After seeing the hateful guy's post, Ichiro kurima thought about it day and night. He wanted to see the hateful guy eat the keyboard.

As a result, Ichiro kurima couldn't sleep all night.

Although the main line has been cleared, Ichiro kurima completed the real ending with the help of the strategy, but for Ichiro kurima, these are not enough.

At this time, he even regretted why he wanted to see the strategy.

Ichiro kurima was very concerned about the whole story, so he went to see the strategy, but after reading it, his heart felt empty, and there was no sense of achievement to achieve the game.

And a lot of the content of the plot, he is after seeing the final outcome of the sudden realization.

"One more hit!"

Anyway, unable to sleep, Ichiro kurima simply started the game again. He disconnected the network, then shook his head and forced himself to forget the posts he sent and saw on the network.

In the crown of sin, there are many settings that are related before and after. When you see this part of the plot without knowing it, you just think that it is a very common setting. But once you see the real ending and look back at this part, you will have a feeling of the original.

People with apocalypse, for example, will crystallize and die. If you just look at the initial settings, you will probably think that this is just the result of this virus, but at the end of the day, they found that the foreshadowing of all crystallization.

Cough, actually this part. Mori is a reference to Naruto unlimited monthly reading a little set.

After opening the main line of the game, Ichiro kurima thinks it is necessary to make the ending of the branch plot. Although it is the route of others, Ichiro kurima speculates whether there are some hidden settings in it?

With that in mind. Ichiro kurima is ready to start attacking others.

The first character he chose was shinomiya ayasai.

She was paralyzed in her legs and moved in a wheelchair. Although she works as a wheelchair every day, she has excellent driving skills and can drive humanoid mecha for activities.

As for why Ichiro kurima chose her, it was because Ichiro kurima found that shinomi ayaseti in tights was really great. The beautiful posture makes Ichiro kurima think of the two lovely cosers seen on CM last winter.

The more common enemies in the plot are probably mecha and Crystal Beast. However, in the main line, these branches are not actually launched. However, in the route of shinomi ayalai, the setting of mecha is excavated.

In this route. Sakura Manji goes deep into shinomiya's heart. In this route, the past of ayatase shinomiya was revealed. At this time, the black island doctor learned that this young girl who had always looked very strong had such a dark history. She was paralyzed in the "Lost Christmas" ten years ago, and her parents died in that disaster. There is only a little girl named shinomi ayasai who lives alone.

Different from the main line, this route basically revolves around shiaomiya ayatasi. In this route, she not only has a tragic past, but also is abused in the plot. She is even arrested and almost transformed. But in the end, Sakura Manji saves the other party.

The play was not written by mori, but it was also brilliant. In particular, shinomiya ayatase, a strong girl, has been shaped to be very plump.

This part of the script was written by Ji Zong Gang Ji. If according to this person's urination, she must have been killed in the past and in the future. In the end, there must be no place to die. Fortunately, there is an outline for mori. Therefore, Jizong Gangji can only abuse Xiaogong lingse and at least keep her virginity. Congratulations Congratulations.

The end of shinomiya's Setai line is that sakurami takes the other party all the way to overthrow the GHQ organization, which dominates the world, and then liberates human beings. Although the virus has not been solved, the research on vaccine has begun, which can be regarded as a general ending. However, the final battle of mecha is very interesting and gives people a very hot feeling.

After passing the line of shinaogong Ayase, Ichiro kurima entered the line of school ceremony.

There are many common plots in this line. In the original story, the school sacrifice sacrificed herself to help yingmanji. In this line, the players know that the school section sacrifice has been infected by the Apocalypse virus, and she will die soon. Moreover, she will be infected by an inexplicable evil consciousness every night. If you play through the true ending of the main line, you will know This consciousness is actually Gaia. Because she realized this, she chose to sacrifice herself.

In this plot, the pure heart and excellent qualification of school Tiao Ji are valued by Gaia, and finally they are enemies of yingmanji. In this route, the role of Piqi has changed from lover to comrade in arms. Both sides have a good feeling for each other, but the school memorial ceremony is the most popular one for yingmanji.

