The second day of CM is a good harvest day in summer.

After a whole day's shopping, Mori felt very happy.

For mushrooms, today is not so beautiful, it should be a memorable winter cm, but mushrooms still sit at home writing moon Ji.

Not only that, but on the 31st, the last day of 1997, the poor mushroom student couldn't get out.

Well, who called mushroom? He's either playing computer or playing PS every day. This guy will be distracted if he doesn't pay attention. Wu Nei and Qingbing guards dare not let this guy do anything.

"Well, do you think you can lock me up in this way?" The Qing army guard was working in another room. Mushroom brought out EVA retake which was hidden in his clothes.

Although it's not the work of teacher Xiasen, it's also the work of her sister. It should be very interesting.

The resentment that he couldn't go to dongcm made the mushroom blacken and depressed. Today, he wrote five or six badend to Yue Ji, which is why. However, this can not comfort mushroom's hurt heart, so he took out the book "retake" which was hidden deeply by himself.

The cover of this book is very beautiful, and the paper is also very good. It is so exquisite that it can be said that the book is a hardback edition of a certain writer. I'm afraid there is no problem with this book. However, mushroom knows that this is the style of animic community. No matter what they do, they are quite serious. Whether it's "retake" now or "the witch's house" before it, it can be said that it is the same.

EVA story, basically as long as a housemate, can be said to be familiar. In fact, it is difficult for us to say that we can make new ideas about EVA's co-workers' stories. In fact, Hideki Ono's EVA itself has created almost a new world, a world completely different from the past and present stories.

This "world" is not only about world outlook, but also about the vision and horizon of all the audience, relative to the unconventional EVA. On the contrary, those comrades fall into convention.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you say that h is a good writer. After all, people have to look at h and painting style. These two are the most important.

As for those who are serious and serious. In fact, not many.

But the story seems different.

At the beginning, the script is the rebirth of Shinji.

Facts have proved that rebirth and crossing are very eye-catching elements in writing novels, even in Japan today.

It's like the mushroom of Nai Shu now. When he sees the plot, he is really in front of his eyes.

"Although the style of writing is different from that of Mr. shawson. But this style of writing is really excellent... " The mushroom is exclaiming.

The first thing that attracts mushrooms is not the story itself, but the very comfortable writing style. This comfortable writing style, before the story unfolds, makes mushroom feel incomparably comfortable.

It's like entering a hotel. Although you don't know the service and taste inside, the comfortable and clean decoration of the hotel can attract many people.

After enjoying the writing, mushroom was attracted by the story.

The real good writing is not how gorgeous the words are. But when you are reading the story, the text can let you immerse in it, forming pictures, as if the text itself does not exist at all.

So naissu mushroom was attracted by this story.

had seen the beginning, he had no extra mind to make complaints about it.

After the destruction of the world, the contradiction and hesitation of Shinji, the shock and joy after rebirth, the sense of power when he can really change everything, and the panic when tomorrow incense appears

, when everything changes, the whole story has an unreal feeling. When reading the world, readers will even be afraid that the world described by the story itself is just a dream bubble.

In addition, it seems that the transformation of the original works into a real man is not based on the change of the real world.

In addition, the illustrations in the article also play a very good role. These illustrations always appear when they should appear, and the illustrations themselves are very beautiful.

It's amazing

The only idea that comes out when the mushroom has read the whole story.

Although the whole story is followed by EVA, it seems to be a school of its own, with another kind of wonderful charm.

Then the mushroom found something wrong.

"So, Nathaniel, have you finished watching it?" The friendly voice of the Qing guards rang out from behind the mushroom.

Mushroom suddenly startled, he was embarrassed to turn his head, ready to admit his mistake to the Qing army guard.But when mushroom turned around, he found that the room was full of people. Wunei was laying the fried chicken chops on the table, and Kate was carrying dishes.

"Well, after all, it's the new year's Eve. Let's call it a day." The guard patted the mushroom on the shoulder and then stood up.


