"It's killing me..."

Save the manuscript of 20000 words, and then backup it. Sen Xia rubbed the corner of his eyes.

If you look at the time, it's already ten o'clock in the evening. From noon to now, he and his sister have been working for ten hours in a row.


Slightly moved the body, legs immediately spread a burst of crisp numbness feeling, senxia simply lay down on the ground.

"How much have you done here?" Asked the student.

"About 20000 words, but now the brain is a little dull, I have a little rest." At work, senxia didn't feel tired, but after taking a rest, she felt tired.

"Well, well, try this demo." The elder sister handed several floppy disks to Sen Xia.

"Well All right Senxia took the floppy disk, then stood up, went to her backpack and took out a floppy drive, and then connected it to her ThinkPad. There is no floppy drive in this notebook of senxia, so it is only through this way to contact. In the era of no USB, floppy disk and floppy drive are the most common data exchange platform, sometimes even more than the network of this era Convenient.

The resolution of the game is 640 × 480, which is the general resolution this year.

After entering the game, the preliminary scene has been provided, and the voice has not been added for the time being. In addition, BGM has not been put in. However, if you look at the screen, it seems that the situation is OK. The forest scene that appears at the beginning of the game gives people a bright feeling. It's really good.

But the characters are embarrassed. The characters themselves are not. But this painting

Well, it's a white oval background, and then it's written in Japanese with the shape of "vertical drawing". This is the vertical drawing!

"How harmonious it is Make complaints about Sangha.

"Bear with me. After two days, when Ji Ye's painting is finished, we can replace it directly." She yawned, "what do you care about this kind of thing?"

"Forget it Anyway, I'll look at the process first. "

The scene of the game is very good, and there is no problem in the first half of the process. She tried to correct the game herself before. It can be seen that she has spent a lot of effort on this.

"Well, it feels good."

However, before the program is finished, any problems may arise, so we should not be careless.

Mori looked up and looked ahead. The light outside the window seemed to be dimmer. Shitiangu district is not the center of the city. It doesn't have the spirit of night city.

"But we didn't seem to have dinner..." Before Mori Xia's voice fell, her head was leaning on her shoulder.

She fell asleep.

Sen Xia Leng for a moment, he did not move, just smile, and then turn off the voice of the game, carefully holding the elder sister lying.

She only wore a pink dress on her body. After she fell asleep, the skin on her chest was exposed.

Senxia stood up, took a blanket on the sofa, and then covered it on her. Then she continued to work.

Although Sen Xia has a lot to write, she has to spend more energy on writing programs.

Now what senxia can do is to finish the work in hand as soon as possible, and then help her share some of the things at hand.



When he woke up from his sleep, Sen Xia found that it was already morning. He was lying on the glass table, covered with a blanket, which was the one he had covered on his sister yesterday, but now she has disappeared.

"I fell asleep..."

The computer is still around, and the manuscript has been saved and backed up. Obviously, his elder sister helped to finish it. Last night, he wrote 10000 words, but when he wrote the last 3000 words, he was already in a trance, so the plot should be rewritten a lot.

The air conditioning in the room has been turned off for a long time, but it is not very hot at this time.

"Well?" Moriha, look at the time. It's eight in the morning.

He noticed that there were two bread and a bottle of milk next to his computer, which should be the breakfast prepared by his sister.

"Are you awake?" Xuejie came from the side of the corridor, she was also wearing a bath towel.

"Well, it seems that I fell asleep by accident." Sen Xia shook his head, and then he stood up with difficulty, but he was stunned when he saw the appearance of her sister.

There's a short circuit in his brain.

"What's the matter, senxia Jun?" The student came to me.

"Keke, Xuejie, how you dress up!" Senxia turned her eyes.

"Oh?" Xuejie looked down at her bath towel, and then got close to Sen Xia's side. She subconsciously stepped back two steps.

"Do you want to see it?" She lowered her voice and came up.

Moriha's heart was pounding.

What should I do at this time?Is it to push it down, or to push it down, or to push it down?

Anyway, is our relationship so familiar?

In this moment, senxia's brain flooded with countless ideas.

Close to Sen Xia's elder sister, she showed a sly smile on her face, and then violently pulled out the bath towel, revealing the bra and hot pants below.

Mori Xia: "it's just

Sen Xia was relieved, but inexplicably appeared in the heart of a somewhat empty loss.

"Do you feel disappointed?" She said with a smile.

"Be careful, sister." Senxia wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"It's just to make you relax. It's just for you to die after a hard day ~"

the elder sister took back the bath towel and said to Sen Xia, "OK, you can take a bath now. It must be very hard for you to be tired for a whole day."

As she spoke, she took out a box of milk and began to sip it. "Besides, these are some bread I just went downstairs to buy. Come and eat it after the bath."

She pointed to a big bag of bread on the side of the TV cabinet. He was surprised: "buy so much?"

"Ah, today's share of the day." She put down the milk and picked up a pair of black stockings and began to put them on.

"And then we'll have a day's bread today?" Sen Xia is embarrassed and has a God.

"I don't mind if you like instant noodles." Xuejie's answer still makes Sen Xia unable to refute.

Whatever it is, bread is better than instant noodles.

"Well, let's take a bath. Our work is just beginning." After she finished, she was sitting in front of the computer again.

"Hoo..." Tired for almost a whole day, senxia was really miserable. He took his clothes and walked to the bathroom. Although Xuejie just joked a little too much, but it can't be denied that this let Sen Xia's spirit sober up a lot.

After taking a bath, I will continue to work


To kill must die is to serve the readers. It is often used in the notice of EVA in a field. Then we mean to sell meat, 233.

Well, I feel OK these two days. After xiaket, I should be able to recover.

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