When senxia saw the tent on the concrete floor, he didn't know what to say.

The tent is on the right side of the center of the room. This is a dark blue tent. In front of the tent - probably in the middle of the room - there is also an induction cooker. After seeing the tent for the second time, senxia noticed the induction cooker. There is a pot of water burning on the induction cooker. The water is whistling, but the sound is getting smaller and smaller Yes, it's about to open. A little past the induction cooker, there is a tatami straw mat, and on top of the mat are some pots and pans

"Mr. shawson, Miss Qianjia, you've come. I'm sorry, I was just drying clothes."

From the top of the stairs came the voice of Xu yuanxuan. After he saw senxia and Qianjia Xuejie, he immediately quickened his pace and walked down from above.

"Well, Lao Xu, what's the matter with this tent?" Senxia asked Xu yuanxuan without expression. His whole face was stiff at this time.

"Because there is no decoration, so in order to make the office environment better, I brought a tent here." Lao Xu pointed to the notebook beside him, "but I work downstairs most of the time."

Lao Xu, your professionalism is admirable, but why do we feel like you live here?

make complaints about Sanger Tucao.

"Ah, senxia Jun, Qianjia master!" At this time, a voice came from behind senxia. Senxia looked back and saw that yulixiang was standing on the stairs on the second floor and greeting senxia on the other side of the corridor.

She always wears her own maid's clothes. With a happy smile on his face, he seems to be enjoying it.

"Monitor?" Mori remembers that she asked for leave today, but she was in Akihabara at this time.

"Because there's something wrong with the coffee shop, I came here after a little leave today." Yulixiang saw senxia's question. So I explained to him.

"I see." Senxia seems to understand.

"After all, I'm going to England next month, so I need to make arrangements for the coffee shop in advance." Erika once said that she would go to a maid's school in England for a period of time. To hear her say so now, it should be true. After finishing these, she called senxia and said, "senxia Jun, come and sit down together!"

"Well. Well, it would be better to talk in the monitor's coffee shop than in this open place. " Qianjia Xuejie nodded, and then took senxia's hand and walked downstairs.

Xu Yuan Xuan came down from the upstairs, and hastily put down what he had on his hand and went down with him.

Compared to when I came here before. The coffee shop has not changed much, but some decorations have been added. The original open coffee shop seems to have become more popular.

"Oh - it's all done by hand." Then senxia noticed that in the window on one side of the cafe, there were rows of handmade handicrafts, while on the other side of the window, there were a series of wooden models.

This is just what local tyrants don't want. Almost blinded moriha's eyes.

What's more, although the decoration of this place is very restored to the Victorian style of the 19th century, these handmade and models are not in the slightest violation here. It can only be said that the designers here are really powerful.

"Hum, senxia Jun, did you only see this?" Erika seems to be very satisfied with Sen Xia's shock, but Sen Xia does not seem to find the key.

"Well Let me see. " Sen Xia looked back carefully, but still found nothing wrong.

There seems to be nothing wrong with handmade and gang Da mu

But all of a sudden. Senxia seems to have found something wrong.

"These maids do it Why haven't I seen it before? "

In this way, Qian Jia, who was on the other side, also came to me: "is it a new role Wait, it's a little familiar. "

These maids are well-dressed, but their hair is black and flax, and they are not as brilliant as other handmade ones. But I have to say, the feeling of these maids is very exquisite. The craftsmanship is obviously higher than that of the other handmade ones.

Qian Jia said casually that my speaker didn't mean it, but the listener intended it. Sen Xia also noticed that these things seemed familiar.

“…… It seems that the clothes are similar to those in the coffee shop. " After thinking about it for a long time, Mori finally realized that the reason why she had a sense of both seeing and seeing was because of this reason. These actions were very similar to them!

"Congratulations, senxia Jun, you guessed it right. This is made according to everyone in our coffee shop."

"When I first heard that, I was shocked." Xu yuanxuan had already known about this matter, so he didn't speak from the beginning. When Sen Xia guessed the answer, he opened his mouth.

It's true. Local tyrants dance aroundSenxia sighed, rich people are good, can casually come.

“…… By the way, hulixiang. " After watching for a while, Qianjia seemed to be a little strange. "Speaking of the name of this coffee shop, we don't seem to know it now."

Yeah, what's the name of this cafe now?

Senxia also turned her head to lilixiang.

However, when she heard Qianjia's words, she seemed to be stunned. After a long time, she sighed: "not sure."

"Ah?" Senxia three people are a little strange. Yulixiang cares so much about the coffee shop, but why hasn't the name of the coffee shop been determined so far? Isn't that strange?

"I was going to call lovelove, but My dad said, "you can't use that name." She sighed.

Lovelove cafe is the name of the coffee shop that Sen Xia used to use in her class. But how to say it? It seems that there is something wrong with such a formal restaurant.

"Cough, this kind of name is not very good indeed." Mori also suspended his father's opinion. If xuenai opened a coffee shop and wanted to call it such a name, senxia would never allow it. If Xue insisted on Well, well, senxia has to do it.

"What do you think it's called, senxia Jun?" Erixiang looks at Sen Xia with expectant eyes.

"It's good to call anything you like, just like the white bear Cafe..."

"That's a good name." As soon as Mori Xia's voice fell, Qianjia began to speak.

"Well, it seems very interesting." Hulixiang also nodded.

"Ah?" Senxia is so stupid. I just mentioned it casually


Just big wood is Gao Da.

I had some palpitations, so I lay down and had a rest yesterday. My heart beat so fast, my neck was swollen and I felt uncomfortable@_ @(to be continued.).. )

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