Snow is serious.

When senxia saw xuenai's serious expression, she realized this.

The shrine is dedicated to the second-dimensional fox lady What's going on!

But there is no doubt that Xue is looking at Hu Xiaoyu as an alternative to Niaoyu shrine.

“…… Wait a minute, why do you give Xiaoyu No, give yuzao a new image? " That's the point.

"You've seen yuzao here before, brother. Those ukiyo style characters may be very popular in Edo period, but God said that young people don't like this style now, so they want to keep pace with the times." Xue Nai said solemnly, "moreover, the Lord also said that in order to expand our influence, we are going to make a sculpture now."

Xuenai said it very well.

However, what appears in Mori's mind at this moment is that at some time in the future, tens of thousands of moon kitchens will come to the bird feather shrine to make a pilgrimage to Xiaoyu Daming.

…… The picture is too beautiful for me to see.

"Oh, that's interesting!" After hearing xuenai's words, Qianjia came to be interested.

This kind of thing is absolutely necessary to join the party.

"Hello, is that ok?" Mori Xia could not calm down, "so casually, really no problem? Although the style of ukiyo painting is very old, but this is also the tradition left by the immortal!"

"Big man, big baby. Milk!" Xue Nai waved her hand, "those things were originally added by someone in the Dazheng period. Before this, there was no jade algae in the bird feather Shrine Well, it's not that there isn't, it's just that it's not so formal. "

"Kuku Ku, is there any hidden history? What an interesting story that was sealed between gods and demons

Lily, if you have something to say, just ask if you want to hear the story

make complaints about the summer.

"Well, although we have always worshipped the stone of killing animals, the Lord of the previous generation felt that it was a shrine named after emperor bird feather, but only a stone was worshipped. Isn't it too pitiful? At that time, the shrine also kept the information about yuzao, so the LORD God decided to sacrifice yuzao front like the shashengshi. " What xuenai said seems to be nothing to ordinary people, but from the shrine itself, this is really a great proposal.

"Well It seems that it can be really... "

Senxia suddenly felt that there was no problem in this way.

At this time, senxia almost gave up treatment.

After hearing xuenai talk about the history of the bird feather shrine, senxia found that this place is really so unruly.

From the casual point of view of the previous God, the future God will also have no integrity, which is a certain thing.

FIE, FIE, FIE, my snow is not so unruly!

Sonia shook her head.

"Brother, don't you agree?" The snow is crooked.

"Yes! Yes, of course! What's more, it's not a very interesting thing to offer sacrifices to a hand of equal size. "

Senxia was suddenly on fire.

If all the shrines in Japan offer such wonderful secondary sprouts, Mori thinks that the Japanese may be saved.

Treatment can't save the Japanese, but Meng can.

"Not by hand!" Xuenai glared at Sen Xia and said, "it's the golden body in front of the great jade algae!"

“…… If I remember correctly, the emperor bird feather was lured in front of yuzao, and he was killed by the LORD a Qingming, and the remains turned into a killing stone? "

Renai whispered to the next to hulixiang.

The story in front of yuzao is very familiar to Japanese. It is like watching Hou Yi shoot the sun or Chang'e go to the moon.

Lin Nai's doubts were also heard by senxia.

"KUKUKU, you're wrong, lenai sauce," senxia said with a smile.

"Ah?" Reinai looked at Sen Xia in surprise, and didn't know whether it was because of Sen Xia's words that she was surprised, or because she suddenly sent out a smile of the second disease.

"In fact, you are all wrong. In fact, the jade algae that we worship is not the Nine Tailed Fox, but the God of Tianzhao Dameng No, it's the emperor of heaven. " Senxia's expression and language are very similar to Lily.

But I don't know why, the tone of senxia's speech Why do people want to beat him up?

Well, even after Lily saw senxia's expression and heard him speak, she wanted to beat him up.

"Senxia Jun, Jiuwei Fox and Tianzhao are not the same thing, do they?" Nini and Mitt are both foreigners, but even so, they know something."It's not the same. In fact, all the myths you know have undergone evolution and artistic processing according to the earliest rumors and cultural composition. But the earliest prototype of the story is not like this

Although we are familiar with myths, there are still many textual research places.

For example, it has been verified that Hou Yi, who shot the sun, and Hou Yi, Chang'e's husband, are actually two people. There are many changes in the story about yuzao.

"There are folk rumors about yuzaoqian. Most of them say that yuzaoqian is a" Nine Tailed Fox. "But among those who study Japanese culture, some people know that the" zaonu "incarnated by yuzaoqian was not the so-called Jiuwei fox, but a wolf No, to be more accurate, it's actually the "wild stem" in the Buddhist scriptures Senxia began to crush the crowd with her rich knowledge.

"The so-called yegan came from Baiyujing, which was compiled by ancient India, or ancient Tianzhu sanghasna, and was later translated in the northern and Southern Dynasties of a large Eastern country. In fact, the word "yegan" as it is known in Japan comes from the book "the sound and meaning of all sutras" written by Shi Xuanying during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty. With master Jianzhen's eastward voyage to Japan, this knowledge began to spread. The wild man, the Sanskrit word "sikala.". It is green and yellow in shape and color, like a dog's walking, singing at night and sounding like a wolf. The word "Shegan" refers to a kind of creature that looks like a fox but is smaller than a fox. It can be called Buddha Dharma. "

"So, what's the relationship between Jiuwei Fox and yegan? Is it true that yuzao and Tianzhao have nothing to do with each other? " Qianjia tilted her head. She was very interested in Sen Xia's statement, but Sen Xia didn't seem to have made any point here, at least we didn't understand it.

