Double period tickets!


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, when the tea of your own is shaken in front of your own tea, you will feel your own tea in front of you.

Ah, we first set up maid's Cafe. Didn't we want to feel like this? Although the maid's Cafe is not open yet, we've got what we wanted, right?

Anyway, senxia feels very comfortable now and can enjoy the service of a lovely maid. This is a kind of enjoyment

"Thank you"

the most important thing is to hold up milk tea with a happy face.

"It's a pity that we haven't prepared it here, otherwise we can have dinner here today." Qianjia said something regretfully.

"No, I'll be satisfied if I can enjoy the service brought by the maid sang!" The mushroom exclaimed.

Senxia looked at naisu mushroom strangely. Did he like Maid Cafe so much? No, it seems that there is no such plot in mushroom's article. Is it because of his own influence?

Senxia remembers that Wu Nei is the one who likes maid most. However, Wu Nei is thinking deeply and doesn't know what he is thinking.

Why is this situation a little bit upside down?

Well, senxia felt that she should abandon her prejudices and look at things from a developmental perspective.

"Speaking of..." At this moment, Wunei suddenly said, "what do you think of 18? In Yueji. We originally wanted to design some of these scripts, but the words written by naisu are the same as those of plain boiled water, so there is no feeling at all... "

At this point, Wunei sighed, while the mushroom whistled and looked at the sky. As if he wasn't talking about himself.

After hearing Wu Nei's statement, Sen Xia also focused on mushrooms. Mushroom's articles are very interesting, and their unique writing method is even called "Nai Sujie". It can be said that the writing style is very excellent, and it can be said that the writing style is very good, and it can be said that the writing is both medium and secondary. It's really good.

However, there is a problem in naisu's article, that is, the 18 content is the same as that of plain boiled water. After removing sensitive words, it will not even be harmonious. Wu Nei laments this. Of course.

"Naissura, are you doing 18 games?" Xu yuanxuan didn't know this, so after hearing Wu Nei's complaint, Xu yuanxuan was interested in Yue Ji. "Although she's good at all ages, 18 decisiveness is the article that can completely express the flavor of the article. With 18, you can show your ideas without fear. How wonderful it is

"But naissusan's article. 18. Some of the contents are superfluous. If such contents are removed. Maybe it's better... " Wu Nei is not the only one to say so. The Qing army guards also expressed their approval for Wu Nei's statement.

"Hey, hey, I wrote 18 so bad!" One person said that it was ok, but two people said, mushrooms really can't stand it.

"Well, if it's not 18. The audience can also be more extensive, and may be able to enter the home computer platform in the future. " Mori comforts the mushroom. In fact, senxia has already said this before joining the home computer platform. In his opinion, if Yue Ji can also enter the home computer platform, it seems very interesting, which is always better than the 18 articles that are more than chicken ribs.

"Can't I write 18?" But the mushroom did not dry, he felt sure that he could write his own article.

"But can you really write it well?" Wunei looked at the mushroom with disdain.

"Er..." The mushroom has no foundation in an instant.

"Well." Qianjia said.

When they heard Qianjia's voice, they were a little embarrassed. When they chatted with each other, they forgot the girl Qianjia. It was embarrassing for them to discuss this kind of thing in front of a girl. After all, it was a gentleman's topic.

But Qianjia didn't realize this, instead, she patted Sen Xia on the shoulder: "if you really need to write such content, I think Sen Xiajun can help you a lot!"

"Ah?" Several people were surprised. They didn't expect Qianjia to have such an attitude. What's the situation?

"Senxia Jun is very powerful when he writes about gentry. He is very powerful when he has mastered the art." Qianjia Xuejie comes to Sen Xia's side.

"Oh, oh..." Wu Nei and mushroom nodded stupidly when they heard Qianjia Xuejie's statement.

"It turns out that Mr. shawson is so powerful in writing this kind of content..." Xu Yuan Xuan exclaimed, don't forget, this famous work is also 18.

