In fact, many people have seen the play before it starts. They are the first to come to the stage after the formal opening of the play.

It has to be said that a group of girls are standing on the stage, nothing else. Just seeing these girls is actually very satisfying.

The most important thing is cute, cute, and then acting and plot.

Of course, one of the reasons for this is that the performance of the drama club is really above the standard and can give people a sense of expectation. Whether it is football club or basketball club, for these amateurs, this performance is worth looking forward to.

"That's miss kauno's lucky courtyard Lihua in this session..." In addition, there are also some residents around here. Many of them are middle-aged and elderly people. Those who have the most leisure time in Japan belong to them. At this time, there are absolutely many people who are free. The cultural festival of Ono school is for everyone, so they all come to join in the fun.

Lucky courtyard Lihua is really attractive on the stage. After all, she is Miss Ono. Once she comes out, she is very unusual.

However, they soon found that it was not only the lucky courtyard Lihua that raised their eyes. The two heroines were not weak at all. As soon as they appeared on the stage, they all attracted everyone's attention.

“…… It's strange. " Although many people come to see the excitement, some people do not want to watch the fun, but they really come to appreciate the drama. Therefore, it is necessary for the president of the literature society, Mr. ASO Sheng, to appreciate the drama.

Mr. ASO was once invited by Qianjia to watch the rehearsal. At the rehearsal scene, she already had a very good impression of the whole play. The plot design is very attractive and can make people indulge in it. However, in the impression of Aso, the strongest sense of existence in the play should be the Ruizhen of gongxiaodao played by Jixiang academy and the ten Ziyuan played by Qianjia Xuejie 。

But now ASO found that there was one more candidate with a strong sense of existence, that is, Masao Kuko.

The appearance of yamashima's noble son is the place where Masheng Xili feels used to it.

In the original. It is true that there is such a role, but in the last performance, the role gives people the feeling of a senior passer-by, although Mizuho and this role have a lot of interaction. But it doesn't feel as good as ten asters.

But this time it was different.

Aso shigeri can feel that the girl who plays the role of shiko yamashima seems a little strange, but her sense of existence is very strong, and his smile and frown seem to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although there are still some shortcomings, but ASO knows that this actor who plays Masao Kuko. Almost live the role.

Well, yes, it is such a strong and wonderful feeling. I have to say that this person is very excellent. She has a lot of shortcomings in her acting skills, but her momentum is very wonderful. She can be equal to the other two.

If the feeling of rehearsal is that of Chu and Han fighting for supremacy, the feeling now should be the dispute among the Three Kingdoms.

Yandao Guizi is a role with a small Ao Jiao, her feelings for Mizuho are very complex. And have their own independent personality.

"I see. That's what happened..." Thinking of this, Masheng Xili seems to understand.

It seems that the actor of the last Yandao Guizi didn't appear on the stage. The actor did not grasp the feelings of Yasuko to Mizuho. On the other side of the Palace Road, Mizuho completely ignored Guizi when he played with ten purple gardens.

In short, the low sense of existence of reinai is not just because of reinai itself. Compared with the reinai, Jixiang academy subconsciously focuses its attention on Qianjia sister. Qianjia sister is the same, the ebb and flow, even if reinai is desperate to improve their sense of existence, but there is no way.

However, when the actor was replaced by Sen Xia. No matter Jixiang academy or Qianjia sister, they have no way to ignore Mori Xia. In addition, Mori Xia's own understanding of the characters' emotions makes "Yandao Guizi" more distinctive than before.

After ASO figured it out. It's also a sudden realization.

"But who is that character?" That face looks like Tianhai xuenai, a Kendo master in grade one, but it doesn't seem to be because of the wrong amount of milk.

Is it the director of the drama, the twin brother Tian Haisen Xia?

The more he looked at it, the more he felt like it, the more convinced he was of his guess.

"Guizi sauce is really lovely, that kind of with the temperament of little devil, really want to let people take her home!"