Sure enough, it's better to have partners!

Nai feels warm in his heart. He has made up his mind secretly. After the new year's day, he will start to explode liver and finish Yueji!

Er, wait a moment. It seems that there are some games that I bought recently on PS that have not been cleared. Let's go through the customs of these games in the past few days

After making up my mind to start working hard, mushroom is ready to delay for a few days, so that you can enjoy the fun of the game first


"Today is the last day of 1997."

Mori looked through the 1998 calendar.

Chinese New Year is coming.

Although today is just new year's day according to the Chinese dynasty, it is the new year's day and new year's Eve for Japanese people. Although Mori has always felt that it is against the will to celebrate the new year with the Gregorian calendar, the reality is so cruel.

It's ten thirty in the morning.

After changing her clothes, senxia leaned in front of the mirror.

After the end of the "Saint war" yesterday, senxia and Qianjia dyed their hair back to black again. As for the booty, they are now safely placed in a corner of senxia's room. In order to prevent being seen by xuenai, senxia has specially covered her hair with something.


When Sen Xia finished his image and came out of the room, he heard a cry from Qianjia.

"What's wrong with you, sister?" Senxia's mouth twitched.

Qian Jia shook his head in a hurry: "it's OK. I just think that senxia Jun's hair is too unconscionable. I'm used to seeing Ling poli's blue hair. Now I find that she has turned into black hair. Who can bear it? "

"Sister, if you don't distinguish the reality and the second dimension clearly, you will have a very hard life in the future." Senxia shook her head.

"Brother, I'm ready." At this time, xuenai, who had already changed his clothes, came down from the upstairs.

"Ooh, it's time for us to go." Senxia nodded.

Today is the last day of 1997, but Mori and their affairs are still not over, because today they are going to see Xiuming Amano.

After leaving home, the three headed for Akihabara. The place they are going to today is the white bear cafe. Although hulixiang is now in London, the coffee shop is still open as usual. Because of the high salary, although it is the new year's day, there are still many girls and girls working here.

Mori, they came here in advance, but they didn't expect that Xiuming Amano and his party arrived here in advance. Two groups of people met at the door of the coffee shop.

"This place is really good. Maid's coffee shop is very famous in Akihabara recently. We've always wanted to see it, so we've been here early." Sadakumoto explained to senxia Jun and them.

"It doesn't matter. Since everyone has arrived early, we can start the discussion Oh, by the way, this is my most lovely sister, xuenai. "

Senxia did not forget to introduce xuenai to them.

"Hello." Snow is very generous to bow to them.

"Well..." Although Ono Xiuming has big sunglasses, senxia still sees the doubts in his eyes. He ponders and asks, "have we met somewhere?"

"as like as two peas." Senxia explained for the other party, because of the relationship between brother and sister, so this kind of misunderstanding will also exist, senxia has long been no exception.

Amano nodded, and sadamoto came over, and then introduced the middle-aged man next to them: "this is Mr. Da yuejunlun, the producer of EVA."

After hearing the name, sonchardon was shocked.

Big moon junlun!

The current production committee system has a lot to do with this man, and the reason why EVA launched the theater version has become a model of money fraud. It can be said that it is the collusion between him and Xiuming Amano that makes the new century evangelical soldier become a money fraud soldier in the new century!

In addition, the recent teenage revolution has a lot to do with him.

However, although this man is very fierce, he also has a lot of bad comments. The behavior of encircling money is despised by the masses of the people. It can be said that it is true. The cancer of the industry is not too much.

Well, EVA's none of my business. We just need to make money, don't we?

After thinking this out, senxia suddenly became cheerful, he bowed to each other with a smile: "I am the sky, senxia, please give me more advice."

……3k! Restore 3K! Today's second watch! Now we're starting to pay the debt and update it!

I don't want to starve to death on the street, QAQ

ask for tickets to support QAQ (to be continued). )

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