According to Sen Xia's original idea, he wanted to make a fantasy world type of harmonious gentleman game.

Fantasy world is the most convenient thing to develop gentry plot.

In Mori's opinion, there are two systems that are most suitable for gentlemen to develop. One is science fiction and the other is fantasy. However, compared with science fiction, fantasy has a higher degree of freedom. What kind of clothes are made of tentacles, what is the demon that depends on girls' reproduction, and what magic can only be increased by pushing down. These are super convenient gentry plots Content of.

But at this moment, Sen Xia, has not a complete idea, so he thinks it is really good to see such a post.

Will ani fans play gentleman's game?

Nonsense, of course! And we're doing it now!

Of course, this is not done in the name of ani fans, but in the D club which uses the vest.

"- don't be wishful thinking. How could the official produce such a thing?"

Sen Xia point opened this post, and immediately saw someone make complaints about the document.


Should this be said to be a bad start?

"- 2L well, don't be so serious. I think it will be very interesting if ani fan club can make this kind of game. "Sin crown" this game mode, I have played so many RPG have never seen, this wonderful RPG, really super interesting ah! -

agree with 3L aro Hasan that this wonderful RPG is very good.

ah, is 4L anasan a girl? -

afterthought, I am a lovely boy ~ -

Nani, the head portrait of anasan clearly said so lovely! -

it's not normal that boys are more cute than girls! "

The world is full of traps. The guys who look like girls on the Internet are not girls. A group of people on

make complaints about a girl's several floors, until they are back, and finally someone is discussing it.

"- Sin crown RPG version has many interesting touches. I think that if ani club wants to play 18 games, it will probably be similar to this RPG type, but in terms of content and form, there may be a big gap with the crown of sin. The reasons are as follows:... "

Nowadays, most of the 18 games belong to the AVG category of word adventure. This type of RPG is relatively rare in the market.

The student on the 21st floor, however, made a detailed analysis of the situation of ani fan club.

This classmate wrote enough more than 3000 words, even Sen Xia saw, also felt some admiration.

First of all, he analyzed the basic situation. First of all, he thought that the boss of ani fan club, Mr. Xia Sen, was a senior high school student, which proved that the ANI fan club would not play 18 games. Even if it was to play games, it would certainly not use the name of ani fan club. This is not only the reason why we want to do it or not, but also because if ani fan club does 18, it will have a negative effect on the title of "writer of high school students".

After determining this premise, the brother again analyzed the situation of senxia. On the premise that he was sure that teacher Xiasen could play the gentleman's game, he thought that the other party would adopt the name of the vest club, and should make a game that was very different from the evil crown. In this way, the association of others could be avoided.

After seeing this post, senxia and Qianjia looked at each other.

Obviously, the analysis of this brother is quite reasonable.

Because of this long post, everyone in the back also began to use brain holes.

"- I think that you can use a role similar to Gong Xiaolu Ruizhen, which is very interesting to use -

well, my elder sister is a boy! -

do you think there are girls who are more attractive than their older sisters! -

I was speechless... "

"- my taste is a little bit special. I care more about children with adult feminine temperament. If I can, my elder sister will push back. I think I can say it with love! -

since it's RPG, I think it's interesting if we can control the character to degenerate slowly -

I agree with you on the above one, but I personally think that M That is to say, mind control is more interested. Whether it is hypnosis or magic, I think it is very good. By the way, if I can, I hope I can replace the heroine's common sense, and then let the heroine take h's affairs as a proper behavior. I can't hold on to the thought that the serious heroine is doing the industrious things... "

It seems that everyone's opinions are quite interesting.

Of course, there are also those who are unanimously criticized. There is an ID named amber online game, which is vigorously advocating sleeping and NTR, and also describes a very bad scene. Although everyone is very dirty, in a variety of senses, the children in this forum are very pure. After seeing such a heavy taste, this amber classmate has been unanimously criticized and despised."Just from the point of view, it seems to be really good. What do you think, Sonia? " After seeing these people's brain holes, Qianjia thought these ideas seemed to be quite good.

"Well, it's good in every sense." Senxia nodded seriously.

"What are you going to do?" Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia.

"If it's the case, let's go as it is now. 3D games are not something that can be achieved overnight. Before that, we can make some other kinds of industrial gentry games to accumulate experience. " This is senxia's view.

From the beginning of production, Sen Xia felt that if he could make a suitable 3D masterpiece in 2002 or 2003, it would be great. Before that, he still focused on other types of gentleman's games.

Of course, this does not mean that senxia gives up. On the contrary, Mori attaches great importance to 3D games.

So after thinking about these, Mori added: "but these suggestions can be absorbed. Start with RPG in 2D, and then gradually develop into 3D. In this way, it can be a smooth transition."

"Oh, what do you think about that?" Qian Jia asked again.

"Ah? No, I'm going to write a new book, so I won't think about anything else before that. "

The book "the sky of fate", senxia is ready to write it out.

Although it's called "the space of fate", it's actually in the original world, and it's all about selling dog meat with sheep's head. The content in this is senxia's own thing.

It's rare that Xue likes this story so much. Although Sen Xia intended to make fun of it before, she wants to write this story.

Anyway, it was just a short story. Mori estimated that it would be finished in about three months.

"Oh, I see. Can you show me?" Qianjia is very interested in Sen Xia's novels. After hearing that senxia has a new novel, Qianjia comes to be interested.

"Probably something like serious literature, specifically When I have finished the outline, I will talk about it

Xuenai is here now. Sen Xia thinks it's OK to tell Qianjia this story. Even if she doesn't, she will know sooner or later. But now the snow is here. At this time, it seems strange to tell the story.

"Well, I'll look forward to it a little bit. Maybe senxia Jun, what kind of award can you win in the future? I'm very optimistic about you. " Qianjia is full of confidence in Sen Xia.

"Hi." Senxia immediately nodded.

"But" but at this time, Qianjia suddenly changed the subject.

"Is there anything else?" Sen Xia looks at Qianjia in doubt.

"But before that, I hope Sen Xiajun can finish your work earlier, because later, the drama club will ask you for help. If you have affected your practice because of your work, it will be troublesome. Now, it is not long before the cultural festival." Qianjia stands up and looks at Sen Xia with her waist crossed.

"Ah? Talk about the drama club? "

What the hell is this!

I have never heard of the drama club!

Senxia and Huahua drama club do not have a big intersection. Although she once helped each other, it was a long time ago. The last time she remembered, she handed the script of "girl in love with sister 2" to each other.

But it was all written by Qianjia in response to the requirements of the other side. After writing, senxia left this matter behind, and that was before the summer vacation.

Has entered October, senxia was suddenly mentioned this matter, his head is a bit muddled, it is not easy to completely react to come over.

"Let senxia Jun help you, senxia, don't worry. We won't pull you to be a heroine or something."

Hearing Qianjia's words, senxia was a little relieved.

Fortunately, it's great not to perform such strange things.

After all, director Keiko Saito has been a great help to the animation production of "girl in love with her sister" and the establishment of Musashino animation. It's understandable that Mori used to help, as long as it's not the same as last year.

With Qianjia's assurance, senxia finally relaxed a little.

But Qian Jia's next word broke the fantasy of Sen Xia.

"Huizi means that this time Mori Xia Jun, you can directly play the leading role!"

"Ah, ah, ah?"

Sen Xia looks confused.


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