professional ones, they have been able to perform a drama completely, and have barely reached the stage level. Among them, as the leading role of the Palace Road Mizuho and ten asters can be said to be very excellent.

The acting skills of Jixiang academy and Qianjia Xuejie are very eye-catching. They fight against each other and almost elevate the level of the whole drama.


Sen Xia this time noticed the next to the Yan Island noble son, also is the East City Li Nai.

Lynette's skill is above the standard. However, Sen Xia noticed that during the performance of the drama, the momentum of Lynette was completely covered by the other two stars.

In the original work, Kiko yamashima can be said to be a very eye-catching existence, but in the Mori version. However, it seems that yamashima has become a senior passer-by.

Mori frowned. The script he originally designed didn't feel like this. Moreover, in the performance of the drama, shiko yanshimajima was not weak at all.

But what is the problem?

Mori has some doubts. With the performance going on, acting seems to be no longer a constraint, and the script is very smooth. However, the character of Masako is still not highlighted

And wait until the second half of the story, when the three protagonists are on the same stage. Senxia finally realized the problem.

Dongcheng reinai's Yandao Guizi is really very good, but the other two people's aura is too strong, so Dongcheng reinai was completely suppressed. This kind of situation seems to be called pressure drama, as one of the heroines of Yan Dao. In this way, he became a senior passer-by.

But what should we do?

Let Qianjia Xuejie and Jixiang academy converge a little. Naturally, there is no problem, but it will obviously reduce the quality of the whole play, in senxia's opinion. Quality is very important. We should not use this last resort.

After the first show. Senxia did not come to the stage, but went to the side of the football club president: "excuse me, what are the most brilliant characters in this play?"

"Mizuho sauce, of course." The president did not hesitate to reply, "the president's performance is really not coming, if I really have a Mizuho, I will go after her ah!"

Mori Xia: Mizuho is a boy

"Buccal beard! Mizuho is not a boy! The sex of Mizuho is Mizuho! Such a lovely and decisive Mizuho is the light in my heart and my hope for the future

Mr. President, you are possessed.

Senxia coughed and then went on to ask, "what about the second one?"

"Second? Of course, it's the heroine, ten asters The president replied naturally.

"And the third?"

"Third? Well, let me see... " The president pondered for a moment, "then let's call it Maria."

Keiko Saito is the president of the drama club, and his acting skills are naturally speechless."What about Yandao Senxia continued to ask.

"Well It's just so. Did she make any mistakes? " Sure enough, the other side looked on Yandao as a senior passer-by.

"Thank you."

After asking about this side, Mrs. Mori arrived on the stage.

"Senxia Jun, our feeling this time is not less than the previous several times!" Saito Huizi stepped up with a smile, "when it comes to the Cultural Festival, it will be very popular."

"Well, everyone's performance is really excellent. If you insist on rehearsal, the cultural festival will surely make everyone dumbfounded - Li What about Dongcheng? " Senxia looked around and found that the eastern city of reinai was not here.

"You know who went to the bathroom." Huizi also looked back, and then she went on to ask, "senxia Jun, what are our shortcomings here?"

"I personally feel good. Now that you have basically mastered the characters, the most important thing is to accumulate. If we can, we can find a video recorder to record these pictures, and then after the rehearsal, we can confirm our shortcomings according to the images." Said senxia.

"Oh, that's a good idea." After hearing the discussion, Qianjia immediately came up, "I'm just going to the photography department to get some shooting tools. I don't think they will object. According to the scheduled time, this is not a problem."

The second rehearsal started at 3:20, and now it's just past 2:30. There's still time.

"Well, I'll leave it to my sister."

make complaints about make complaints about the way of learning elder sister. She doesn't want to go to Tucao anymore. Anyway, she will not make complaints about herself.

"Well, give it to me. I'll borrow the auspicious courtyard first. At this time, it's easy to handle affairs when the president comes out." "Qian Jia's elder sister answered and went to the auspicious courtyard and told the story to the auspicious courtyard.

The auspicious academy didn't seem to agree with Qian Jia's opinion, but her arm couldn't twist her thigh. Ignoring the will of Jixiang academy, Qian Jia quickly dragged her away from here,

"everyone's performance is much better than last time. Let's have a rest now!" Mori Xia said to the crowd, for the guidance of what, to Sato Huizi is good.

Senxia looked around, but still did not see the eastern city of rinai.

But soon Sen Xia thought of the things of the past few days, and he immediately walked towards the backstage.

"Lynette? Lynette, are you here Senxia yelled a few words.

"I - I'm here! Just a moment, please

Reinai's voice was a little flustered, and senxia waited a little while before she appeared in front of Sen Xia.

Senxia looks at lenai. She has taken off Yandao's wig. Her clothes are not neat and her face is also a little flustered.

When she came to Sen Xia, she immediately lowered her head, but she found that her eyes were still a little red.

At this time, senxia understood that Lynette had just cried.

As a client, she probably knows what's going on.

In the performance, everyone's eyes are on the other two protagonists, clearly she plays the heroine is also the main role, but no one cares about her.

"Lynette, there's nothing wrong with your performance. It's the other two who are so powerful." Sen Xia stretched out his hand and put it on the other side's shoulder. "You just need to work hard to strengthen your momentum. As long as you surpass them in this respect, you will be stronger."

"I am not so fragile, senxia Jun!" Sen Xia's comfort is not so good, but at least let Reina smile.

"I'm just a little reluctant." She gave a sad smile. "At the beginning, I felt satisfied to stand beside the president of the auspicious academy, but when I stepped on the stage, I found that other people's eyes were focused on her I'm a little reluctant. "

Renee leaned a little closer to Sonia.

It turns out that she is suffering for such a thing

"Am I a little annoying? I'm jealous of the president of Jixiang Academy at this time..." She sighed softly, "sorry, I seem to have said something superfluous."

"It's nothing. It just shows that you are very motivated," Mori said with a smile. "If you go to the stage and think about the president of the auspicious academy, such a problem will be big. You are one of the main characters in the script. How can Yandao kuiko lose to others?"

Mori Xia enlightens each other step by step, Dongcheng reinai still has talent, but at present, she has to help her overcome her own psychological obstacles.

"And, Lynette, I'm glad that you can tell me these words. I like such a frank character." Sonia patted her on the shoulder again and took a deep breath. "Well, since Lynette, you think you're not good enough, it's still some time before the second rehearsal. Let's try again?"

Lynette's cheek seemed to be a little red. She didn't say anything, just nodded, in response to Sen Xia's proposal……

Cough, cavenca for two hours, and then encountered a bit of mother wind, I am all orz, all kinds of upload failure.

In addition, the warship girl's national uniform steals the player's flow and attacks the Taiwan uniform. The students who are still in the national service should pay attention to the flow and try to delete it as much as possible. We have gone ashore and are short of waltz.

It will be updated at 12 o'clock tomorrow. If there is any advance, can you give me a ticket.. )

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