At the end of the script, Liu Qi helps yingmanji resist the enemy, while yingmanji and xuetiaoji fall in love and kill each other. Finally, Gaia's love moves Gaia. Then Gaia gradually retreats and chooses to observe human beings for a period of time. Yingmanji and xiaotiaoji live in seclusion.This part of the plot is also brilliant, and also reveals part of the plot. The route of school ceremony was written by Nai Shu mushroom. Compared with Jizong Gangji, which is easy to play off, naisu's control over the plot is obviously much higher. However, this part is not entirely due to mushroom alone. This branch line is the longest except for the main line. Lao Xu also contributes a lot here.

These branches are not over yet, but Ichiro kurima has exhausted his energy at this time. Instead of continuing the game, he quit the game and entered the forum. Some people will have already taken advantage of similar information.

Sure enough, when Ichiro kurima came to the forum, he immediately found that someone was saying that he had finished playing with the arista route in the shrine.

Alisha is the successor of the foundation and admirer of the man No.2. In the game, it is also a very easy role to blacken. This person Tucao himself has been killed four times by the other party in order to make complaints about the hospital.

Although the brother was badly hurt, the result was still good. In this route, sakurami successfully convinced the sacrificial yuan consortium. Finally, with their support, the funeral service went to victory. They finally stopped the plot behind the scenes, and Gaia finally chose the Observer class.

This route was written by dragon knight 07. Although the plot of the branch line is not long, the process is still ups and downs, that is, the blackened shrine of Alisha is more terrible.

"In fact, the most interesting thing is the line of Chiung Shen Ya. Why don't you understand it?"

After reading this post, Ichiro kurima suddenly found a strange post.

Eh, by the way, it seems that there is a line of Chiung Shen Ya in the script?

Although I know, but Ichiro kurima did not have the courage to play this route, boys and boys and so on, it is simply lying in a trough.

But Wait a minute. Sakura Manji and Chiung Shenya are boys and boys, but they seem to be no worse.

Although I don't have the courage to play, it seems interesting to watch others play.

Thinking of this, Ichiro kurima opened this post.

To enter the line of Chiung Shenya, the requirements are very strict. Basically, you need to trust each other unconditionally, and then save him when he is about to sacrifice. At this time, he will enter the line of Chiung Shenya.

The plot of Ya line is basically that the two men work together to fight against the GHQ organization. According to this guy, the most wonderful part of the story is that in this part, there are the investigation contents of Chiung Shenya and yingmanji sneaking into the higher reception organized by GHQ, and in this plot, yingmanji has women's clothes! And it's said to be super beautiful!


And Sakura's women's wear?

Speaking of, who is the person who posted this post? Why can he play this route? Is it a rotten girl?

All kinds of ideas immediately came into his mind.

Sakura Manji's women's dress is the most interesting part of the script, and the man also said that the women's clothing of Sakura Manji seems to be similar to that of Jiqi.

"I see. It's also a hint." Kurima Ichiro has already passed the customs clearance for a long time. Naturally, he knows that he is actually the missing body created by the real name of Sakura Manji's sister Sakura man. The content of this play is a hint.

Originally Ya is a person who looks forward to yingmanji very much. After seeing the women's clothes of Sakura Manji, Chiung Shenya at this time is directly occupied. After this story, there are many comparisons between them "Magic" plot.

At this time, the man said that he was actually a boy. At first, he played this route only because it was interesting. He thought that this route was a more spoof route. But when he went on playing, he found that this route was not ordinary, and the Sakura collection of women's clothes was simply super cute and had wood!

Originally, this guy thought that it was strange for the two boys to be together, but after playing that plot, he found that he seemed to be "broken off". This kind of plot not only didn't feel strange, but also felt good.

Such a magical plot?

Ichiro kurima is also surprised. He and his brother have the same idea. He also thinks that this route is just a joke, but the reality does not seem to be the same thing.

Heidao's curiosity was raised.

However, before Ichiro kurima went back to try, he saw another post.

"Now eat the keyboard live!"

Ichiro kurima took a look, the person who posted this post is the tiger skin cat in the battle!


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