Mori Xiawan did not expect, this is some thin, wearing glasses, the ugly person, is horizhuan. [,

white box, huakaiilubo, angel_ All of these animations come from the same production company, p.ks, which is run by Kenji Horikawa.

Compared with Kenichi Nakagawa, hearing the name of Horikawa's minister made Sen Xia feel more excited. I was worth it!

Horikawa's own works may not be very good, but he can't bear to have a very good company!

"Since we've met each other, it's easy to say. Horikawa sang once participated in the production of EVA, and he is also a rare talent. " After seeing that the three people had known each other for a while, Qianjia said again, "today I brought Sen Xiajun here to let you know each other."

Good job!

Sen Xia secretly praised a sentence in the heart.

After saying this, Qian Jia turned her head to the two: "after the establishment of the society, the girl in love with her sister written by Sen Xiajun should become your first job."

In Qianjia's opinion, these two people should be very happy, and the animation production process will be quite smooth. However, after finishing this sentence, she found that the two were somewhat embarrassed and looked at each other. She was a little strange. Looking at the two people who wanted to talk, she couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?"

Kenichi and Kenji Horikawa seem to have made eye contact for a long time. After that, Kenichi Kenichi sank his face and said, "with all due respect, this script is very good, but it will be difficult to perform. The content of this script is difficult to be reflected in the animation. I think the script may need to be modified."

Script revision is a common thing. Supervise and discuss with the screenwriter. Then he changed the script in a big way. This kind of thing is not uncommon, and senxia understood it very well. But the explanation of Zhen xiagenyi makes senxia a little reluctant. If you are not satisfied, just say it. Why do you say I am not professional?!

"I think my script is very standard." Senxia spoke.

"No, no, no, please don't get me wrong." Zhen Xiageng quickly waved his hand. "The script itself is very good. After I discussed it with hori Chuan, my views were the same."

"But didn't you just say that Sen Xiajun's play needs to be modified?" Qianjia is also puzzled. What is this going to do!

The two men looked at each other. "We'd better sit down and talk slowly," he said

At this time, four people are standing on this side of the porch, standing here to discuss is indeed a bit inappropriate.

"I'll make tea." Senxia and Qianjia followed Zhen Xiageng to the room and sat down, while Horikawa went to the kitchen to make tea and served it.

Four people sitting on the two sides of the table, senxia holding green tea on his hands, looked at some embarrassed two people with puzzled eyes.

After a while, Zhen Xiageng opened his mouth and said, "the script of tianhaijun is very brilliant. Hori and I appreciate it very much, but How to put it? There are a lot of monologues in the script, and there are also a lot of contradictions and collisions of ideas. For animation, it is very difficult to show this point. "

Horikawa added: "it's like a monologue in EVA. I think tianhaijun also likes this work, but it is very difficult to imitate this structure. "

Senxia and Qianjia looked at each other. They didn't expect that the conclusion reached by the two was actually like this.

"But I don't think there is a stream of consciousness in my script..." Senxia felt a little confused. "Although the monologue and the collision of ideas are difficult to express, but this is fundamentally different from EVA feeling."

In moriha's view, although there are similarities between the two. But in fact, the feeling is completely different. Lily plays have the rhythm of Lily drama. Lily plays are fundamentally different from other plays. Lily is special, lily is sacred, and Lily is gentleman's.

In "the girl falls in love with the elder sister", although Gong Xiaodao Ruizhen is a boy's paper in women's clothes, the keynote of the whole play is Lily. Although it is a fake lily, there is no doubt that the female power and femininity of "elder sister" in this world is beyond doubt.

So, in moriha's mind, the feeling of this play is definitely different from other scripts from the beginning.

“……” After Horikawa heard the words of senxia, he put his eyes on mori, he saw the insistence on senxia's face. He has some headache: "well, if it is, it will be more troublesome. In terms of EVA, that kind of stream of consciousness, we have some experience in any case, but I can't understand the words of tianhaijun."

"Although I'm interested in this story, hori and I don't have the ability to supervise the current script. This is our first play. I'm afraid it's not very good if we make an experimental work Shinichi also sighed.

If this work is after they become famous, they may be able to try it, and as supervisors, it is their freedom to make the play completely different.Now their company is just a start-up. If they produce an experimental script, they will have no confidence if they fail. But if they do not, they will be more troublesome if they withdraw the script and take away the investment.

Animation companies from the establishment to independent animation, which requires a lot of accumulation, like the future of the famous Kyoto animation, at the beginning is also a variety of work outsourcing, until the accumulation of their own before starting to produce independent animation.

Kenichi Shinichi and Kenji Horikawa are in contradiction now, because if they can make a successful work, it will be of great help to their future. They can skip the initial accumulation and accumulate prestige. But now, an important problem lies in front of them, that is, they have no way to start with the script in front of them. Judging from the meaning of these two people, it seems that they have some trouble in revising the script.

"People always have what they are good at and not good at..." Qian Jia understands this. Although she always likes to ask people to do some wonderful things, they should be in the scope they can do. If you can't do it, you can't do it. It's no use trying to force people.

"I can't control it..."

Senxia also has some headaches. Both of them are their predecessors. But if they are not professional, they can't do it. If a Chinese expert goes to study quantum physics, I can't do it!

Both of them are in a hurry. They can't get investment. They can change people. But their company is a tragedy. They have been delayed for such a long time. Now if they do this again, they will lose more time.

"By the way, there is a man, I think it should be possible!" Horikawa seems to think of something, in front of his eyes!


Friendship tips, please don't bring the original memory when you see a girl falling in love with her sister

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