At the end of the discussion with Nishimura Bozhi, Mori Xia found that his hard-working forum model of the Chinese dynasty was not popular, which was unexpected.

"This Nishimura Bozhi is a very ambitious man!"

Facing Qianjia's question, Sen Xia gave such an answer.

Some people ask why 2CH is called 2CH, that is, before 2CH, there is an amezou, which can be called "1ch".

"But that guy doesn't seem to have a good temperament." Qian Jia frowned and said.

"Senxia Jun, Qianjia, do you two know the guest just now?" At this time, hulixiang also came.

"Oh, monitor, what's the matter?" Senxia asked curiously.

"That person's words, although not bad, is also a person who goes his own way. Last time he almost had a fight with another guest at the door. Sen Xiajun, when dealing with people, you should be more careful." When she said the second half of the sentence, she couldn't help but return to her didactic tone.

"Don't worry, I know that." Mori let her feel relieved.

"Ah Lala, senxia Jun, the king of Nishimura has a good attitude towards you, because he likes your books and is regarded as your fans. But if you want to work with each other, that's another thing. " Qianjia also warned senxia.

Mori Xia smiles and waves his hand. He also thinks about things related to Nishimura Bozhi, but the content is different from that told by hulixiang.

Anonymous forum has a lot of rubbish, and the atmosphere is not very good. For the West Village Bo Zhi's matter, Sen Xia holds the reserved attitude temporarily. After all, in the future, this 2CH is the base camp of dobby, and Nishimura Bozhi is also his own way. How to say, this man is very independent.

How far has this man become independent? Nishimura's debt is very huge, with hundreds of millions of yen. However, Nishimura himself is not a man without money. The reason why he has so much debt is simply that he does not pay back the money. But these money, basically is his court civil case loses a lawsuit to produce. Nishimura has some other brain circuits. His idea is that as long as he thinks he doesn't have to pay compensation, he won't even pay death penalty.

In other words, as long as I feel like I shouldn't pay back, even if you say you're going to kill me. I will never pay back the money.

In addition, 2CH is also related to some illegal things, and it is more troublesome after getting involved.

Senxia thought about it for a while, and he made a decision in his heart: "if you want to be a Bozhi of Xicun, you can participate in equity, support and cooperate with each other, but if you want to hold shares and be the boss, you can avoid..."

Even if you really want to be a boss. You must wear a vest and play slowly.

"Well, I understand what you said." Sen Xia waved her hand, "but I suddenly had another idea."

"What do you want to do? Learn amezou? There are more people calling you names there? " Qianjia has also been to amezou. The forum of senxia was held half a year earlier, but it was very popular. Qianjia also went to learn classics. In the end, Qianjia drew two conclusions, one of which was that the forum made by Sen Xia was very complicated.

Conscience of heaven and earth. Senxia feels that there are few security measures. We don't have real name verification here, and we don't need a mobile phone Of course, e-mail is still needed, and one of the strictest measures to seal the title of animic forum is to seal e-mail.

Although cumbersome, Qianjia also thinks that the forum of senxia seems to be in order, has rules, and is easy to manage, which is a good thing.

As for the other conclusion, there are more people in amezou forum who scold Mr. Xiasen and animic club. Many EVA fundamentalists spout their mouth here. Xiuming Amano may only sneer at these people, but Qianjia's impression after reading it is that the evaluation of amezou has dropped sharply.

"No, the anonymous version. We can work together with others. If we want to do it, we can make a forum with more rules and order, or even a real name system." Said senxia.

"Real name system?"

Qianjia frowned, and the monitor beside him painted incense has been muddled. Just at this time, another guest came in. Hulixiang simply left the chatting senxia and went back to greet the guests.

"Yes, it's real name registration, and then it can be officially certified. We make this place a question and answer Forum No, some forums don't quite meet the definition, but this is the type. "

Senxia won't touch 2CH anonymous mode, but quora is a good SNS.

What, you don't know about quora? Did you know the "Zhihu" of the Chao edition that day?

Sen Xia Simplified: "simply put, it's the real Q & a community."