"Yes, I would like to be trampled on by Guizi sauce! Damn it, why did I pay attention to the president and the master Qianyu before... "

At Aso's side, the younger generation of the two football clubs are expressing emotion. Their voice is very small, but the ASO Sheng Xi Li who sits beside them hears their words clearly.

Because he once helped the drama club, the football club, basketball club and literature club all got the best seats in the front row. Because of this, Aso was surrounded by people from these two communities.Do boys feel happy when they are trampled on?

Yoshiko yamashima in Mori's works is slightly different from the original one, but because of this difference, the role feels like a great change has taken place. After some shaking boys are completely immersed in the script, they naturally have such a feeling in their hearts.

I'm afraid the two students can't understand why they want to say this, so they have already said all these words?

Aso originally wanted to stop the two whispering students, but after hearing what they said, he suddenly thought of another problem in his mind.

This kind of thing, boys will feel happy?

Why is there such a thing?

By the way, I seem to have seen this kind of similar plot and explanation in the book. If you add such plot to the drama, it will be very touching No, what am I thinking!

Aso shook his head and returned his attention to the stage.

The script is still going on. In the later plays, Aso shigeri's understanding of the role of Masao is even more profound.

In the early and mid-term of the plot, there is a Masao Kuko who is kidnapped and rescued. This section can be said to be the main court of Masao. However, Aso found that the most prominent part of his momentum is in the latter half. Here, the appearance rate of yamashima has been greatly reduced, but on the contrary, his momentum and sense of existence in this part But in a large margin of improvement, especially after her to Mizuho that sentence, is full of love for this role.

In the early stage of the plot, Masako is Mizuho's opponent, but after the conflict with Mizuho begins, he plays a role of integrating Mizuho into the women's School Park. However, in the back, when Mizuho gave up, Yandao Guizi was able to turn the tide, save Mizuho's soul, and help Mizuho complete the final inner sublimation.

It's very good. Because of the existence of Masako yamashima, the whole story in the second half seems to be a little different, and the theme has been sublimated.

"Compared with the rehearsal, the whole drama seems to have been upgraded by one level as a whole..." After the drama finally ended, Aso gave his own judgment in his heart.

She was not sure whether the play would be popular, but she could be sure that a drama of this level would be as good as a professional theater.

"Go backstage first!"

Aso was ready to stand up and leave, but she found that the scene seemed to be quiet.

What's going on?

She had some doubts.

However, after a while, some people began to clap their hands. First, there were sporadic applause, and then more and more people clapped. The applause became a piece and lasted for a long time.

It suddenly dawned on ASO that she also turned around and expressed her congratulations on their wonderful performance with applause.

After that, everyone slowly got up and left, and Aso shigeri also rushed to the backstage.

Not to mention Aso, there are two other people who are also shocked, that is, mushroom and xuyuanxuan.

"Although it's a very daily script, there's a feeling of unconventionality everywhere in the script. The plot is ups and downs. Finally, Mr. shawson has completed the distillation of the whole script's theme. It's amazing!" Mushroom is like a senior high school student who is doing reading comprehension.

"Yes, although I didn't have any hope from the beginning, I have to say that Mr. shawson is really excellent. Even I feel wonderful!" Xu Yuan Xuan also sighed, "I don't hate to give people this sweet feeling."

After all, he is a warrior of love. Xu yuanxuan thinks that the script is very good, but if Mizuho is really a girl, it seems to feel better. But it's a pity that because Mizuho is a boy, a series of events have been triggered. If you want to change it, it is almost to change the whole script.

"If I have a chance in the future, I would also like to write a story between girls, which will be very interesting. Well, finally, we can sublimate the theme to make the whole story more profound and reasonable..." Xu yuanxuan said a word in his heart. At the same time, he also looked forward to the life after entering the club of teacher Xiasen. By the way, according to Mr. shawson, their club is in Akihabara, and the maid cafe is also open in qiuyeyuan. If you work there, does it mean that you can go to the maid's Cafe every day?

Xu yuanxuan had a wonderful expectation for the future in his heart: "mushroom, let's go. Let's go backstage to see Mr. Xiasen!"


First more complete, continue to code! (to be continued. )

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