Yegan is related to yuzao. What is it?

"Don't worry. Listen to me." Senxia rubbed her itchy nose, and then continued, "you probably don't know that yegan used to refer to the existence of" Fox Fairy "in the Central Plains area. After the meaning and historical evolution, yegan can also be used to refer to the wolf. According to legend, the white morning fox king Zhipu sada chingtian's mount is a jackal, but Japan does not have a jackal, only to "Fox" as a replacement. And the tea Guinness day itself is the white morning fox king, also is the fox fairy. Therefore, the actual prototype before yuzao is actually a tea Guinness day. "

"Tea chingtian Tea chingtian Wait a minute, brother. Isn't tanjitian just rice lotus? " The snow was startled.

In Japan, tea chingtian refers to the great God of rice lotus. When Mori talks about it, does it have something to do with rice lotus before yuzao?

"It's true that the" Fox "or" nogan "in Japan is the emissary of tea chingtian, and tanjitian has also incarnated as" Fox ". Therefore, rice lotus God generally refers to tea Guinness day. As far as textual research is concerned, tajijitian is transliterated from Sanskrit, while the free translation is "Kongxing mother", which is born in pure land. If we continue to trace back, we can see that the kongxingmu has three bodies, such as "all born", "Chasheng" and "Yisheng". In retrospect, our words of Daohe should be the evolution of the "all born Buddha mother", and there is a saying of "three bodies in the air." Senxia explained, "the God of rice lotus itself is the spirit of rice, that is, the soul of Yujia."

When it comes to the knowledge of Buddhist scriptures, others are confused. Fortunately, Mori turned his head and went back to Japanese mythology. Finally, we followed Mori's steps.

But how could senxia give up this nonsense No, it's an opportunity for textual research? At this time, he said: "another part of yuzao's history is the" Nine Tailed Fox ". The origin of the Nine Tailed Fox is divided into two parts. One is the legend of the Nine Tailed Fox in India, and the other is from the book of mountains and seas. The Nine Tailed Fox itself belongs to one of the top ten divine beasts, and even earlier, it existed as a belief totem of primitive religion, which itself belongs to the map of ancient times Teng and the patron saint Well, of course, we will not investigate the Nine Tailed Fox, and there is no problem in continuing to talk about it, but we are out of touch with the theme. "

Sonchard paused and then returned to the subject.

At this time, all the people are looking at Sen Xia, want to listen to Sen Xia continue.

"Before going back, the prototype of yuzaoqian was explained in the grass of yuzao collected by the hospital of Fukushima county. The Daohe belief itself also originated from the Sun God belief. The fox God belief and the Sun God belief are actually consistent. That is to say, the original type of yuzaoqian is Daohe, which has a basis to follow. The primitive belief in the sun god is also related to the belief in the Tathagata. In Japan, through the myth of fireworks, they changed their myth according to the myth of Tathagata. The great God of Tianzhao is the hanging trace of Tathagata, that is, the incarnation of foreign Buddhism in Japan to save the world, and the Kongxing mother itself is also regarded as the God of Buddha fruit, that is, karma, which is arrived by the Tathagata through practice. From this point of view, Daohe can be regarded as the imperial soul of Tianzhao, in other words, yuzaoqian itself is an incarnation of Tianzhao. Well, there are a lot of relevant materials in Japan. You can check them. "

The view that the Mahayana Tathagata is the great God of heaven has always existed in Japanese textual research.

"In addition, there are also followers in Japan who are regarded as the incarnation of snow mountain goddess, and the" big black sky "is also regarded as the angry appearance when the Tathagata subdues the demons. From this point of view, it is found that both the Tathagata and the Tathagata are related." Mori continued to add, "and dongmi, on the Japanese side, also believes that the golden gangland is related to tajini, the true language of the Tathagata in the Tibetan realm, and that the golden gangland and the Tibetan realm are two sides of the same body of the Tathagata Well, this in-depth explanation is too complicated. Although I know a little bit about Buddhist knowledge, it is mainly for information. I can't remember much more information. ""Simply put, yuzao is the trinity of the true gods of the Mahayana Tathagata, the great God of Tianzhao and the tanjintian..."

Qian Jia got it.

"Yes, that's it." "Of course, in addition to the fact that yuzao is a trinity Sun God, the other aspect is yuzaoqian, who is a Nine Tailed Fox. From this perspective, it traces back to the ancestor worship, matriarchal society and the belief in" all things have spirit "in ancient times of a large Eastern country

This day is actually more complicated, and there is no trinity of the sun god to shock, so senxia did not say. Strictly speaking, if it is from the Jiuwei fox side of the word, in fact, can appear more material things.


However, at this time, everyone is staring at Sen Xia, obviously want to hear Sen Xia finish the story.

"There are so many of them, which can be divided into two aspects. One can be traced back to the three demons of Xuanyuan tomb. The other, as I just said, can be traced back to the totem worship of Qingqiu tribe in ancient times, while the totem worship of Jiuwei fox is related to ancestor worship, matriarchal society and animism. Since I have limited knowledge, I have reached my limit from textual research to this stage. The above information is from my textual research and reference materials. There is no duplication and pasting. There may be omissions. Don't blame ovo.

I'm tired of textual research

Orz (to be continued. )

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