Shawson: mosimossi, can everyone see me speaking?

Lao Xu: Hi, no problem at all.

Sister: I'm Qianjia. It seems that it's really great here. It's really a novel experience to be able to communicate through the Internet in this way.

Nana: please give me more advice.

Intern: Nanai sauce, it's better to use nickname to communicate in this place.

Nana: Yeah?

Sister: This is the rule on the Internet.

Shawson: Well, there's no need to force it. This is the internal communication group of our club. As long as we can speak well together.

Mr. worker: I'm Da Fu. Please give me more advice.

Naisu: ah, it's amazing. This mode of communication.

Takeuchi: Hello, everyone.


Shayson: Pony sang is the creator of this software, but he doesn't know Japanese. When you talk to him, try to use English. If you understand Chinese, it's better to communicate in Chinese.

Naisu: ah, it's from China! Awesome!

Sister: Hello (Chinese).

In the Q group of the animic club that has just been set up, we are having a lively conversation.

A few days ago, senxia has been helping master Ji Ye clean up. After finally cleaning up the area, senxia heard the good news from brother ma. Then, she called on everyone to have a centralized test on Saturday afternoon.

Little brother Ma is not just idle in Japan. He has set up a server here. Ichiro Sato has more connections in business. My uncle helped with this.

Only the client, this chat software is not able to run, which also requires a series of server configuration.

This is what little brother Ma has been busy with since he came to the Chinese Central Committee in Japan. Although he also has servers in China, the submarine optical cable is not developed in recent years, and the cross sea communication is not very convenient.

But now it is different. After setting up a server locally, brother Ma's business in Japan is finally on the right track.

At this time, Sen Xia led the whole animic society. Entering the network era.

"It seems that the response is good..."

Let go of the computer, senxia looked at Nanai who was typing two finger zen, and looked at Lao Xu, who made the keyboard crackle, and then nodded.

They are all in the club, and the members of naisu are also in their own homes.

Qicq is only in internal test in Japan. But now it seems that the swarm system is working properly.

"The next step is the voice system." Next to Qianjia put down the keyboard, and then stretched a stretch.

Now it is February 21st, and there is not much time left for this month.

"I don't know what Sega thinks about this software..."

Sen Xia turns her head and looks at Qianjia.

"Well, all right." Qian Jia shrugged. "They seem to be very interested in this kind of remote communication, including the people who make arcades."

"What does this have to do with arcades?" Working Jun, no, it was Daisuke Ono who asked curiously.

"It's communication." "The Internet is a brand new thing, and using the Internet to communicate is the future trend," Sen said. The difference between arcade and home computer is that arcade is a game full of interaction and confrontation Well, generally speaking, it's more common when you go through the barrier. "

Senxia hasn't played many arcades in his life, but he still has fresh memories of playing the Three Kingdoms war and baseball boy with others in his last life. However, compared with tactics, what senxia still remembers is that he robbed Zhuge Liang and green skin's "second" in these two games

In addition to this kind of dinosaur games, there are also games like this.

Human beings are social creatures, and communication is an indispensable thing for human beings.

Sega focuses on the game, and they also find that if everyone can cooperate in the game, it seems to be a good thing. Of course, the arcade part is interested in this system, but it is only interested in it, because the arcade itself is not lack of communication, and PK can be used in person. It is only this mode of communication that makes them interested.

"But the system is too dependent on the network, and the network system they used before doesn't seem to be suitable for voice communication, and they are evaluating this communication." Qian Jia shakes her head. Although she wants Sega to agree with their plan early, it is a pity that the development of the matter will not be changed by people's will. Sega's consideration of the matter is based on their own interests. As for senxia and his animic society, they are not in the scope of Sega's consideration.

Of course, senxia didn't think much about Sega. Although it looks like a big ship, Sega is a titanic. After sitting on it, 100% of the ship will sink. No matter how big and luxurious the ship looks, it is hopeless"But with the Internet, is there really no problem?" Ling Nai tilted his head. "Although there seems to be no problem technically, if you add a chat system, it will take up a lot of resources. Is this really no problem?"

"From my point of view, I think this kind of system will benefit the system itself if it can be added to the host computer." Senxia remembers that the price of DC is actually cheaper than that of PS2. If you choose a stronger processor or add a coprocessor, you don't need to consume much cost.

