"Oh, senxia Jun, have you changed your hair?"

After school, Sen Xia came to the club of the current research institute. At this time, the elder Ji ye, who had been busy for a long time, also appeared here.

"Well, it's refreshing." Senxia swung her head and Lynette pricked her horse tail. She felt very comfortable.

"Well, I feel so inspired. What should I do?" Looking at Sen Xia's appearance, Ji Ye's face tangled up, "but there are still a lot of CG's that haven't been finished..."

"Cough, master, please put work first."

Although he had the help of Takeuchi, he could not take the place of Ji ye to undertake the main work, so this kind of thing was impossible at all.

"Well, I'm just talking about it. Don't worry. I'll do it when I have a chance. But now I know that work is the most important thing." Ye Ji leaned closer and then smile.

"Ah La, Ji ye, you have come. Eh, senxia Jun, have you changed your hair style?" At this time, Qianjia also came to the Department of visual research.

Qian Jia got to Sen Xia in front of him, then looked at him left and right, sighed, and then shook his head.

"Say what you want to say Sen couldn't help but make complaints about it.

I don't think it's suitable for you, Xia Jun Yes Qian Jia snapped his fingers, then pulled up senxia's tie and asked him to come over.

"Whoa!" Senxia was caught off guard and was startled.

"Don't move!"

Qianjia let Sen Xia not move, and then put his other hand into his schoolbag. Took out a small comb, and then combed on the head of senxia. After feeling almost finished, Qianjia nodded with satisfaction.

"Well. That's all right, Kaye. What do you think? " Qian Jia finished senxia's hairstyle and twisted his face to Ji Ye.

"Well, it feels good." Ji Ye nodded.

"Well, it's so much better." Qianjia put down the hand holding senxia tie, and then went on to say, "that's it, senxia Jun is not suitable for horsetail."

"But xuenai's ponytail is so beautiful!" Senxia refused.

"You are very similar, but there is an absolutely different place," Qian Jia raised the index finger of his right hand. Pointing to senxia's chest, "that's the difference in chest capacity!"

"Ah, ah, ah?" Senxia was shocked.

"Only a huge European school with horsetail, will it look good!" Qian Jia said solemnly, "flat chest, only suitable for short hair, only short hair!"

"I'm a man, OK?" Senxia rolled her eyes directly.

"Tut Tut, senxia Jun. You are wrong, "Qian Jia shook her head." don't you know how bad it is to be a man with your face. "

"No, I think it's very kind of him to be a boy." But elder Ji ye put forward completely different opinions. "I think it's because senxia Jun is a boy, so it's more interesting. If senxia is not a boy, it's meaningless."

"No, no, no, although lovely boys are also good, boys can't have Europa. Compared with girls, this is an absolute lack of sprouting point." When Qian Jia talks, she also subconsciously straightens out her chest.

"Well --" Ji Ye is critically hit, hp-100000.

"There is no such thing. Europa is the most suitable one only for the right person. Because Mori Xia Jun is a boy, it is normal that there is no European school. This kind of cooperation is the most appropriate." Ji ye also has her own reason.

"Who says boys can't have Europa!"

"That's not called a boy at all."

The two men were commenting on Sen Xia, who felt his mouth twitch when he heard them.

Sure enough, I'm afraid I'll become funny if I stay with a dishonest person for a long time.

He decisively turned on the computer, inserted the floppy disk into it, and was ready to start sorting out the script at hand.

"That's it." After a long argument between Ji ye and Qian Jia, they finally stopped.

"Did you bring everything?" Ji ye asked again.

"Hi." Qian Jia said and took out a small bag from his schoolbag.

"Is this?" Senxia came up.

"It's just some reference tools. Besides, there's a copy of our photo." Qian Jia explained.

"Ah, it's great." Ji ye took out the photo, and immediately her eyes lit up. "The composition and movement are very good, which can make people have creative inspiration and impulse."

Ji Ye looked at these photos, and immediately she was bright.

"Although photographers and painters are different things, they are all about the creation of pictures and colors, which should be common." Qian Jia said with a smile."It's good to have inspiration." Although Sen Xia felt that it was very uncomfortable to tell outsiders about this matter, since the other party was senior Ji ye, there was nothing wrong with him. Of course, there was still a little bit of shame.

