
Qian Jia sits at the table in silence.

"Master, are you ok?"

Xuenai handed a cup of Oolong tea to Qianjia.

Qianjia looked at the oolong tea on the table, sighed, then looked up at xuenai and sighed.

“…… Elder? " The snow is the hair of Qian Jia's eyes.

"Nothing, don't mind..."

Qianjia took up the tea, but did not drink, just gaze at the scene in the teacup.

"Master, you must have something on your mind."

Snow is a face "I have seen through you" expression.

Qianjia did not answer xuenai, but looked outside.

The rain began to fall last night and didn't stop all night.

Originally, this morning was Qianjia's time to wake up Sen Xia to do sports, but at this time, she was not in the mood.

"So I hate rain." Qian Jia murmured.

"So what did your brother do to you?" Snow has seen through everything.

"Ah?" Qian Jia raised her head in amazement.

"I think of the feeling when I saw you and my brother together before. You are like me at that time." Snow is tilted to look at Qianjia, but then said, "no, it seems that there are some differences."

"Nonsense, I am a poor man betrayed by my beloved man and woman." Qian Jia waved her hand at will.

"Well, you don't just want to push down your brother, but you want to push down our student presidents together." Xuenai sits opposite Qianjia. They sat face to face.

"You are too superficial, and it is too superficial to push such things down. What I am pursuing is a gentleman's way Well, you don't know Qianjia doesn't seem to care about it. But then Qian Jia asked curiously, "ah. Xuenai, what do you think of brother walking with other girls

"Nothing, as long as my brother puts me first Of course, I will not allow anything that can't be done! " Snow is holding her chest. A face "I am the palace" awe inspiring expression.

"That's right..." Qianjia looks at xuenai.

"Well, after all, my brother is a brother. No matter how I keep him, my brother will always have someone he likes No, there's someone I like now, as a sister. At this point, I have no advantage at all. Although I was very willful before, I had a good awakening after that. " Xuenai shrugged her shoulders, but then she frowned. "But if my brother wants to have sex outside, I will give him a hammer of justice."

"Er..." Qianjia didn't know what to say at this time.

"Indeed. I have already been with me. I really don't know why my brother has taken a fancy to you sneaky cats. " Xuenai said, while emitting a black air mass visible to the naked eye.

Qianjia looks at the blackened snow and smiles awkwardly.

"But it's interesting to sit and discuss with xuenai sauce like this." Qian Jia smiles.

"Ah? I? Interesting? " Snow is strange.

"Yes, the more I like you, xuenai sauce. Take a closer look. Although you are as like as two peas, but you are still different in temperament. By the way, xuenai sauce, would you like to change into a man's dress? It seems to be interesting Qianjia seems to be thinking about the way snow is dressed in men's clothes in her head, and then suddenly becomes shiny.

Xuenai's corners of the mouth twitched: "master, you don't want to take me as a substitute for my brother?"

"How could that be possible?" Qian Jia immediately retorted, "Sen Xia Jun has the characteristics of Sen Xia Jun, and Xue Nai sauce has the charm of xuenai sauce. How can these be confused?"

After saying that, Qianjia looked at xuenai's chest: "such as this magnificent mind, really Damn, why are you bigger than me... "

Qianjia originally seemed to be thinking about the different characteristics of xuenai and senxia, but at this moment, she saw the chest part of xuenai in an instant, and her original interest turned into resentment.

"It's the mind!" Snow is fork waist, straighten chest, that huge and great mind, make Qianjia pale.

"Damn it." Qianjia gritted his teeth, but he seemed helpless. The degree of his mind was not changed by the will of human beings. This is the basic spirit of materialism. Although Qianjia is quite confident in himself, he still has one move in front of xuenai.

One centimeter is a class, which is a fact that can not be changed.

“…… Elder? " Xuenai finds that Qianjia is looking at herself with strange eyes at this time, which makes Qianjia feel shivering all over.

"In that case, let's turn this great mind into something for me."

Qianjia stands up and reaches out to xuenai.

"Whoa...!"Xuenai didn't expect Qianjia to come like this. She could have defended against this fatal blow, but when she reacted, Qianjia had already knocked her down to the ground.