Sega is under great pressure because of DC, but this is not just because of the main engine. After all, DC is selling 10 million machines, even the xboxone is only 10 million. DC's performance is good, but the test drive has consumed too much money because of the development of games such as Shamu. The investment of hundreds of millions only brings sales of hundreds of thousands of sets, which means that the whole investment is basically big Naturally, Sega can only survive by cutting its tail.

"Think about it, if you can play with your teammates on the other side of the TV. It's really a good thing to be able to communicate by voice... " Daisuke Ono seems to feel that this mode is quite a sense, "but compared to face-to-face games, the feeling is still less."

"From OMI. There should be more people like it. " Mori shrugged. Although China is closer to Japan, its attitude toward the Internet is similar to that of Europe and America.

This situation is very strange. It is obvious that people with similar culture are more likely to have consensus on some things, but the Chinese dynasty and District 11 are special cases. For example, "cultivating immortals" is more acceptable to Americans than to Japan. Their understanding of Chinese online novels is more detailed than that of Japanese. If you say something like "Jindan, Yuanying" to a Japanese, they probably can't understand it. But if they are Americans who have read online novels, they will nod.

Don't mention, it's not just online novels. They even made some movies about Chinese chivalry and Xianxia. Can you imagine a white haired foreigner in Chinese ancient costume holding a sword? That's what they did!

Although the understanding is somewhat different from that of the Chinese people, it has to be said that their acceptance ability is really excellent

The Internet is the same thing. It can even be said that the Chinese people are even more radical in the application of the Internet than in Europe and the United States. Well, for example, senxia is now.

"Whether it is SS or MD, the reputation and sales volume of Sega's machines in OMI area are higher than those in China." Qianjia has also investigated the internal situation of SEGA and its judgment on senxia. She agreed.

"But we don't seem to have any information about Omi," Daisuke Ono asked. "We don't know him. If so, is there really no problem?"

"Don't worry, it's Sega that takes the risk anyway. We just recommend our products to them," Sen Xia waved. "If we can verify our ideas, it's a good thing. But if we can't verify them, we won't lose money."

Anyway, the first battlefield of the future gentlemen is not concerned about Europe and the United States, but in China, so Sen Xia is not particularly concerned about this.

Although there are gentlemen in Europe and America, how to say Aesthetic or something, the gap is too big.

Pony doesn't care about his side, but senxia can get in touch with him through the Internet.

Shawson: when will voice communication system be developed?

Pony: pure voice is not difficult. It's very convenient to do a good job in coding and compression transmission. It's almost as long as the external equipment has a microphone, headset or speaker, but it's more troublesome to embed it into the game console.

Shawn: you don't have to worry about this. You just have to take out the program. It's not urgent. Without Sega's help, it's difficult for us to do this. Moreover, if they don't plan to build the system, we'll develop it in vain.

Pony: you mean we'll just follow the plan?

Shawn: Well, just develop the original system. By the way, how about qicq?

Pony: the test situation is very good. I think it's OK to replace ICQ now, and it's very convenient. What you said is very good. After applying it to qicq, I think the usability has been improved a lot.

Shawson: that's good. Please do the rest.

Pony: I'll try my best to finish it as soon as possible. I've been discussing the voice system in China, and it's not a big problem to do one temporarily.

"Oh, that's fine." After the discussion with brother Ma, Sen Xia stands up happily. Although there is a suspicion of being a fake, qicq is more convenient than ICQ.

But senxia is more curious about what will happen if Sega really gets this thing on DC?

Er, if DC fans in the original world knew about it, it would probably explode. But we are just making full use of resources. Well, that's all


As for the movie made by foreigners, it is called Jade Warrior. Although it looks very blind, the atmosphere of the play is very good. The foreigner in green shirt is holding a sword or something.Originally, I forgot the name of the script, and the old driver failed. Fortunately, brother rat remembered the name, so I remembered it. It was a very stream of consciousness thing. I have a vague memory, so the above recommendation is not responsible.

In addition, there is also an ancient costume drama made by the British people, that I don't care.

Second watch! This is the second watch! This is the second watch! (to be continued. )

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