However, Sonia's plan changed slightly because of something. In short, it was delayed until after November.

The reason why the plan was delayed was that someone came to see Sen Shara to invest.

Senxia has always been the only one to seek investment from others. However, at this time, it was the first time that someone even asked them to invest.

And this whole thing, Sen Xia still can't ignore, because this person who comes to pull investment is called Xicun Bozhi.

Well, it's Nishimura Bozhi, who once met with Mori Xia before.

Nishimura Bozhi is the founder of the original "2CH" in history.

And this time, I don't know if it is because Mori has accelerated the progress of the Internet in Japan, and Nishimura's 2CH seems to be coming out ahead of time.

In fact, the most interested in this plan is not Mori Xia, but Qianjia.

As a matter of fact, when senxia is planning for little brother Ma, Qianjia here has already obtained the documents used by the other party to pull investment.

"I think it's very good, this plan!"

Senxia had just finished with little brother Ma, and then went back home. Qianjia over there threw the Xicun Bozhi's plan to senxia.

"I'm very busy today. Please let me go, sister!" Senxia, who had been tossed the document all over her face, was twitching at this time.

"Isn't it necessary?" Qian Jia raised her eyebrows and said, "Sen Xia, didn't you think that the forum of our club should be independent? I think now is an opportunity."

At the beginning, senxia's forum was regarded as an official forum. Their official news was released here. With various qicq and promotion in Manzhan, their forum gradually became popular.

But now their forum has some problems: the development of the forum limited in the official name will certainly be limited in the future.

"Now, this is a better way to make things."

Qian Jia has a point.

Because of this thing, senxia thought of a very legendary thing - Du Niang.

Well, Du Niang post bar is definitely a far-reaching thing. How many professional forums have gradually declined due to the emergence of Du Niang post bar?

Search engine with this post bar system, the effect is better.

However, this is not a simple thing, involving this aspect, it may involve the search engine.

Although there is no Du Niang in this era, and Google Niang has just been established, it is not a simple thing to do a search engine.

Senxia's own job is still games. It can be extended to animation, and then to software industry.

But to continue to say

It's not impossible. Shan senxia thinks it's too early to do so.

"Our size is not big enough. Is there really no problem in doing so many things?" Senxia looks at Qianjia.

“…… That's what I said... " Qianjia also noticed this problem, "but it seems that it's not good to leave it alone like this! I think this is a great opportunity for development. "

Qianjia looks at Sen Xia with excited eyes, which makes Sen Xia feel super uncomfortable all over.


"So, it's up to senxia Jun for this matter." Qian Jia smiles.

"Bridge bean sack (wait a minute)!" Senxia looked at Qianjia without anger: "this kind of thing should at least be sorted out. According to the current situation, we don't have the margin to do other things."

"So it is." Qian Jia nodded, "then postpone until after the Cultural Festival, at least before that, first solve the matter at hand."

The cultural festival has only half a month left, which is the closest event to them.

"That's fine." Sen Xia nodded, "when the time comes, you can discuss with brother Ma, and qicq linkage is better. [love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ net wqu] "

" that's it For Mori's treatment, Qianjia also agreed. Anyway, brother Ma has already made a qicq. It's not bad to play with some things in the past. It's not bad to be able to work harder. Otherwise, how can you afford the investment from senxia

After finishing this matter, Qianjia changed his words: "how do we deal with the affairs here?"

"I think it's worth investing." Sen Xia thinks that it's interesting to be able to do 2CH, and 2CH is anonymous. Everything that can't be said and bullshit in the official forum will be taken for granted.

Senxia felt that there was something wrong with such a thing.But if senxia wants to make a 2CH or something on his own side, he is not interested. But if someone else has done this, he should invest a little on his side and maintain some influence. This is enough.

After making a decision, things will be easy after that.

"Now several anonymous versions of the outside are constantly doing things, and now Nishimura does a 2CH exit, I think it can seize the opportunity to seize the market." Senxia first agreed with the work of Nishimura Bozhi, but then senxia said, "but other aspects will be ignored."

We are not going to enter the film and television industry, nor to save the school park that is about to be abolished. At this time, there is no need to do those extraneous things.

"It seems that you are not interested in anything other than your interest." Qian Jia said casually.

"You are talking about yourself."

Usually in class, they all look like a pair of high and cold. Students who don't know think Qianjia is the flower of kaolin

However, in fact, this lady is actually a teaser who can do anything for her interest

"Hello, Hello, senxia Jun, I always feel that you are thinking about something very impolite!"

"No, your illusion." Senxia waved her hand calmly.

When he was talking, Qianjia waved his hand: "well, forget it, this problem is almost over here. As expected, let's have a look at this first."

Qianjia greets Sen Xia to the living room together.

Then, Qianjia took out a DC.

"Did you move DC from the apartment?"

Senxia and they already have the DC of the engineering machine. Although it can't be said to be the official version, it's not bad to use it.

"No, I've got another one."

Hearing Qianjia's words, senxia's mouth twitched for a moment.

This kind of engineering machine or something, it's really nice to have someone on it.

After Qianjia opened the DC, it put a CD into it.

"I showed you the crown of sin last time. This time, I'll look at the new one."

After Qian Jia finished, he opened the game.

"Why, this is it?"

When senxia saw the game, she was also surprised.

This is not a game, but a game making software: RPGmaker.

To be precise, the software is called RPGmaker DC.


Senxia also made RPGmaker, and it is nearly finished now. However, it is a little surprised that the DC version can be completed so quickly.

"At the beginning, DC said that it would be listed in October, and it was expected that it would not be able to catch up with it. But now, if it is delayed for a month, the first round can barely catch up with it. So I'll try it first."

Senxia and their team will launch the galame version and RPG version of the crown of sin on DC. During this period, they have been working hard in this direction. Now, with one more game, there will be almost five games.

Don't get me wrong, RPGmaker is not a game. Mori's calculation of the game is the story of the dead city, the biochemical crisis of Nobita Nobita and the corpse party.

Well, yes, it's a corpse party, not some kind of 18x game.

One of the reasons for this game is, of course, that there can be no 18 X Games on DC. The concept of "* *" and "18 push" is different. Although there can be "18 push" on DC, there can be no "* *".

So the pure meat exposed game, of course, there is no way, but play edge ball and take the bloody route of the game, of course, is OK.

At this time, Mori naturally thought of the "corpse party" game.

Well, for another reason, it's simpler, that is, the corpse party game is a healing game.

As long as it is a cure system, Sen Xia likes it.

By the way, the basic files in the game production package are all common, but the starters on DC and PC are different. In other words, the game made on DC, whether DC or PC, can run. The difference is that the starter used to start is different.

However, these games are still in production. Qianjia does not want to play these games, but enters the game production interface.

That's the point.

The production interface is divided into the main interface and the menu bar. The menu bar can adjust various data and terrain in the game. The main interface is the place for the manufacturer to operate, which is also the interface seen by players in the game.

"I think we can put this on the forum." Qian Jia suddenly said.

"What?" Senxia asked.

Qian Jia smiles: "we can let players recruit teams and set up working groups on the Internet. Isn't that very interesting?""Why? That's a good idea. " Although the previous opinion is not reliable, but this idea is still very good, especially to facilitate the game makers to communicate, this is indeed a very good plan.

It seems that the independence of the forum is going to accelerate


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