Although disappointed, Ichiro kurima bought the book at the first time when the book was on sale.

How to say, this is the mouth and body integrity.

Although at that time, Ichiro kurima was not interested in this theme, but later he thought Lying trough, it seems to have a feeling.

initially make complaints about the forum, but it is because they make complaints about them that they bring out some fantastic topics.

Think about it. If it's the Big Dipper style of all sister paper, and the wonderful adventure of all Lori dominating JOJO Once you accept this kind of setting, you will feel very comfortable

At this time, although Ichiro kurima felt strange about the mixing of the two settings, I have to say, Ichiro kurima couldn't help but feel the urge to pry into the script.

After all, even if you are a gusher, you need materials and dry goods. Pure lyricism can only cheat ignorant Xiaobai. In the circle of peers, you will only be sneered at.

Well, that's why I came to buy books just to spray!

At the moment of stepping into the Jiaochuan bookstore, Ichiro kurima was holding such a belief.

"Well, but Tan Ya sauce seems so cute. It seems very interesting to take it for collection. It's totally different from Lingbo and Tomoka..."

However, the first time he saw the cover of the work, Ichiro kurima rebelled against the revolution.

Appeared on the cover of "the battle of the young girl", is a super cute Lori, this Lori is simply super super!

It's a little different from the one in the brochure. On the real cover, the blonde Laurie heroine "Tanya" is on the front. He captured Ichiro kurima in an instant.

"No, no, no, I'm not Lori controlling, I'm not Lori controlling..." Ichiro kurima shakes his head. He obviously cooks tomorrow incense and Ling Boli. Just like the two in the CM man show, this kind of Lori is not in the range of her own defense.

But don't mention, it seems that there are a lot of people who come to buy this book at this time.

"I heard that this book was serialized in a magazine before. Does it really seem that this book has a reputation?"

In principle. Although Mr. shawson is well-known in the peer circle, it is only a part of the readers. The communication circle between the two sides is not completely overlapping.

Is Did you misunderstand Mr. shawson before?

Ichiro kurima looked down at the books on the shelf.

Forget it, there's no proof of what you say. You should look at the content and then make a decision!

Ichiro kurima subconsciously picked up three books. Then he was stunned. His habit of buying books was always for viewing, preaching and collecting. But he didn't seem to want to buy three books immediately, but he just wanted to study critically.

"Forget it, just support the teacher..." Kurima murmured in his heart.

"That's about it."

he shook his head and simply left the place.

All the way home. Ichiro kurima opened the book. He even forgot to change his clothes.

With a critical attitude, Ichiro kurima began to read the original work of the teacher, shayama.


However, when Ichiro kurima opened the book, he found that the style of the whole story was not so-called faggot style, but rather rather rigorous and hardline. Although there was a tender and delicious young girl loli on the cover, the whole story gave a totally different feeling from the cover, even the title.

The whole story is about a different world. The protagonist of this story was originally a transgressor from the earth. He was also an elitist.

Because our protagonist strongly denies the existence of gods, and thinks that God is nothing at all, just a liar. Therefore, he is thrown into another world by God and becomes a blonde.

Although he has only just come into contact with the word "Meng", Ichiro kurima has also acquired a lot of knowledge about the emerging culture of Meng series. In a word, he also knows the word from Mr. Xia Sen and the forum.

In heishimao Ichiro's first impression, this story may be about a young girl selling cute babies on the battlefield, then performing some so-called friendship between girls, then making funny adjustments, and finally talking about how cruel the war is to sublimate the theme, or simply writing about a young girl who went to the battlefield by accident and led the army to victory The story of

However, when Ichiro kurima looked down, he found that the story did not seem to be the case.

How to say, in addition to the leading role is a young girl, the story is still very Serious.

No, it's not just serious. There seems to be some epic feeling in the whole story.

The whole story uses the feeling of European battlefield, which seems very grand in setting and background. Moreover, this setting also has prototype in the real world, so it doesn't seem abrupt. On the contrary, because of the magic setting in the whole story, the whole story becomes more harmonious and interesting."Unexpected It's very good. "

At the beginning of the plot, we can't see anything wonderful, but some of the settings are still very interesting, such as the magic Hunter Lincoln holding the falling cherry axe.

