When the four returned to the cherry tree together, the atmosphere became strange.

Qianjia and xuenai are all smiling, but senxia can't feel a trace of warmth from their smile.

And they stopped arguing, as if they were getting back together.

But The atmosphere is very strange!!!

Originally today's temperature is unusually warm, but Sen Xia at this time seems to feel the necessary cold.

At this time, the only normal is probably the next Lihua.

But when senxia wants to turn to look at Lihua, he will find that there are two icy eyes coming from xuenai and Qianjia.

So much pressure, guys

Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

President, why don't you come out and help me out?

On the other side, senxia is expecting Lihua to come forward.

According to her character, Lihua should come forward to help senxia.

But at this time Lihua did not know why, this time is sitting in situ lost consciousness, also do not know how.

There is no one! Is there anyone who can come and help me out!

Senxia is crying in her heart.

"Ah Sen Xiajun, President Is this xuenai's classmate and Qianjia senior? "

It seems to have heard Sen Xia's plea, when the scene fell into embarrassment, a voice suddenly came from outside.

Senxia turned her head and was surprised: "Lynette?"

That's right. The man over there is Mori Xia's classmate in the same grade, Dongcheng Linai.

She was wearing a dark blue bathrobe. With a handbag in his hand, he was standing less than 10 meters away from senxia and his wife.

After she found senxia and her party, Renee seemed very happy. She trotted over and said, "I thought I saw some familiar figures before. I didn't expect it was really senxia Jun, you

"Guian, reneisan." Lihua also stood up and went to Renee.

"President! It's wonderful to see you here Lynette was very happy.

This is the normal girl high school student!

One side of the forest in the heart of a silent sigh.

Different from the surrounding creatures of different dimensions, reinai is the real feeling of female high school students. After seeing each other's smile, senxia seems to feel that she has been cured!

Finally, I met normal people.

It seems to have noticed the touching look in senxia's eyes. Reinai also turned to Sen Xia, and after meeting Sen Xia's eyes, she smiles at Sen Xia.

"It's great to meet here, senxia Jun." She said with a smile.


But I don't know why, senxia always feels that the atmosphere here has become more strange.

"Senxia Jun, it seems that you have a good relationship with lenai sauce." Lihua seems to have noticed something. She may not be aware of it, but in her feelings, it is really repressing something.

"Well, Lynette, come here and sit down." Qianjia suddenly invited lenai at this time.

"Well, it's not easy to meet acquaintances here, Lynette. Come and sit down. " Snow Nai also looked at reinai.

"Er --"

Lynette was stunned and sat down here? But why are you upset?

She turned to senxia, as if to ask for help.

"Lynette, would you like to stay for a cup of tea?" What else can senxia say? Can't you drive people away?

Then she looked at Lihua again, and the other party was also "welcome". When she looked back to her home, the gentle mother waved to rinai. There is no problem here.

"Then obedience is better than respect." Lenny chuckled, then took off his clogs, and went to senscha and their side.

"How are you doing, Lynette? I haven't seen you for a while As soon as she sat down, Lihua asked with a smile.

In the first half of the semester, Li Hua and Li Nai met very often. Li Nai showed a wave of existence in front of Lihua. However, after the end of the School Park Festival, there were fewer opportunities to meet.

"Well," reinai looked at Mori and then replied, "it's not bad, and Saito president often mentions Mori Xia Jun. She is also very happy that "girl falls in love with her sister" can be animated

Keiko Saito, President of the drama club, is also a rich second generation. In the production Committee of "young girl in love with her sister", Saito's family also has a share.

"Speaking of it, I haven't seen you for some time. Is the drama club very busy?" Although Sen Xia was at school every day, he found that his chance to meet Reina seemed good.

"No Reinai was a little flustered. "I'm stupid, so I'm so absorbed in my study that I'm less likely to wander around on weekdays."Oh, wait.

Suddenly Lynette noticed something.

Whether it's senxia, Lihua, xuenai or Qianjia, they It seems that they are all Xueba!

Yes, these are all the year-round top students, and their scores are always excellent.

Li Nai was admitted to the school from a foreign school, and her grades were not bad, but it was the result of her efforts to forget to eat and sleep.

But at this time, reinai suddenly found that these people were amazing people

"Lynette, what's the matter with you?" Senxia noticed at once Lynette's embarrassment.

"No, it's nothing. I just think everyone's very good. In the final exam, everyone's scores seem to be in the forefront."

In fact, reinai's achievements are also in the front row, but the gap between general Xueba and super Xueba is very far away.

"It's nothing. I remember Lynette, you were in the final, but it's hard to say. So senxia didn't give a detailed answer.

"It turns out that my brother is so concerned about the grades of girls in the same grade!" The voice of xuenai came.

"Yes, senxia Jun, I didn't expect that your attention is quite extensive." Qianjia also followed and continued to speak.


Although Lihua didn't say anything, she was clearly saying, "you pay so much attention to a girl's achievements and trends. Is it something you want to do to her

I can update on time now, baa ha ha ha ha ha. )

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