"Damn it, it feels so good, it's so soft, but it doesn't droop at all. It's super envious..."

Qian Jia's face showed incomparable resentment, but then the resentment turned into a fool's smile: "Hey, but no matter what, now it's all my stuff..."

"Xuenai, what do you have this morning..."

At this moment, however, Sonia opened the door of the restaurant and came in.


Six eyes are opposite.

Sonchardon was shocked by the picture.

Xuenai is pressed under the body by Qianjia, and Qianjia sits on xuenai's body. Her hands are measuring xuenai's chest, and their faces are suffused with unhealthy blush.

After seeing xuenai's appearance, senxia seems to have been pierced by thousands of arrows.

"I'm sorry Please continue... "

Mori closed the door numbly, for the scene in front of her. It seems that I can't accept it.

"Listen to me!" ×2。

Qianjia and Xue are talking at the same time, they also realize that this action seems to have some strange appearance.

"Brother, it's not what you think!" Snow turned red, and she was about to explain.

"Senxia Jun. It's not the same thing. Although you look like that, it's not the same thing at all! " Qianjia also wants to stand up.

But both of them were flustered. At this time, their bodies collided and fell to one side. Hugging each other.

Senxia, who was shown a bonne love, seemed to have been hit by a huge blow. He stepped back three steps.

"It's not like that. This kind of misunderstanding often appears in animation, Sen Xia Jun, you know it!" Qian Jia cried.

"Explanation is cover up." Senxia finally couldn't help shouting.

"Brother, my favorite person is my brother, so I won't do strange things with others. This guy is trying to push me down! " Xuenai used the method of shirking responsibility, but what she said was also the fact.

“…… What's going on? "

Just at this time, Lihua also came to the restaurant, making such a noise, which made her a little strange.

"This is force majeure!" Qian Jia continues to explain.

Lihua turned her head along Qianjia's voice, and then she was stunned.

"Qian, Qian Jia, what are you doing?" After seeing Qianjia and snow holding together. Li Hua's face showed a look of panic and disbelief.

When she saw Qianjia holding with other girls, she immediately shook. Well, this feeling is the same as seeing Qianjia and senxia together, but seeing the scene in front of her eyes has a great impact on her.

"So what are you misunderstandings. This is not a soap opera! What's more, snow and I are both girls. What's in your unclean head? " Make complaints about it! Make complaints about it!

"Because it's girls and girls, it's more dangerous!" It doesn't matter if make complaints about girls and girls. It's too cunning.

"So, senxia Jun, you don't know exactly what happened!" Qian Jia looked at Sen Xia and said, "the relationship between you and hulixiang and the eastern city of rinai is closer than here!"

"It has nothing to do with that." Senxia glared, "why do you mention them at this time?"

"Isn't it because you always can't control it?" Qianjia and Xue are struggling for a long time. They are finally separated.

At this time, Qian Jia simply stepped forward and argued with Sen Xia.

"Are you talking about impure heterosexual relationships?" Lihua reacted at this time.

"All said, snow and I are girls. What are you thinking about?" Qianjia's tone towards Lihua is obviously much softer than that of senxia.

"The impure relationship between the same sex is also prohibited!" Senxia should not let go!

"There's nothing between me and Qianjia. It's better to say that it's strange for my brother who thinks all day long," xuenai came over at this time, "and isn't this kind of thing you do the most, brother?"

"I don't have it! Xuenai, listen to me. You are too young to do such strange things Senxia looked at her sister with heartache.

"It's not the same thing, senxia Jun, it's even more OK between you and Lihua." Qian Jia squints at Sen Xia.

"Ah!" Lihua made a voice of surprise.

“……” Senxia didn't speak because he thought about what happened last night."In a word, I don't have that gentleman relationship with snow." Well, please help xuenai to wear rope clothes for yourself. That's because you have to learn.

However, Sen Xia is still suspicious.

Qian Jia rolled her eyes and pulled over Lihua beside her: "even if there is any strange relationship, I would prefer Lihua to xuenai. Senxia Jun, I'm going to rob you of love now!"

“——!” Hearing this, Lihua almost lost consciousness.

“……” And senxia and xuenai are also staring at Qianjia and Lihua


Today's first watch, sorry, it's late again, cough. (to be continued. )

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