"Oh..." Now Qianjia seems to understand, "real name system By the way, it's the test paper post of EVA! "

Mori nodded. Her inspiration was not only because she met Hiroshi Nishimura, but also because the forum of animic, a professor from Dongda University who met in the previous research post, was really very helpful in the early stage."To establish a Q & a community, and then answer questions may be university professors, or practitioners in some other professions. People also choose whether to be anonymous and show their identities Of course, whether the identity is true or not needs to be verified through the real name route... "

Senxia explained what she thought.

Q & a community can be popular in the United States, China and Japan. Mori thinks it's OK for her to do so!

When it comes to the Q & a community in Japan, there is a hasunoha Q & a website in Japan's "future". This website is a Q & a website, but the people who answer the questions are all Mori people. A sister asked the monks "want to quit mobile phone games". As a result, krypton monks answered each other with their own blood and tears history, and some monks continued to say to each other, "great krypton, no Stop It's just hilarious.

"Although the number of people on our forum can't be counted as large, it has gradually become a trend of differentiation. I think we can start to split the forum a little bit, and then some professional users can transfer to this forum, and the forum itself can operate independently. It's good to keep a small part of animic club." Senxia continued to talk about her movements.

"Listen to you, are you going to separate animic club from forum and develop Internet?" Qian Jia asked.

Senxia nodded: "we can also connect the qicq port of brother Ma, and then log in with the account..."

"But what's the point?" Qianjia understood senxia's meaning, but she was quite puzzled, "is it possible that senxia Jun, do you like the Internet industry?"

"For the sake of pollution, of course." Senxia said almost without hesitation, "the dissemination of gentleman culture can be divided into two types. We use GALGAME and gentleman game to spread, which is a direct communication method. The other way is that we control the ordinary people in the blockbuster, and then use subtle means to transform them to accept the gentleman culture. This is very appropriate! Well, of course, I love the Internet itself

In fact, the gentleman part could only be said to be incidental purpose, but Sen Xia's strong sense of mission made him unable to put down the dissemination of gentleman culture, so when he spoke to Qianjia, he subconsciously reversed the primary and secondary.

"Sure enough, I'm looking forward to it!" Qian Jia happily nodded toward the forest summer. After praising Sen Xia, Qian Jia said: "this method is very good. After subtle changes, those people will not reject even if they don't accept gentleman culture. It's like people gradually accept miniskirts and silk stockings."

"It feels like your metaphor is a little bit problematic, but that's probably it." Senxia nodded.

In fact, there are many ways Sen Xia can think of, but there are some things that can't be done without the accumulation of the times. Senxia can't improve the instantaneous performance of computers all over the world by ten times, and then increase the world network speed by ten times. Therefore, for the time being, he thinks that his current ideas are enough.

"Well, in that case, we'd better arrange the further decoration of the club. If we don't separate out the compartments, it will be very troublesome to recruit people." Qian Jia thought.

"It doesn't have to be our company. We can set up a dedicated Internet company. Animic can focus on games." Senxia continued.

Qian Jia nodded: "well, that's right. If we want to be a real 18x gentleman, we also need a vest..."

So, I have a lot to do here.

"Don't worry. We can put on a vest now, and we can talk about it later." The network is still in the development, now a little bit of things to ask the way, trade rashly on one breath, is the problem. This is like this era, if someone made a network video, it must be very difficult to fire - because there is no internet speed!

For Sen Xia's suggestion, Qian Jia nodded: "Yo Xi, just do it like this."

After saying this, senxia and Qianjia both took out their notebooks and pens from their pockets and began to record the incident on them - both of them had the habit of carrying notebooks with them.

"What are you going to do, Hiroshi Nishimura?" Qian Jia asked again.

"In the past two months, I specialize in script. In June, I will be free to see if I have time to contact him and see if we can cooperate. We can do a little verification on the anonymous forum, and other ideas can be launched together." Senxia said what she thought.

Of course, his main energy is to spread gentleman culture, which must be handed over to other more reliable personnel.

"We also need some management talents..." Qianjia also saw this, she smiles at Sen Xia, "well, leave this matter to me for the time being. After the summer vacation, I'll see if I can bring us a talent."

"Then please come to my sister..."

Talent? Who could it be?

Senxia is curious

……Today's first watch, it's full of stances. )

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