PS. I'd like to present today's update. By the way, I'd like to draw a vote for "starting point" 515 fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. I'll give you some starting coins. Please kneel down for your support and appreciation!

In the end, senxia did not say any words of comfort to Qianjia.

When she saw Qianjia leave, she realized that she didn't need to say anything.

Everything is in silence.

From the beginning, I think too much. As long as they can stay together, all problems seem to be gone.

Well, that's what it feels like. It's just like this.

Senxia's heart seems to have realized something.

Out of the bathroom, the cold air from the air conditioning let Sen Xia feel a chill, he seems to feel that his whole person has a lot of spirit.


As soon as he came out, he saw Yi Ji standing at the door waiting for himself.

"Have you been waiting here?" Senxia asked in surprise.

Yi Ji nodded: "yes, I've been waiting here except for the master's clothes."

"Isn't it necessary?"

Senxia some not adapt to, he at this time, it seems that some really understand the meaning of Tianhai Yiji as his personal maid.

Well, she is not an ordinary maid. On the other hand, she is a teacher who teaches senxia to do things like this and that.

Speaking of, will the other party still have that thing at this time?

Senxia's eyes focused on Yi Ji's skirt. Before, there were some very zombie and dirty props inside. I don't know if I'm still here

As if aware of senxia's eyes, Yi Ji said, "I know this is the host's interest. If you want to see something like this or that, please turn on the switch. Please rest assured. I don't reject this kind of behavior, and if the host suddenly turns on the remote control without my knowledge, it will be a surprise to me. Rather, I would be very happy if the host could do something like this and that to me

If Yi Ji says this to himself with a delicate face now. Senxia must have had a heart beating, but the other party is now a faceless woman What do you want me to say?

The other side looks at himself without expression. Now Mori really doesn't know what to say.

“…… Sister Yi Ji, do you always look like this

Mori Xia insinuated a question.

"As the master's maid, I'm just facing the master with the most real attitude and face." Yi Ji said briefly.

"Don't you do something else?" Senxia is very curious about why Yi Ji always looks like this.

"If that's what the host wants. I can play any role you want to see, and I've been through basic actor training. " Yi Ji said simply, "as for my original personality, that is what I am now. Master, do you need me to make a change? "

“…… No, I-I'm just curious why you're always expressionless Next to the senxia gaped.

"I don't mean to be expressionless, I just feel that unnecessary expressions are unnecessary. In fact, my love for you is incomparable Well, in addition to the relationship between the master and the servant, you are actually in line with my aesthetic sense. If I can do something like this or that with my master, I will be very honored. "

I don't know why. I feel so ashamed

Senxia's heart is tangled at this time.

Although they had never lived in the foreign Pavilion before, senxia and Xue also had rooms here. But it was a long time ago. At that time, senxia and Xue were still sleeping in the same bed.

“…… So I want to rest in the same room as snow? "

When she reached the front of the room, senxia stopped.

"Hi, I live next door to the host. You and miss xuenai don't need to cultivate feelings. As long as you finish the last step, I will be responsible for guiding the host. " There was no change in the expression on Yi Ji's face, but senxia could clearly feel that the other party was saying to herself, "come on, master!" The feeling.

"But miss xuenai should be bathing in the open-air bath now. The master can make preparations in advance By the way, I still need the owner's help to install the equipment

When hearing the last words of Yi Ji, the corners of senxia's mouth twitched.

"Well, I don't think it's necessary?"

Senxia felt that it was really unnecessary. She always felt strange.

"But I think master, you should like these things very much. Why oppose them at this time?" Yi Ji tilted his head, his face showed a rare expression of doubt.

You don't want to ask me about this, you go to ask some unknown mysterious crab God mouth tooth!However, at this time, senxia suddenly thought of what he had said with Qianjia.

Speaking of it, it seems that I am not dirty enough. I am not dirty enough

Originally at this time, senxia should have refused, but at this time, senxia found that she did not seem to be able to open her mouth.

I want to say something, but I feel I can't say it.

Yes, are you going to pollute yourself?

To be honest, senxia really doesn't have any antipathy to Yi Ji's words. If there is a girl who can let herself do things like this and that, senxia thinks that she still feels great. After all, senxia is also a gentleman. As a theoretical gentleman, if she can have the opportunity to practice, how can she let go?

Before meeting with Qianjia, Sen Xia asked that she would probably refuse, but now she finds that she has no way to refuse.

"I'll open the door for you."

Ichi opens the door.

Senxia nodded stiffly and walked into the room.

He did not refuse.

Sometimes, no rejection means acquiescence.

"Hi This is the device. "

Ichi took out a chastity belt.

This chastity belt is similar to the one that Mori Xia saw on Youdao Yudai in the auspicious courtyard. But it seems more delicate.

However, Sen Xia noticed that the belt of this "iron underpants" seems to be thicker than that of Youdao Yudai.

Then senxia found out. It seems that there are some protruding ellipses on the inner side of the iron sheet that passes through the crotch.

"This is a custom-made device. The remote control can be opened with the one on your hand."

Before, senxia once got a remote control from Yi Ji. This remote control can not only control the one on Yi Ji, but also the one in her hand.


Senxia took a sip of water.

This situation makes Sen Xia think of some galgames and scenes in the novel. You should push yourself down, right?