"There are also other chapters..."

Ichiro kurima takes a look at the catalog. At the end of the story, there is a story about the devil hunter Lincoln.

Although he would like to read the outside story, this one is also very attractive. He then forced himself to forget the following content for a while and then read the story.

Although Tanya is a young girl of Lori in the play, what she thinks in her mind is actually the thinking of an adult like being outstanding and climbing up. The key is that she not only thinks that, but also does so.

In Japanese style dramas, the protagonist usually dislikes or hates politics. However, the young heroine even takes part in the army to climb up. Although she is a young girl in the script, she is also a talented magician. Although she is a young girl, she is also a talented magician. Although she is a young girl, she has actually entered the army

After entering the army, the protagonist Tanya is still meticulous. She gallops on the battlefield and is very brave.

However, what makes people feel sad and funny is that Tan ya, the protagonist, hopes to leave the army as soon as possible, and then be promoted to become the controller of power. However, what she never expected is that it is precisely because of her strong performance in the battlefield that she feels the strength of the other party is very useful, so she is sent to a more dangerous battlefield.

It can be said that it was Tanya who was working on it, so she could only stay in the army.

Although the tone used by Mr. shawson here is very ordinary, the funny pictures are almost in the mind.

The ugly and short-sighted politicians, as well as a variety of shady protagonists, make up the most interesting ecological pictures in the whole story.

In addition to the protagonist Tanya, the characters in the script are all kinds of guys who abuse their power for personal gain and do not think of making progress. They regard delaying as their glory and taking teasing as their own duty. They are simply the model of "pig teammates".

What's more, even if it's a group of funny pig teammates, they can still dominate in the war! And the reason for this is simple: because the enemy is worse than them.

"Are these bullshit politicians satirizing those Junker nobles in Germany..." Combined with Tanya's military uniform and the world's intelligence, Ichiro kurima speculated out the content of the plot.

The internal contradictions of the hostile countries were obvious, so those politicians who were in the middle of the war attacked Tanya's country, and then were pushed back and hanged. However, the politicians of the Tanya country broke out internal contradictions because of the uneven distribution of spoils, and then the whole war became a saw saw fight.

In the plot, Tanya is an elitist, and there are also some people who sympathize with the common people. In the world of the plot, politicians shape the war into romance, but through these people, we can find that the civilians at the bottom are already overburdened. Although the whole story is somewhat different from the situation in the European continent, on the whole, it reflects the corruption of imperialism Rotten taste, the whole world is not a narrow road encounter, the brave win, but the whole world than rotten, less decadent countries, for the rotten to the bone of the country, naturally has an advantage.

Although these creatures are very eye-catching, Tan Ya is also the same. In the whole script, Tanya is almost the only exception. Because of this, Tanya is attracting people's attention almost all the time. Although the group images are brilliant, because the protagonist has this special highlight, she has almost no one to take away.

Of course, the script is not all serious. The funny things these politicians do sometimes make people laugh. But I don't know why, when Ichiro kurima saw this place, he couldn't laugh. Instead, he sighed.

"Sure enough, this is the work of Mr. shawson..." Ichiro kurima shook his head. He was still too young. After reading the whole story, he found that the story was really unexpected.

With just one volume of the script, Mr. shawson set up the whole world stage, and then showed the key points of the plot. After reading the first volume, people can't wait to see what happened later.

"I really want to see the story behind Mr. shawson Oh, by the way, there are other chapters! "

At the beginning, Ichiro kurima's expectation was originally the external part. However, with the deepening of the plot, he has been immersed in the script of this article, so that he has forgotten his own plan.

Now when he thought about it, he immediately began to look through it


Today's first watch, yesterday's mistake has been corrected owo

in addition, the young girl's War record in this book is Sen Xiajun's brain hole version, please don't connect with the later young girl's War record. This story is just a creation made by Sen Xia to open his own brain hole (to be continued. )

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