"Although the content of 18 is not conducive to our access to such platforms as PS, I think for a moment, this kind of content is very often necessary. 18 includes not only the contents of men and women, but also bloody and violence. It can be said that it is more helpful for the performance of the theme of the article." Qianjia continued to add, "I don't think it's a problem to add some 18 content. If you want to enter the home computer platform, this script is actually very good.""I think it depends." But Sen Xia, a gentleman, put forward a different opinion. "I think if the content is too simple, in fact, it is very serious homogenization. It is only a plot similar to the strategy role and recycling G. We have actually tried it. This kind of work can make money, but it is very difficult to stand out from it. What's more, after that, if we want to take this opportunity to wash white, it will be a little difficult

"What Mr. shawson said is that if you want to have a long-term plan, simply selling meat is not a good idea." Mushroom was the first to agree with senxia's idea.

"Senxia Jun, do you mean to say that you are a gentleman? Or are you just trying to be lazy? " Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia with disdain.

"Who said that? I think we can do it completely in an orthodox way! " Sen Xia has different views on this, "it's absolutely OK to sell meat seriously. We can use orthodox works to make such plans, and this way also avoids the embarrassment caused by recommending works to friends."

Yeah, you can't tell your parents that your favorite work is actually category 18? This is the biggest embarrassment for the works. On the contrary, if the work itself is not 18, then there will be no embarrassment in this respect. After that, there are many ways to make the work gentlemanly, such as secondary creation, humanism and so on.

Of course, if you can, senxia also wants to play a pure 18 category game, but unfortunately, this idea is not likely for the moment, because they need a work of prestige, which is the crown of sin.

If you take a closer look, you can see that works that are purely meat selling are often hard to get people's approval. On the contrary, works with plots like ate and ad often have high popularity.

Sen Xia summed up this. Among these works, one of the elements is that the role should be cute, the second is that the plot is good, and the third is whether it can sell meat and strategic roles.

"Miss shawson is right!" Mushrooms are now a big fan of mori.

"Naisu, you are simply unable to write and do not want to write such content!" Wu Nei saw through mushroom's inner world instantly!

Worthy of being a good foundation friend, mushroom's idea of that day was shattered in an instant.

"Well, it depends on the situation. I am a gentleman, and I will never refuse a gentleman's work. But if we want to make our works famous, it must be necessary. " "But there are some things we need to do slowly. If our plan is not the work of the crown of sin, we can do something about it."

Hearing Sen Xia's statement, Qianjia nodded: "I remember you said this idea before. Indeed, 18 is not conducive to the development of the company's reputation. If we can, we may adopt the vest strategy, establish another club or something, and then specialize in 18..."

Qian Jia and Sen Xia share a strong sense of gentlemanly spirit. Although she has been convinced by Sen Xia, she does not feel discouraged. Instead, she comes up with another strategy.

After saying this, Qianjia looked at the mushrooms again: "by the way, what are your plans for your works?"

Hearing Qian Jia's words, Wu Nei and mushroom also fell into deep thought.

Although playing games is their inner thought, it doesn't mean that they don't have their own ambitions.

But at this time, the people of type month just have an idea about their future. They join the club more because of their interest.

"Maybe it can be done in a flexible way? Launch the full age version and match it with DL? " Moriha had a strategy.

“dl?” Mushroom, they looked at senxia strangely.

Seeing their eyes, senxia had some reaction. It seems that there is no DL in this era. DL is donloadable_ To put it bluntly, it is an expansion of the game released in the download mode, but there is no internet yet.

"Well, to put it simply, it's expansion, or we can launch two versions or something." Senxia changed her words.

"I think so!"

Mushroom was the first to jump out to agree, and then he met the scornful eyes of Wunei


On the second watch today, there is a problem with the monthly ticket list, but it doesn't matter. Please continue to ask for monthly ticket support

continue to code, OO (to be continued)


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