For the kauno School Park in April, the most important thing here is not the recruitment of new members, but the election of Miss Ono.

"Senxia Jun, are you ok?" Tonggu poked the senxia lying on the table, "you seem to be very sleepy these two days."

"Well..." Senxia is lying on the table like this. After getting the news from Qianjia, she has been busy for two days and didn't sleep until two o'clock in the evening. What's more, the most troublesome thing is that she still needs to maintain the quality of the content. It can be said that she has suffered a lot.

"Hello, senxia Jun, do you really have no problem? Would you like to go to the health care room and have a rest? " Tong Gu looks at Sen Xia with some worry.

"If you really want me to have a good rest, let me lie down here more, thank you." Senxia tired back after a sentence, then continue to lie on the table to the street.

Senxia is really tired these two days. If she talks to this idiot, she feels that she is going to die. If she has this time, she might as well have a rest.

"But senxia Jun --"

"-- if you have so much time, you might as well think about how to deal with your meihui sauce!" Senxia replied directly.

However, when it comes to meihui sauce, Tonggu's face suddenly shows a smile.

Well Am I dreaming? This script is not right, Tonggu should not be henpecked?

Senxia rarely recovered some spirit, he slightly lifted up, and then took a look at Tonggu.

"Lord meihui is very fond of the maid's coffee shop accident, so I didn't investigate my responsibility!" Tonggu looks happy.


Senxia rolled her eyes. That's what this idiot is after. He no longer pays attention to the other party, and turns back to the street. Now, the rare recess time is used to supplement the spirit.

"Hello, hello. Senxia Jun, why are you lying down again Tong Gu poked Sen Xia, "Mori Xia, what's your opinion about Miss kauno's election?"

What Tonggu wants to ask is the hot election of Miss Ono.

"Snow is sure to win." Sen Xia subconsciously raised her head, and xuenai had been selected two days ago. As a brother, senxia said that this must be xuenai's victory, absolutely. If snow didn't win, the world must be wrong.

"Maybe, I heard that there are some lovely girls in the whole year." Inoue didn't sit in the front row of mori, but he came to me at this time.

But for the well. Senxia doesn't think so, because xuenai's appearance and figure are super excellent. As long as there is no foreigner like Lihua president, xuenai is almost sure to win.

"By the way, when it comes to annual students, it seems that there are some strange students there." Next to someone inserted, his name is Fujita. It's a classmate of Sen Xia. Well, passers-by a, don't care.

"Ah? What kind of people are they? " Tonggu seems interested in it. In senxia, after they arrived in senior two, grade one was assigned to another teaching building. Now, if you want to go to the first grade there to watch, there is still a long way to go.

"I don't know. It seems strange anyway..."

I heard them talking here. Sonia yawned and fell back on the table. Life is short, so take every moment to rest

When it came to the lunch break, senxia yawned and then came to the Department with a lunch box.

"Senxia Jun, good afternoon." Senxia looked at this side and saw Ji ye and Qian Jia Quan sitting here. After seeing Sen Xia, Ji ye said hello to him.

However, it can be seen that master Ji Ye has two thick dark circles on her face. Obviously, she has overdrawn a lot recently.

"Good afternoon..."

Senxia yawned and sat down at her computer desk.

"Ji ye, there should be no problem with the CG in the back?" Qian Jia takes a look at Sen Xia and then goes back to discuss with Ji Ye.

"Well, at this level, I can barely catch up. But this time is really urgent. " Ji Ye sighed, "and do you have no problem there?"

"Well, in terms of performance, I have probably done all the work that can be done. The rest is to wait for Sen Xiajun to finish writing the script, and then perfect it again." Qian Jia yawned.

"I see." Ji Ye nodded, and then looked at Sen Xia, "that can still be hard Sen Xia Jun."

The scripts written here by Mori don't mean that they can be used immediately. If they are just copying and pasting, of course, there is nothing. But these scripts have to be added to the game to make the script match the performance of the game perfectly. So senxia's work is ahead of the final deadline, otherwise, it will affect other aspects.

Qianjia asked others to prepare materials first, and then wait for the script from senxia, but the time was limited. Senxia had to deal with all these things before the end of the golden week.

"But there are still many things in the end. Is senxia Jun really OK?" Ji ye asked again."Well, probably, we can only find foreign aid in this respect. If we can find some excellent script writers, there should be no problem." Qian Jia thought.