Clearly is a seemingly three no role, but at this time, Sen Xia in the heart is produced a kind of impulse.

Yi Ji's every move seemed to have a kind of magic, this kind of magic force completely stripped the outside wall of senxia, let Sen Xia's heart exposed.

"You Can you stand it? " Senxia asked.

"If it's just such a device, it's nothing. In order to satisfy the owner, after the master investigated the master's hobbies, I used to wear it 24 hours a day and turn the switch on for training. Although it was very simple at the beginning, now there is no problem, in daily life. The master can turn on my switch completely, which will not affect me After finishing this sentence, Yi Ji was stunned and said, "sorry, master, maybe I shouldn't train. The host turns on the switch all of a sudden in everyday life. It should be just to see my shy expression? "

"Er I won't do that kind of thing... " Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

Although Sen Xia felt that she was a very virtuous person, but at this time. I have to say, senxia is really moved.

Try to think about it. If there is a device like this under Ichi at this time

By the way, it seems that Qianjia has said that he wants to make such a thing. It seems interesting to install one for Qianjia at this time.

Qianjia likes to wear silk stockings very much. It seems to have a feeling to use silk stockings with that kind of equipment. Unfortunately, Qianjia doesn't seem to be able to use Mr. Jiao. Otherwise, it would be more interesting?

Ah, what's more, if Qianjia gets one of these things at this time, Lihua will definitely install some of them in her urine.

What Yiji just said is very dirty, but what I have to say is that after installing this kind of thing, and then turning on the switch unexpectedly, it seems that some very wonderful things will happen.

Well, although Lihua sometimes says some very strange lines, she herself is the most moral (though also the most dirty) among the three of them. After that, she will be very shy, right?

The key is not the props themselves, but the subtle reactions caused by the installation of this device, the coyness of girls, which is the most precious treasure in the world?

At this time, senxia was even delusional about what kind of wonderful things would happen after that kind of picture appeared.

"No, no, no, I shouldn't think about it now..."

Senxia shook her head and went back to reality.

His eyes turned to Ichi's face.


Her face is very beautiful, although it is not snow, but their pure and beautiful, but Yi Ji has a kind of "big sister" general breath, and with the other person's "three noes" feeling, forming the unique charm of Yi Ji.The face of Yi Ji appears coquettish expression?

Senxia says it's hard to imagine.

"Master, is it like pushing me down now? Although I'd like to, miss xuenai should be in front of me. Before that, I think it's better for the master to find a way to communicate with Miss xuenai. " After hearing Yi Ji's words, senxia finally calmed down.

"Cough, cough, it's nothing like that. I just think if you wear this kind of thing, will it be too hard for you?" Senxia changed the subject.

Yi Ji shook his head: "this is absolutely not. Miss xuenai once asked me this question before. I told her that even if it is long-term wear, it will not be a problem Well, but miss is still in the developing stage, so if she wants to wear it, she should change it every few months, and the style that can be clean is not suitable for girls who have not experienced such and such things

“——!” Senxia almost forgot that Xue is also from the action school. If she is really curious about such things at this time, it is really dangerous.

Although xuenai had been wearing a lot of unruly clothes before, they were all left by her mother. Xuenai could be said to have been influenced by her. However, Sen Xia thought that it was better not to let xuenai contact with such a dirty thing.

"Master, you may have misunderstood miss xuenai?" Yi Ji's voice suddenly rang again.

"Ah?" Senxia looked up in amazement.


Noticing senxia's expression, Yi Ji is silent for a moment.

"Please don't mind, master. That's all. I'm going to change the device now."

After Yiji said this, she opened her skirt and pulled it all the way to her mouth. She bit the lace skirt with her teeth and took out the device inside.

Then, she untied the garter belt which was used to fix the socks beside the device, and gently pulled the black silk socks off.

Reason tells senxia that he should look away and even stop the other party at this time, but on the other hand, the soul of gentleman makes senxia's eyes unable to move.

Anyway, it's the sister who taught me to do things like this and that. It should be said that Normal?

Moriha's brain is at war between man and nature.

On the other side, Yi Ji has taken off his high-heeled boots and gently takes the stockings off his legs.

Yi Ji's legs are very white, there is a kind of white in the red luster, smooth and slender skin, this is simply art general, intoxicating.

Yiji put the stockings and garters aside and took the black metal chubby.

This chastity belt should be customized according to Yi Ji's size. She gently put it on her body, which seems to fit perfectly.

Looking from the outside, she didn't find the "secret" inside. However, senxia knew that there was something protruding inside the iron underpants. She should have blushed and heartbeat when she was replaced by other girls. However, Yi Ji had no expression at this time.

If it's sister Yi Ji, it seems that it's really great to wear such a expressionless and gentlemanly outfit

Such an idea sprang up in senxia's heart.

After confirming that she has put it on, Yi Ji fastens her belt, but does not lock it. Instead, she opens the button on the belt, and then inserts the prepared batteries into the belt one by one.

Then, Yi Ji looked at Sen Xia: "the basic dress is ready, master, would you like to turn on the switch and test it now?"


Today is still a two in one chapter. From tomorrow, we should be able to restore our moral integrity. Mukakakaka

[it will be 515 soon. I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. On May 15, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, must be better! 】(to be continued. )

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