"By the way, senxia Jun, would you like to come to my studio to have a look?" Ji Ye seemed to think of something, and suddenly invited Sen Xia.

Qianjia also nodded: "say up, senxia Jun, you seem to have never seen Ji Ye's studio. How about taking this opportunity to have a look?"

"Yeah..." Senxia looked at the time. It was still in the afternoon. There should be another time. So she nodded, "let's have a little rest today."

"Oh, West, let's go together." Qianjia takes senxia's hand, and then goes to the front.

After three people left this side together, they left here.

Ji Ye's studio is not far from the school. To be precise, this place is between the school and her home.

Like Qianjia's house, this side is also a high-end apartment, but a little different is that the apartment here is not for living. Just after entering the room, senxia saw a pile of bookshelves full of comic books. The left side is rows of literary masterpieces, while the right side is rows of picture books.

There are six rows of bookshelves, each with three floors. The apartment was supposed to be the living room, but it was full of books.

"You're so scared!" See Sen Xia fell into surprise, Qianjia also smile to come over, "the first time I come over, is also scared."

"These are all materials." Ji Ye smiles, "because the family can't put it, so it can only be put here."

"Is there anything else at home?" Senxia was startled.

"Yes, but there are not many comics and novels over there. Most of them are art albums, including photo albums of buildings and human body sketches. Oh, yes, there are many hand-made ones. It is more interesting to draw human bodies by hand than by simple models." Ji Ye smiles.

"Do it by hand..." Sen Xia is embarrassed and has a God.

"Well, there's also a room on my left. It's just for me to let go."

Senxia heard Kye's voice and went into the room on the left.

Then senxia immediately knelt down.

This room is about 30 square meters. There are many glass cabinets in the room. In the cabinets, there are rows of hand-made ones. No, it's not just the manual ones. There are many other things.

From EVA's Handmade model to Gundam model, from Richelieu warship to four wheel drive vehicle, you can have everything, and there are all over the room!

He knelt down directly

"There was also a 1:15 lion class battleship here, but it was accidentally crushed when it was transported from home, so it was thrown away." Ji ye said with some regret.

"Er, Gundam, 4WD, battleship Do these seniors like it too? " Senxia found herself a little confused.

"It was my father who assembled the battleships, but somehow he seemed to lose interest in these models and fell in love with tanks, so he gave them to me." Ji Ye smiles, "is it a willful adult?"

"This is childlike innocence Ha ha... " Senxia didn't know what to say at this time, so be it so.

"It's amazing..."

Senxia tears running.

I want to fight the local tyrant, break up!

Look at this Ling Boli. It's so beautiful. Look at the smoothie sauce. It makes people want to lick their teeth! Look at that Lena inBAS Well, let's forget it.

Senxia thinks that if we sell all the handmade and models in this place, we can buy the whole anmic club.

Although it is an exaggeration, it has to be said that the local tyrants and other things can hardly be looked at directly. It is obviously such a shining thing, but it seems that people have not paid attention to it at all

"The room in front of me is the warehouse, on the right side is the dining room and toilet, but I haven't used it very much. The room in front of the right is my working room." Ji Ye explained.

"Oh, come and have a look." Qianjia has already known the situation here, but she can't wait to show it to senxia. Seeing the kneeling expression of senxia, Qianjia feels extremely happy.

After being pulled to the front room, senxia found that there were some drawing boards, paints and other equipment on this side, which also filled the whole room.

After seeing this side, Qianjia pulls senxia to the workshop again.


Compared with other places, Ji Ye's work room is very empty. There is only one working table and a cabinet in it. The room is bright, but there is nothing else to spare.

"The working environment should be more open." Ji Ye followed with a smile."Well, after reading it, it's time to start working." Qian Jia pats Sen Xia on the shoulder.


"Don't you think you're just here to visit, senxia Jun?" Qian Jia looks surprised.

"Er..." Senxia was speechless.


The third shift owo

owes the Geng get before, of course, we will not forget to pay the debt.

Finally, it depends on what kind of ghost senxia is (to be continued. )

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