"If it doesn't work out, maybe I can help." Ji ye said kindly.

"Well, Ji ye, go and do your business. Your work is also very busy. I can't give you any trouble over here." Qian Jia waved her hand. "Don't worry. In fact, I don't know the excellent script maker. If it's really impossible, I'll try to ask someone to help us do it, even if it's by special means."

“……” Sanger caught a glance at Qian Jia, and he wanted to make complaints about it. But when he looked back, he looked at his computer screen. He finally sighed and then went back to the code. Although

wants to make complaints about the way to do so, it is urgent to get the right to do things.

Well, in order to make myself no longer hard to burst liver. This is the only time.

After lunch in the afternoon, Sen Xia still stayed here to work, while Qian Jia left for animic club.

When she comes to the club. If the society is serious, the work will be cold.

Daisuke Ono is now tuning for Zun sang, while Ayana goes to Waseda University to work with Wang Qiwen to do the program together. Nanai is still in the process of practicing songs, so Laoxu is the only one here for the time being.

"Lao Xu, how is your work over there?"

Qian Jia got together.

"Senxia Jun. I managed to finish the work there. Now I'm working on the RPG script. " Lao Xu also yawned after saying that. It could be seen that he was also exhausted at this time.

Although Lao Xu finished all the work at the first time, it was just a GALGAME. Lao Xu still has RPG script to do, so the follow-up work can't be given to him.

"I've sent the script to Mr. shawson." Lao Xu added after yawning.

"Well, hard work."

Qian Jia nodded and took out a notebook. She looked at the contents of the notebook and seemed to be thinking about something.

"What is Miss Qianjia looking at?" Lao Xu asked curiously.

"I was able to contact the Scripter, but there was not much time. In terms of style, there seems to be no match for senxia... " Qianjia has collected all the information she can collect these two days, but it can be seen that she is not very satisfied.

At this time, the door of the club was opened.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen." The people who came in were Zun sang and Ono Daisuke.

"Oh, good afternoon, Zun sang, Da Fu Jun Qian Jia also said hello to him.

"Congratulations. It's amazing to be able to work with a big company like Sega. " Zun congratulated Qian Jia.

After all, from Zun's point of view, it is indeed a good thing to be able to cooperate with a large company like Sega.

However, he found that Qianjia and Laoxu did not look very good.

"That What happened? " Zun asked curiously.

"Zun sang, although it's good to cooperate with Sega, it's too tight for everyone to bear." Next to the Da Fu euphemistically said a word.

"I see. I'm sorry." Zun sincerely apologized to them, "my side has been inspired recently, so the production speed of BGM is very fast. GALGAME is almost finished. RPG should be able to apply most of the work. Well, is there anything I can help you with? "

Qian Jia shook his head and said, "Zun sang should finish the BGM version of RPG together now. After all, it has added the combat part. As far as this is concerned, the main remaining part of us is the script. "

The background depends on Wunei and outsourcing, so there is no problem. CG and Lihui and Jiye have temporarily hired several assistants to help. They are all famous people in the industry, so there should be no problem. Now the most troublesome place is the script. There is no problem with Sega in terms of procedures. In terms of audit and channel, they have already turned on the green light, waiting for the crown of evil Dinner.

Zun can also draw and write programs, but the script is not so simple.

"I see. I'm sorry, it doesn't really help. " Zun nodded.

Then he seemed to think of something, and said to Qianjia: "by the way, although not a scriptwriter, I know a person who can write something. I think his standard is very good. If I ask him, he may be able to help him a little bit?"

"Oh? Who is Zun Sang's favorite Qian Jia asked curiously.

"Oh, he's my drinking friend. His name is Fujia Yangxing. I remember his pen name was Dragon Knight 07..."

……According to the research of the Japanese station, the original name of Dragon Knight 07 is fujiaoyangxing, but his younger brother is called bajiaoying, which should be a pseudonym.

It seems that the ID of the company is owned by the fans when a sea cat is crying. It should not be me.

Long 7 himself neither admits nor denies the name.

However, this is a parallel universe. Let's call it this owo. Anyway, the play is called Dragon Knight, which has no effect.

Today's second watch! Look, I've been updating on time recently. Give me two monthly tickets (to be continued. )

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